A Deal.

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Wow thank you for the almost 700 reads! And 30 votes it means a lot! (: Enjoy another update.

Iris's P.O.V:

It's been a full week since I've been locked in Kaydon's room, the only way I went outside was with Kaydon and we were surrounded by 5 guards. It's also been a week since my wolf has said anything to me. 

Every time I try to reach her she put's a steel wall up, I know she blames me for this but I couldn't stop it. I was currently wrapped in sheets staring at the dark wall as a knock came from the door. 

I ignored it as I Kaydon came in, I felt the bed dip as he let out a sigh I could feel his eyes on me as he suddenly spoke. "Lucky news for you" he said in a sly tone.

Raising an eyebrow I sat up, my hair flying everywhere as I stared at him for he could continue. "I made a deal with your lover" he spat coldly. "He traded half his land for you, meaning your coming with me to sign the deal and then you can go home to your pathetic lover." he said smirking.

My eyes flickered as he told me about this, I would see Asher today! "R-Really?" I said with a weak smile as he simply nodded. "Be ready by 3" he said as he walked out the door.

I stood up looking at the clock, it read 1:00. I hopped into the shower knowing I needed to look good for when I would see Asher again! After taking a long shower I dried myself and picked out ripped light blue jeans with a black and white elephant trible shirt and slipepd on white flats. 

I then went into the bathroom to do my hair, I styled my light brown hair into curls and did a basic layer of make up as I waited for three to roll by. Kaydon came back up dressed in black slacks and a light blue button down shirt. Glaring at him he said it was time as I more than ready rushed down stairs and towards the limo.

I hopped in waiting for Kaydon to get into the car, a few mintues later he came in watching me closely. "Eager aren't we?" he said sarcastically as I shot him a deadly glare. The drive there was suspenseful as I bounced up and down on the seat waiting.

Finally the familiar pathway in the woods hit me as we passef through it, I could see Asher waiting outside with Jenna and Gordon. Before the limo could make a complete stop I opened the car door but was roughly grabbed by Kaydon who got me back in.

"Aftyer I sign your free" he said in a dark menacing tone as I glared at him simply nodding once. He got out of the car and opened my door as Asher's eyes locked into mines showing relief, worry and anger. Anyone could see that he was killing Kaydon in his dead a million times.

They shook hands, tension was thick in the air as they spoke. "Asher" Kaydon said coldly as Asher shot back with venom in his voice. "Kaydon." I wanted to run into Asher but Kaydon had a steady hold onto my arm as I Jenna looked at me.

Asher then lead us into the conference room, they talked for what seemed like hours. I was fiddling with my hands as I brushed off what they were talking about I just wanted Kaydon to sign the stupid paper for I could never see his face again.

"Your only getting RiverBrook to OakMeadows" Asher spoke with such a firm tone as Kaydon countered. "RiverBrook to DeerCreek" Kaydon said standing his ground as Asher shook his head. "No." Kaydon glared at Asher as Asher held his glare.

I dug my nails into each other bitting my lip as I continued watching. "DeerCreek is off limits and you know it." Asher spat as Kaydon made a tsking sound. "Well maybe you could just dig up your father's body and mother's and move it to another side." Asher slammed his fists onto the table causing everyone to jump up a little.

"No Kaydon take the offer for RiverBrook to OakMeadows and that's final." Asher hissed as Kaydon shook his head. "Your in no position to made a deal Asher, I can get up and take Iris with me." he said in a sick cold tone as Asher's jaw clenched at the mention of my name.

"I'm not budging" Asher spat. "Take the deal because I swear to you Kaydon I will kill you right here like I did to your pathetic father" Asher roared as Kaydon stood up making everyone stand up including me. "Let me talk to Iris first" He said with a sick smile. "No" Asher hissed as I looked at him tyring to reassure him.

"It's okay Asher just for a second" I said my voice tembling from the lack of contact we have had. Nodding Kaydon lead the way outside as I glared at him. "What do you want Kaydon just sign the fucken deal!" I yelled with anger. "I will honey but I just wanted to tell you something before I leave" he said with a quite tone wich was alarming.

"Just because I am signing this deal do not mean this is over" he said with a evil smirk. "Oh no Iris" he said taking a step towards me as I stepped back. "I will stop once your dead, just remember that when I come back stronger" he said before walking back inside.

My heart started to race as I heared his words, they were filled with promise and venom it made my skin crawl as I walked back in just in time to see Asher signing and then Kaydon. Kaydon shoved past me taking his wolves.

Time froze as I stared into Asher's dark blue eyes, "Everyone leave" he said in a low whisper as everyone scurried off.  My heart started to pound as he started walking slowly towards me. Not taking it any longer I closed the gap inbetween us as he grabbed me into a tight hug inhaling my scent.

"God I missed you" he said huskily as I wrapped my arms around him squeezing him my eyes starting to get watery. I pulled back as a tear slide down my cheek as he wiped it away. "It's okay, I'm here" he said as he put his forehead to mines. "And I am never letting you go.. ever" he said as he closed his eyes.

We stood like that which felt like forever, he pulled back flashing me a sorrowful smile. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you Iris" he said as he pressed my back to his chest and held me. My heart was still beating as I turned to look at him.

I caresses his cheek shaking my head. "It's okay it's all in the past what matters now it's that were together now" he nodded as he planted a kiss on my lips. I deepened the kiss boldly as he pushed me agains the wall. His kiss was demanding and longing as I matched his pace. I pulled back my body hot and my cheeks flushed with my breath panting.

He smiled at me as he grabbed me hand. "C'mon" Jenna's dying to see you" he said as he lead me out. Jenna was on the couch biting her nails. Her green eyes flickered to me as she leaped out of the couch and nearly shoved Gordon down as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Omg I missed you so much I am so sorry!" she said as she pulled back her eyes getting watery."I-I went to get a drink a-and when I-I looked back y-you were g-g-one" she said almost breaking down as I grabbed her soothing her. "Hey no it's okay Jenna it's okay it's not your fault everythings fine" I said as she squeezed me before smiling at me.

"You must be tired." Asher spoke in a gentle tone as I nodded. He lead me upstairs as I changed into shortd and a shirt. Sighing I got into the bed, I felt Asher's arm grip me as he pulled me back.

'Home' my wolf said as I smiled mentally. 'Home' I spoke back to her.

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