• 4 • Strike Me Down

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"March 12th, 1922, I blacked out for days, I wake up in a strangers blood...places I don't recognize with women I don't remember...I feel alive again" Stefan finished.

You know when he woke up yesterday I was actually hoping for a hug, but some witch has stuck him with no memory. No memory, meaning he doesn't even remember me or Damon let alone himself. Which has landed me in the backseat of Damon's car listening to Stefan read aloud his journals.

It did worry me that Damon knew almost all of the journals word for word.

"Anything?" I questioned as Stefan threw the second journal on the dashboard.

"Nope, I have no idea who I am, no idea who you are, I am only two journals in, and are these supposed to fill me up?" He asked holding up a blood bag.

Oh...the smell. It would feel real good just to rip the delicate plastic into pieces and devour every last drop of blood. I started to over think the dry sensation my throat has been feeling the past few days. When was the last time I fed? I am pretty sure it was two days ago, or maybe last night?

Maybe I should make a schedule.

"This is too much to process, sorry" Stefan began to roll down the window.

Was he going to throw the blood bag out?

Damon quickly snatched at his wrist, almost forcing Stefan to roll the window back up. How could he resist it? I wasn't as close to the bag and the smell just made my nostrils flare, and before I knew it Damon tossed the bag to the backseat.

He did that on purpose.

"You're a vampire not a caveman" Damon grinned, setting his eyes back to the road.

"So let me get this straight I helped you steal this car, I found out I was a vampire who killed his own father, and yet...I don't liter" Stefan sassed.

Well this is slowly turning into an awkward car ride. I don't even know where Damon was driving to, I am sure we just drove around the boarders of Mystic Falls until something sparked in Stefan's mind.

"And you left us why?" Stefan practically demanded an answer glancing back at me.

Damon couldn't help but slap an extra cheeky grin on his face. This is probably boosting his ego to a whole new level of obnoxiousness.

"Please litte brother allow me" Damon insisted as I was at a loss for words.

"Stefan, our baby brother here decided to try out the perks that came with being a vampire and one of which was the pesky humanity switch which led him to killing two full towns, and not to mention his own best friend...sad story actually someone should make a Lifetime movie out of it" Damon finished.

My breathing started to get heavy, and there went my temper. Why does Damon manage to take the perfect stab at every single one of my nerves? Yup this car ride has officially turned awkward. Come on I made mistakes, but I can't take them back...and now I am overthinking.

"I am pretty sure you remember Stefan it's just you had your memory erased by a 2000 year old witch" Damon added.

"Yeah well I bet that 2000 year old witch drives a little faster than you" Stefan sassed again.

Was he defending me?

"Wait let me guess...fun brother" Stefan pointed to himself.

"Misunderstood brother" He gestured to me.

"And safe brother" He smirked at Damon.

Well this definitely made me feel a little better, well a lot better actually. That cheeky grin Damon practically invented was wiped from his face, as soon as Stefan said the word "safe". It was as if that word was a keyword to slam his foot on the gas pedal.

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