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Y/ns pov

I was finally home after a long day school I walked through the door and saw my dad and three other hunter stood there looking really angry. I looked at them confused "what's you problem" I asked.

"Y/n argent your a traitor to argent name talking and interacting with Derek Hale at school and let him go free you either get gone tonight or we kill you slowly and painful it's your choice" a hunter said and I scoffed.

"Are you kidding me your saying I have to Leave just because I talked to a werewolf, Allison's boyfriend is a werewolf she doesn't get forced to leave this is stupid"I said and went up stair be packed clothes weapons and some other bits. There was knock on my door and then it opened and dad walked in I sighed and looked at him.

"Y/n look I'm sorry" he said and I sighed. I walked over to my desk and packed a few more things. "Will you say something, please" he said and I turned to him.

"What do you want me to say dad, your  kicking me out for talking to a werewolf and what's next you kill me for touching a werewolf you know what I am happy leaving at least then I can make my own future and live my own life without being bossed aroun I'm not anyone's weapon" i said I grabbed my two bags and left.

I got my phone and rang Derek off it. "Hey y/n Im guessing it's you, what's up" he asked

"Derek I have been kicked out my house just because I was talking to you I need your help can I maybe stay with you until I find my own place" I said and waited for a reply.

"Yeah you can it's my fault that your in this position anyways but if you bring any weapons can I know about them" he asked

"Yeah I will show you all my weapons and thanks a lot for this" I said

" No problem y/n just meet me outside the old play ground" he said

"Ok will see you in a few minutes" I said a ended the phone call n walked to the old play ground. I sat on the bench waiting for Derek I saw his black car driving down now he stopped and brought down him window.

"Hey y/n put your things in the back and you can come sit next to me" he said and I nodded.  I walked to the back and placed my things in and shut the door then I walked over to the front of the car and got in. "So what happened" he asked and I sighed.

"Well I can home from school and there was two hunter and my dad stood there they told me that either I have to leave or I will be killed all because I talked to a werewolf and yet my sister dating one and they don't care its annoying, I went upstairs and packed everything my dad came up to try and explain but I didn't want to hear it I left and called you and here we are" I said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry I got you into all of this I should of talked to you n a more private place" he said and I sighed.

"No Derek it's fine now I know how my family thinks of me all they see me as is a weapon and I'm not that weapon" I said and Derek nodded.

"You must of had a hard life" he said and I nodded and looked at him he glanced at me the looked back at the road.

"Yeah it was I never had a child hood first born I was raised as a warrior and when my sister was born I got thrown to the side she was everything my parents wanted they raised her as a normal child" I said and he nodded.

"When I was 11 your auntie Kate set a light to my house and killed all my family except peter" Derek said and I sighed I never really liked Kate anyways.

"I'm sorry I don't like Kate she's to much for me I was kind of happy that's she's dead now she will do less harm now that she is" I said and Derek nodded.

"Yeah makes sense, when we get to my loft peter might be there just to warn you" he said I looked at him and sighed. "What wrong" he asked.

"Peter scratched all my side and now its scared I'm just glad it wasn't deep enough to turn me it would be cool to be a werewolf but with a family like mine I would be dead in minutes" I said and Derek nodded.

"Makes sense I promise I won't let peter attack you and I trust you not to attack any of us" Derek said and I nodded.

"You have my word" I said and we pulled up out side of Derek's loft I got out and shoot the door then walked over and got my things. I walked back to the front of the car and Derek smiled. We walked into the loft. He opened the big metal door and saw peter he looked up and growled. "Hey Dickhead" I said an he rolled his eyes.

"Hey hunter" he spat and walked over to me "so what are you doing here there's no place for a hunter here" peter said and I sighed.

"I brought her here I first her I don't know why I just do and if you have a problem with it then you can take it out with me" he said and peter rolled his eyes and backed off and went up the twisted stairs. "I'm sorry about peter he's always like that with everyone" Derek said

"Its fine I have had a few run ins with peter before that's why we have nicknames for each other" I said and Derek smirked. "What" I asked and he shook his head and walked towards the kitchen.

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