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Y/ns POV

I had just got back from a long hunt and dad was waiting for me at the kitchen table. "Morning y/n, you know even hunters need sleep" he said looking up from his paper.

"Dad I'm fine I'm used to this by day a normal person and by night I'm a hunter, trust me dad I have tried sleeping I can't I lay wake thinking of how someone could get hurt because I'm not out there, its my responsibly" I said and dad sighed.

"I know but I do get worried about you, yes I know your our best hunter but still its dangerous" he said and I rolled my eyes and left I don't understand he never gave a crap about me before I became a hunter and yet Allison gets all the attention and she doesn't even know about werewolves and that she dating one.

I walked into my room and took my gear off and got changed ready to go to school. I grabbed some clothes and my bag. I walked over to the box under my bed and pulled it out. I grabbed a small hand gun and some wolf bane bullets and placed them into my bag then grabbed my favourite pocket knife and placed it in my boots.

(Your outfit)

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(Your outfit)

I got everything I needed and walked down stairs. I passed my mum and she glared at me and I glared back a and said bye to my dad and left. My mum doesn't like me and I have no idea why I think its because I'm better then her or maybe she just doesn't lie me. I dot on my motor bike and went to school. I pulled up and met my two best friends Izzy and Josh.

"Yo girl your looking good" Josh smirked and I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm "geezs girl chill" he sighed rubbing his arm and I smirked.

"Oh look here comes the dorks" said Izzy . Stiles and Scott got out of the Jeep and walked over to us and I sighed. I walked over to them signaling for Josh and Izzy to stay where they are.

"Y/n what the hell was you doing last night" Scott said looking really pissed. I rolled my eyes and stiles glared at me.

"Scott you should take more care of your beta liam almost killed someone and its my responsibly to make sure that doesn't happy you know the code, hunt those who hunt us and liam wasn't following the rules next time he tries it I will put more then just a bullet in his leg, I will put him down for good, now if you don't mind I have to go to class" I said and turned on my heal and walked away.

"What's her problem" stiles said to Scott and I smirked.

~time skip~

I was sat in class being bored as hell, so I decided to draw the class was that boring its really now my fault. I was half way through my picture when there was bang on my desk I looked up and saw the teacher looking at me I shrugged it off and continued drawing. "Miss argent what do you think your doing" asked the teacher.

"Sir I believe its called drawing see" I said showing him my drawing and I heard sniggers from around the room. I new what was going to happen next so I grabbed my things and left I really wasn in the mood today. I walked down the corridor an saw Isaac we used to be best friends but now he's a werewolf and he hates me cause I am a hunter.

I walked out side as sat on the bench sometimes I hate being a hunter I maybe the best one but I hate it I would much rather be a werewolf of at least friends with one but if my kin found out about Isaac they could kill him on the spot so I do what I can to hide and take car o him, he may hate me but I still care for him. I was drawing in my book when I heard a car door shut I looked up and saw what looks like Derek Hale walking over to me.

I quickly when for the knife in my boot but he put his hands up telling me e won't hurt me or anyone else I nodded telling him he's safe. He walked over and sat opposite me I looked a him and didn't say a word waiting for him to say something. "Your y/n right I would like o thank you or protecting my beta I also know if out kin found out you would be killed on the stop" he said and I looked up.

"I follow the code unlike most hunters o anymore ever since Kate died he hunters have gone savage killing every supernatural in sigh but personally I don't agree some supernaturals can't help in o example to was born like this you innocent but if you choose to make the wrong choice when your older then we have to hunt you down we either give you a chance o stop or we put a bullet in your head" I said and he nodded

"Y/n I wish all hunters was like you less supernaturals woul die at the of hunters it just why be a hunter I can tell you hate it but yet you still do it" said Derek and I sighed.

"It's true I hate hunting but I have no other choice I'm an aren't and the best hunter there is and also my younger sister Allison doesn't know what we are so I have to lead the hunters which I also don want to do I reather b hunter then the hunter" I said and Derek nodded.

He got one of my pens and my note book an wrote something down. "Here's my phone number if you need anything at all call me and no I'm not usually like this you just seem different to me, I will see you around y/n" Derek said and left I looked at his number as similed. I put my book in my bag and want back to class.

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