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Y/ns POV

I woke up and looked around the room, I was on my old bed room I got out of bed and tried the door but it was locked, I sighed and walked over to the window someone had placed bars on my window. I hit the window in frustration, I walked over to my bed and pulled out a heavy metal box from under. I opened the lid and saw my best guns. I let out a sigh of relief then pushed it back under, I got up and sat on my bed half my room was empty.

I heard footsteps and my door unlock I looked towards it and saw Gerard I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed. "Look how much you grown and how strong you became you was the best hunter we had until you betrayed us" Gerard said and I looked at him.

"I didn't do anything I talked to Derek and he came over to me I pointed a knife at him he surrendered he didn't attack anyone he can to sit down and we talked then he left that's it that's the first time I met him except the time when dad attacked Scott but I didn't really meet him" I said and Gerard smirked.

"You know what I don't like about you is that you always follow the rules and you never once think about breaking them, your such a good girl y/n and even when we threw you out you go straight back to the werewolf" Gerard said and that made my blood boil.

"Derek isn't just some nor cal werewolf he took me in when I had nothing I may have only known him for a few days but that's the happiest few days of my life. All I have ever known is to hunt and kill I never got a child hood but when I'm with Derek I can do what I want to do and live a semi normal life and be happy" I shouted and Gerard laughed.

"Looks like you like Derek a lot may even love him, I'm going to make your life a living hell I'm going to make you suffer, I'm going to hurt you and when Derek comes to save you I will kill him slowly and painful and I will make you watch and once he is dead I'm going to kill you" Gerard said and walked over to a box that was on my empty deck.

He pulled out a syringe and walked over to me I pulled out a knife and he walked out the room. Few seconds later he came back with too guards they held me in place on my bed I struggled but they was too strong I felt a burning sensation flow all over my body and it hurt a lot. Gerard then tied me to the bed as left I screamed and cried the pain was overwhelming and it didn't get any better.

Derek's POV

I was pacing trying to figure out how to get y/n back when I felt a strange painful sensation all around my body I put my hands on the table to steady myself "Derek what's wrong" asked peter rushing to my side.

"Its y/n she's hurt we need to help her now I can feel some of her pain and if this is some she must be going through a lot we need to save her" I said

"Derek this maybe a trap we can't just brake into the argents house get y/n and walk back out again we need a plan at least call Scott and his pack he will help you" peter said and I turned to him.

"They won't save y/n they see her as there eniemie since she was a hunter but she followed the code and saved a lot of human lives doing so and I respect that" I said and turned to peter and he sighed.

"What happened to the Derek that hated every hunter and wanted them to die" asked peter.

"Once I found out that one of them is my mate and knowing she suffering just for talking to me I feel like this is my fault and I have to fix it" I said

"Fair enough while your out I will be planing you funeral" peter said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I rolled my eyes and ran up stairs to get ready to save my mate from the horrible hunters.

Y/ns POV

The pain hasn't stopped and the burning keeps getting worse I can handle this much longer a hunter came in and picked up another syringe and walked toward me. "Please no don't do this" I cried and the hunter put it in my neck and left without saying a word. Pain shot through my whole body and I screamed. I don't know how much more I could take if someone was coming then please hurry up. Another shock went through me and everything went black.

Derek's POV

I finished getting everything ready and just set off I can't stand knowing that y/n is out there suffering and its my fault. I shouldn't have gone to talk to her this would of never happened. I felt another wave of burning and I growled what ever y/n is going through I need to find her fast and put an end to this she doesn't deserve this no one does. I will find who ever did this and kill them myself.

Peters POV

Derek had left a few minutes ago so I decided to ring Scott. He picked up "hey peter what's up you don't normally call me unless its an emergency" Scott said and I sighed I cant believe I'm going this.

"Y/n was kidnapped by the hunters just after you left with your pack and we also found out that y/n and Derek are mates so Derek can feel everything y/n is going through and its bad he's on his way to the Argents now without a plan I was hoping you and your pack would come and help out" I sad.

"Yeah peter we will just give me a few minutes and we will meet you outside the Argent's in 30 minutes" Scott said and ended the phone was has Derek go himself into now.

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