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I have finished unpacking all my things and walked down the stairs. I walked into the living room and saw peter sat there with his legs on the table. I looked around and couldn't find Derek anywhere. "Where's Derek" I asked and peter looked at me.

"He went out, all he said is he needed to get something" peter said and I nodded and grabbed my bag and started to leave. "And where do you think your going" he said and I turned around and looked at him.

"Out" I said and he sighed and walked over to me and got right in my face. I backed off a little I may trust Derek but I don't trust peter not one bit after what he did when he was alpha. "Peter back off" I said and he smirked.

"Why I thought you was there best hinter and yet your scared of me" said peter and I scoffed/ I walked closer and got a knife out my inside pocket and held it to his neck. "Noe that's what I'm talking about" he chuckled.

"You know peter I do have anger issues and trust me on this you don't want to see me angry" I smirked and he chuckled he tried to move but I dug the blade into his neck not enough to pierce the skin. He smirked and moved the knife away from his back with his fingers.

"You know y/n when I was alpha I should of turned you, you would of made an amazing werewolf. You would of been strong, smart, fast an incredible werewolf" peter chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

" I would also be dead if you wouldn't have noticed my family are the argent and if I was to turn they would have killed me on the spot, they nearly did you know because of you that huge scratch you did across my abdomen they thought it would turn me, but thankfully it didn't" I said and peter laughed.

"I'm not going to apologise for that you deserve it you tired to kill me so I left you a mark, a warning to tell you and everyone else what happens when you try to kill peter hale" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You know you act all hard but I could kill you in the matter of seconds. I shoot a bullet through your brain and there's no coming back this time hale" I smirked and he rolled his eyes. I heard footsteps and I held my knife in my hand the door opened and I threw it at who ever opened it.

When I looked at who it was Derek was stuck to the wall with my knife pinning him. "Easy y/n its just me" he said and I ran over to him and pulled out the knife.

"Sorry about that Derek I didn't mean for that to happen" I said and Derek nodded and I walked to the sofa and sat down Derek walked over and sat next to me and peter sat opposite us.

"Scott and his packs coming round tonight said it was urgent something about a new pack in beacon hills" Derek said and I sighed great now I have to surrounded by more supernatural beings and they are all going o hate me cause I'm the hunter.

"Don't worry y/n I won't let anyone harm you" Derek said and I saw peter roll his eyes me and Derek glared at him.

"That's not what I'm worried about Derek I'm a hunter I'm supposed to hunter the supernatural and now there coming here I doubt that there going to even trust me let alone look at me" I said.

"I get that but they will learn to get used to you this is your new home after all" Derek said and I smiled.

"Thanks Derek I don't understand we only met a few days ago but its like I known you for years and we trust each other like we are the best of friends it odd" I said and he nodded.

"Maybe cause you to are mates" peter whispered and we both looked at him.

"What, what do you mean nates that's impossible" said Derek and I nodded in agreement.

"Its not Derek, y/n is your mate I could tell when I first saw her your so much alike perfect for each other that's why you can trust each other and that's why its like you known each other for years its because your meant to be together" said peter and I looked at him shocked and so did Derek.

"That makes a little sense but if we are mates can we a least take things slowly I want to get to know you a little more before we you know" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah me too its a lot to take in that's we are mates to be honest its rare for a werewolf to find there mate but I heard that once you do its the best thing in the world" Derek said and I looked at peter and he nodded agreeing with Derek.

"Wow well that explains a lot but I'm just worried about Scott coming round" I said and Derek put his and on mine and tingles shot up my arm I smiled.

"Don't worry nothings doing to happen and if it does then I will sort it out, I have a feeling that Isaacs going to say something though it is Isaac" Derek said and I laughed.

"He used to be my best friend before he found out i was a hunter then he kind of never talked to me since, it upset me but I'm OK now maybe we can be friends again" I said and Derek nodded.

"I never knew you guys new each other if I knew before then I would of told him to not ignore you" Derek said and I chuckled.

"Don't worry about it Derek you couldn't of known" i said and the rest of the afternoon me and Derek just talked and got to know each other better.

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