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Y/ns POV

I have been here for about a day and a half and the pain isn't getting any better I just never thought that the hunters would do this to me I always saw them as brother and then they treat me like I'm nothing to them I hate it. The door opened and my dad came in I sighed and faced the opposite direction. "Look y/n I hate hearing you screaming in pain but once you tell is where peter is it we will stop" he said and I shook my head I was to exhausted to talk. "Y/n peter almost killed you I don't understand why you won't tell us where he is" dad said.

"Cause yes maybe he did try to kill but that's because I threatened him and what do we do when we are threatened we attack and anyway he doesn't deserve to die you do though there's a code but you all choose to ignore it" I spat and he sighed and walked away.
Derek POV

I was outside of the Argents and I could tell y/n was in her bedroom. I saw stiles Jeep pull up and I looked at it confused then peter got out I ran over to him. "What are you doing here" I asked and everyone looked at me.

"We are going to save y/n you know and we also thought that a Dead Derek wouldn't be as good as an alive Derek and I am beginning to like y/n" peter said and I smiled.

"And what about you guys what made you guys help" I asked and Scott came over.

"Derek yes maybe y/n has hurt us in the past but that's because she thought we was going to harm people and also she was our friend before we became werewolves and other things, and we can't let her die she's your mate" Scott said and I glared at peter.

"OK so what the plan" I asked and looked at them.

"OK so stiles is going to knock on the door and destract so e hunters then Scott going to go into Allison's room and keep her quiet then the others are going to keep watching and me and you are going to pull the metal bars off y/ns window free her then take her back home we have found a safe house for all of us to stay in so the hunter don't know where was are" peter said and I nodded.

"Not bad OK let's go" I said and me and peter walked to the window and I got some chains put my bag that I packed and jumped up and rapped the around and tied them. I jumped back down and peter grabbed the chain and we pulled the bars they started to come out the wall we pulled harder and it came off. I quickly jumped it and broke the window. I walked into her room and saw y/n laid on her bed. I waked over to her and she looked like she's been through hell. She has dark circle around her eyes and her lips are dry and chapped. I touched her and she was boiling.

I picked her up and took her to the window, the door opened and I saw Gerard standing there I jumped out the window before he could try anything I signaled Isaac to tell the others I got her and we all rand back to our cars. I put y/n in the back, then me and Peter got in front. I quickly drived away with Stiles and the others not to far behind.

We finally made it to the edge if the forest with out anyone following us. I got out the car to check on y/n, she was still passed out but at least she's now with the hunter. I picked her up and walked through the woods with the others following me I looked back and saw them I nodded.

We finally made it and placed y/n down on the sofa. "Do you think she's going to be OK" asked stiles and I looked at him.

"Honestly I'm not sure she's been through hell she need to rest, Scott can you call Deaton he might know what to do" I said and Scott nodded and went of to call Deaton.

"I feel bad all y/n did was be there for me and help me but I hated her because she was a hunter, now i know that i shouldn't of pushed her away" Isaac sighed.

"You can fix this Isaac, when y/n wakes up" I said and he nodded.

"Thanks Derek but does y/n really want to talk to me" Isaac asked.
"Isaac y/n was heart broken when you didn't want to talk to her but when she finds out that you do the she will be over joyed. I know she will I'm her after all" I smiled. I walked over to y/n and laid her head in my lap and played with her hair.

Peter came back with all the bags "thanks for the help guys" he said with sarcasm in his voice I rolled my eyes and focused back on y/n and want to be there when she wakes up. Who knows what she going to be like when she wakes up probably scared. I continued to play with her hair.

"So when do you with she will wake up" asked peter and I looked up at him.

"Not sure but it sounds like you worried about y/n" I said and he walked off without saying a word I sighed.

"Don't worry Derek I'm sure she will be fine" Lydia said and I nodded.

"I know she will be I may of only met her a few days ago but I know that's she's a strong person and she will keep fighting for all of us cause she cares about us" I said and looked back on y/n.

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