Scott's pack

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Y/ns POV

I was laid across the sofa while peter and Derek was in the kitchen talking about mW most likely its nice that I get to relax and my house it was school, hunt, eat repeat but now I can lay here and nobody cares. The door opened and I shot up I looked towards it Scott and stiles walked in.

"Oh great what she doing here" stiles said and I glared at him I heard Derek and peter walk back into the the room and Derek sat next to me and peter opposite me.

"Y/n is living here now and is no longer a hunter" Derek said and looked at me "can I tell them" he whispered in my ear and I nodded. "So I bumped into y/n at your school and started talking to her and when she got home the hunters didn't like it cause she didn't kill me she was forced to leave and I'd she didn't they would have killed her" Derek said and Scott nodded but stiles looked confused.

"So you let her stay with you even though you met her a few days ago why" stiles asked looking confused.

"Because it felt right I trust her not to kill anyone, yes she still carriers weapons but that's because she's well known and if a rogue wolf decided to attack her she can defend herself" Derek said and stiles just shrugged and sat next to peter. Peter got up and sat on the stairs. Half an hour later the pack was here but Isaac was still missing.

He finally came and when he saw me he glared "what's she doing here" he spat and I sighed why does he hate me I have never done anything to him ever he's friends with Allison but hates me.

"Calm down Isaac she not going to do anything she's living here the hunters kicked her out for talking to me so I was in a good mood and let her stay she not going to hurt any of us and anyway she has her own code, she doesn't hurt anyone unless they they kill innocent people" Derek said and Isaac sighed and sat down.

We was talking about the new pack when my phone started to go off I took it and looked at it, my dad was calling Derek looked at me and I sighed. "Its my dad I'm going to answer I won't be long" I said and he nodded I walked up the stair since peter moved. I answered it. "What" I said.

"Y/n we need you here now there's been attacking all over the city and your our best hunter, we need you please" dad said and I sighed.

"No I'm not a hunter anymore you wanted me gone and I'm gone and now all you want me for is to be your weapon, I thought I told you I'm not a weapon I'm a person with feelings dad and once you realise that and call me asking how I am then I might see you but until you do and I know you mean it then you can leave me alone" I said and ended the phone. Laid across the bed and threw my phone.

"Hey you OK I heard the full thing" asked Derek who was stood in the door way.

"Yeah I'm fine shouldn't you get back to the pack meeting" I asked and he walked over and laid next to me.

"We finished we just going to meet on Monday and have a looked around see if we can find anything of the new pack" Derek said and I nodded.

"Can I come or don't Scott and his pack want a hunter to be there" I said and Derek sighed.

"Y/n you need show them that's your a good person show them your not just a hunter that's your there friends get them to trust you" Derek said and I nodded.

"Thanks Derek but who would trust the best hunter in beacon hills" I sighed and I felt him hold my hand.

"I trust you y/n your my mate and I think peter trusts you" Derek said and I smiled I load my head on his shoulder. There was a knock on the door I looked up and saw peter.

"Sorry to interrupt you to love birds but there are hunters surrounding the place" peter said and I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs and to the window I saw my dad and many other hunters stood around or in cars. Derek came behind me and looked at them all.

"They tracked the phone call" I said and sighed.

"Y/n you either have to options you come back with us and no one gets hurt or you don't come and I will kill everyone in that loft its your choice" my dad shouted through a microphone I sighed and started to leave.

"Y/n you can't be serious" Derek said grabbing my hand and turned to face him with tears in my eyes.

"Derek I can't risk it your my new family and if you get hurt i won't forgive myself I have to go and if find out a way to save me I will be waiting I promise I will do everything in my power to not kill the supernatural" I said and let go of Derek and ran down the stairs once I got there to hunters came behind me and restrained me and kicked the back off my legs and I fell to the floor my dad came over and pulled out a knife and cut my arm.

"She's still human" my dad said and the hunters dragged me to the van I got a quick glace at Derek and he looked angry I was forced into the back of the van. They closed the door and I was consumed by darkness I sat there and all I could think about was Derek.

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