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"Hi, Yang Jeongin. I'm Bang Chan, 24, a producer from SKZ Entertainment. I am your friend."

Jeongin's ears perked up at the sound of his name, quickly looking up from the counter and momentarily halting from wiping the surface to keep it as spotless as possible. A tight smile making its way across his lips, as if to hide the threatening grin from breaking on his face.

"Oh! It's you! Hello, Bang Chan Hyung." Jeongin giggled, a tinge of pink now adorning his cheeks. "So, the usual? Your favourite drink?"

"You remember that too?" To say that Chan is astounded is an understatement. Of course, he expected the younger to remember him, considering how this set up has been going on for days ever since he learned about Jeongin's condition. But he can't help the bubbling feeling inside his chest at how Jeongin took it upon himself to memorize his favourite drink. After all, it's the only drink that he ordered every single time he dropped by.

"Of course! What do you take me for? If I have to do this job then at least let me do it right, Mr Regular." Jeongin playfully scoffed, his eyes ever so slightly turning into slits as he squinted at the male dressed in all-black standing before him.

Chan mimicked the younger's scoff but ended up breaking into another grin. It's almost impossible not to smile when he is around with Jeongin, he figured. The mentioned being the definition of sunshine himself. "Your break is on ten, right? Will you join me?"

And if Jeongin has sticky notes pasted on his bathroom mirror just to make sure he remembers everything about Chan, the latter does not need to know.

"Chan Hyung, it's lunchtime. Are you sure you're only eating tiramisu and your iced matcha? At least save those for dessert!" Jeongin asked, pointedly glaring at the male currently seated across him; his voice, albeit mischievous, still holds solemnity as if he is scolding the older between the two.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are actually the older one between us," Chan clicked his tongue, feigning annoyance. Nevertheless, he found Jeongin's efforts way too endearing. After all, it's not every day he meets someone who cares enough for his wellbeing.

"At least make time to take care of yourself. I knew this would happen so here," Jeongin pulled an extra pair of chopsticks and spoon, handing it over the elder.

"I have you here with me." Chan countered. If there is a speaker attached to his heart, everyone would be able to hear how loud his heart is pathetically drumming inside his chest.

And Jeongin, being the dense person that he is, answered, "Is this another job for me?"

"Hey! It sounds bad if you put it that way!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'll try to look after you so eat up. I am not the best cook but they are decent enough..."

Chan watched the younger with fond eyes, not exactly sure when he started tuning out the younger's words. Only focusing on the way Jeongin's eyes would light up as he talked about the side dishes 'Hyunjin's mom' made; or the way his nose would scrunch up adorably when he found something hilarious or distasteful; or the way his lips moved whether it's smiling, pursing or pouting.

His lips.

Chan briefly wondered how the pair would taste like. Would it be sweet like one of those cakes on display? Or would it be bitter like Jeongin's favourite drink, iced Americano? Or maybe it's the flavour of the lip balm he uses? Only Jeongin would know and Chan is left wondering.

Jeongin gently poked Chan's forehead, soft giggles falling from his lips which immediately broke Chan from his trance. "Hyung, I know I am cute but you don't have to stare at me like that."

"I am not staring at you. You just look funny." Chan retorted defensively, placing a spoonful of food in front of Jeongin's mouth. "Here, eat this and shut up or else..."

"Or else what?" Jeongin taunted.

Chan didn't dare say anything, masking his real thoughts with some petty excuse that ran along the lines of his harmless threat meaning nothing.

Or else I would kiss you.

The two finished the hearty meal in peace, throwing a few words and teasing remarks here and there. Frankly speaking, it has been the closest to any home-cooked meal Chan had eaten in a while. Jeongin was more than proud after receiving a few praises from the male, promising to pack more lunch for both of them.

"Ah, wait. I have something to give you." Chan reached inside his messenger bag, pulling out the light blue notebook with a small fox drawn in the middle.

"Hmm? A notebook for me?" Jeongin paused from tidying up his lunchbox, a bashful smile making its way across his face as he reached for the item.

"It may not be much but I hope you like it."

With curiosity filling the younger's senses, the mentioned carefully flipped the notebook open. Gasping quietly when he realized what was written down on the first few pages. There, in the middle of the first page, was his photo with Chan taken a few days ago, along with the elder's profile neatly written right below it; a couple of pages followed the story of how they met and became friends.

"Channie Hyung..." Jeongin slowly looked up, his eyes glistening with happy tears. He can't bring himself to speak further, clearly elated from the thoughtful gift.

"D-don't look at me like that!" Chan emitted a soft whine, playfully placing his palm over the younger's eyes; to which Jeongin swatted without any second thoughts. "I just really don't want you to forget about me so please..."

"Seriously, thank you Channie Hyung. The 'dressed in all black' helped a lot in describing you but this... This means a lot to me and I will make sure to keep our memories here."

Chan knew for a fact that he wouldn't mind buying a whole store's worth of notebooks if that means Jeongin will get to remember him in every second of his waking hours.

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