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Chan twirled his black mechanical pencil in between his fingers, eyes glued on the notebook set on his table. He found himself writing down words, only to mindlessly drag the tip of the lead over the what should be the lyrics, successfully and messily crossing out the words he thought would fit in along the lines of the song he has been trying to create.

Chan is a producer.

A struggling one.

He sighed deeply, rubbing the pad of his fingers over the crease forming on his forehead as he stares intently at the sheet of paper in front of him. If looks could actually burn, the paper would be ashes now. And as if the mere act of drilling holes would make any difference. Admittedly, Chan was in the mood to create something but he found himself falling short to whatever standard he has set upon himself. And it is frustrating him, so much that it left him unable to come up with something that he could proudly call his.

His attempts lasted for a couple of minutes, wringing every drop of creative juices in his brain, but found none.

Another unsuccessful day.

He knew just what he needs to keep him going. Like a normal person, he needs inspiration. Something that has been lacking in his life for quite some time now. And no, it does not entirely have to be in the form of another person; neither a lover nor a friend, or even a family member. Hell, the last thing Chan would even want to have is a lover. He's got no time for that, he believes. Friends? He has enough of them. Family? They live far away but they always make sure to keep in contact.

Chan is, beyond a doubt, someone that is stable, not taking into account his mental health, of course. High-paying job surrounded by people he is friends with. Comfortable life. High-end place. Well-respected in his field. He cannot exactly pinpoint what is lacking.

Or maybe it's the fact that there are some things he has to address but chose not to.  

With another fierce glare at the poor sheet of paper, Chan found himself dropping the pencil on top before slumping back on his office chair. Thankfully, it is padded enough to keep him comfortable especially during the long hours he has to work.

"Must be hungry," he mumbled to himself while placing a hand over his flat stomach and ever so gently rubbing it over the fabric of his shirt. That's the only plausible explanation he can come up with, considering that the last meal he had was the instant ramen with an egg from last night – and it is midday now.

He grabbed his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and before he knows it, the messaging application he frequently uses to contact his two friends is already on display on his screen. His fingers were about to fly across the keyboard to type a quick message to his friends when he heard a soft knock on the door of his dimly-lit studio, followed by a familiar voice.

"Hyung, we're going to grab some lunch at Levanter Café across the street. Wanna come along?" A short male with a piercing gaze asked, making his way inside the room to settle on the leather couch situated at the corner. Seo Changbin. The said male was followed with another guy, puffed cheeks and adorable heart-shaped smile. Han Jisung.

"Yeah, Hyung. That place where Changbin's boyfriend is working at." Jisung teased, mindlessly throwing himself next to Changbin.

"Hey! He's not my boyfriend. We're just... casually talking." Changbin countered as he lightly nudges the other's side.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. You guys literally undress each other through your eyes whenever we drop by." Jisung taunted before turning to look at the oldest in the room. "Oh, right. You haven't met him, Hyung. He's Australian too!"

Chan nodded in acknowledgement and cleared his throat before the two falls into a round of bickering over things that, quite frankly, don't make sense to him. "Let's just go. I'm famished."

Chan was welcomed with the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee the moment he set a foot inside the shop, heightening the hunger he successfully pushed at the back of his mind from hours ago. It was the perfect mixture of bitterness and comfort. Thankfully, it wasn't as packed as he expected it to be, considering the location of it being surrounded by a couple of corporate buildings around.

Setting his useless thoughts aside, he glued his eyes at the menu to find something of his taste and once he does, he lets his eyes wander around the rather cosy shop. He is not a big fan of cafes, but he does remember coming around when he needs a quick decaffeinated fix. Even then, his trip to this certain place was not as frequent as Changbin or Jisung. Maybe once or twice a month, that is.

He threw another run over at the interior of the café, appreciating the modern industrial design adorned with the sleek black and white palette. His favourite colours. His eyes accidentally landing on a small figure at the corner of the café, taking advantage of the hours and quietly having his quick lunch. He's wearing the same apron as the two people situated behind the counter, whom he learned from Changbin are named Seungmin and Felix.

"Hyung? What are you getting? Earth to Chan Hyung!" Jisung waved his hands in front of the dazed male, his eyes briefly following the older's line of sight: Jeongin. A slight smirk formed on the Jisung's lips before nudging Chan's side. "You know, staring is quite creepy, Hyung."

A tinge of pink successfully made its way across Chan's cheeks as he turns to look at the squirrel-looking male next to him, his eyes turning wide at the sudden realization. "Please don't tell me I've been doing that," Chan said, horrified.

"You're doing the exact thing, Hyung." Jisung grinned teasingly as he ever so lightly pokes the elder's muscly arm. "His name is Jeongin, by the way. Must be your type, huh?"

"He is not my type!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. You're literally gawking at him, but that's okay, it has been years since you found someone attractive anyway." Jisung shrugged, sticking out his tongue at the older.


"Stop it! He's not my type!" Chan half-whispered, followed by a soft hiss before walking off to the counter where he found Changbin excessively flirting with a freckled male.

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