A new friend

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I left the art room just when the bell rang for lunch. As I walked passed my locker, I noticed the girls from earlier gossiping, with them Britney Roberts. I noticed that they were giggling and glancing at me frequently, which made me feel awkward. I pretended I didn't see them and started to get my stuff out of my locker. Then James walked by with a group of his friends. He saw me and waved.

"Hey Kristy!" he yelled. I waved back. All the boys in his group started looking back at me and making "Ooo" sounds at James. "Shut up guys she's my friend." I heard him say as they walked off.

I couldn't stop blushing. Britney must have noticed too because she came right up to me, her perfect eyebrows arched in anger.

"Do you really think you've got a chance with him?" she shrieked in my face.

"I....I" I stuttered.

"Do you really think he'd ever like a girl like you?" she asked.

I stayed silent, to angry to reply. I really wished I could just slap her in the face right then and there.

"C'mon girls," she said," let's go away from here. This dork is starting to smell." she flipped her hair and left me standing there, shocked.

"Don't listen to her." I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw a tall girl with long, braided red hair and crystal blue eyes approach me. She was wearing a big fuzzy brown sweater, black tights, and black Ray-Ban glasses.

"Hi." she said with a sweet smile. "My name's Dorathy. But you can call me Dora, or Dee, or Deedee. I really don't mind. What's your name?" she said all in one breath.

"I'm Kristy." I replied awkwardly.

"Oh cool name!" she shrieked happily. "Do you wanna eat lunch together?"

"Yea okay." I said. It's not like I had anyone else to eat with anyways.

We entered the cafeteria and lined up. Dorathy kept swaying back and forth on the balls of her heels and it got kinda annoying. But she was really nice so I didn't say anything.

After we got our lunch, I stopped, wondering where to sit. Instead Dorathy grabbed my arm and pulled me until we stopped in front of a table in the corner of the lunch room. It was empty except for a short Asian girl with black and purple spiky hair. She was reading one of my favourite Batman comics. Already I felt like we could be friends.

"Hi!" said Dorathy happily, waving her arms at top speed.

"Oh hey Dora." replied the girl. Then she looked at me, "And you are-?"

"Kristy Parks." I said.

"Hey Kristy. Nice to meet you. My name's Kandy." she said with a friendly smile showing purple and black braces.

"Whatcha readin' Kandy?" asked Dora.

"Batman issue 125." she said.

"OH MY GOSH!" I said with delight, "I love that one where-"

"Shh!!" Kandy yelled. "Don't spoil it!"

"Oh sorry." I said, hanging my head. We ate lunch together and I ended up having so much fun. I was so sad when the bell rang, I nearly refused to get up for class.

"Good afternoon students and welcome to English class." said our teacher, Mr. Buckley. "The pairings you are sitting in now are the ones you will be sitting in for the entire semester, so get used to them" I looked around. I had a dark haired boy with light blue eyes sitting with me. Well, beats Britney, I thought.

"Hi." I said, "My name's Kristy.

"Hey I'm Marcus," he said shyly.

"Are you new this year?" I asked him.

"Yeah. You?"


I ended up having a lot of fun. He was really nice but he looked kinda uncomfortable.

"Hey you okay?" I asked him.

"Umm yeah.. its just that it'd kinda warm in here."

"Then take off your sweater." I said. Seemed like a no-brainer to me. But that just made him look even more uncomfortable.

"Yeah well some guys earlier laughed at me for wearing the shirt I'm wearing under it, so I put it on."

"Hey, you don't have to care what anyone else says. I won't laugh. Promise." I assured him.

"OK" He said and started unzipping his sweater. Underneath it he was wearing a Rainbow Dash t-shirt.

"Wow your a Bronie?" I asked

"Umm not really but yeah ish..." he said.

"That's cool I don't really watch the show that much but I like it." I said.

"Thanks. The boys earlier called me gay for wearing it." he said, blushing. "I'm not though."

"Hey I don't care." I said, "You're really nice so whatever."

Before I knew it, it was gym time already. I pulled on my Nike top and Adidas shorts and walked out of the change room. James walked out of the boys change room at prcatically the same time. My stomach flipped and I just stared at him till he looked my way. He just smiled and ran his hand through his hair. He was wearing a pair of black and red basketball shorts that matched his black and red Jordons. He had on a tight fitting grey tank top that showed his amazing shoulder muscles. I felt him checking me out and couldn't stop blushing.I'm not very athletic myself, but my metabolism has always been pretty fast, thankfully. I am pretty much the laziest person ever.

I was pretty relieved when our gym teacher called us over. The boys and the girls have a seperate gym class, or I'd probably be gawking at James the whole time. We did some normal warm ups and the whole Superman thing. You know, that's something I've been wondering about for a while. Why is it called Superman?The real Superman wouldn't be wasting his time doing that. Like what the heck?

"Alright, you guys can go change now," said our gym teacher," Class's over."

I nearly fainted when I saw what was outside the gym door. All the guys (including James) were lined up after playing their hard game of basket ball. They were covered in sweat and some of them were wiping their faces with their shirts, showing their abs. I actually sighed out loud until I saw James looking at me and laughing his head off. I flushed with embarrassment and stormed off to the girls change room.

While I was getting my stuff from my locker, James came over looking embarrased.

"Sorry for laughing at you earlier." he said.

"That's cool. I probably looked so stupid staring at you guys like that." I said, brushing my hair out of my face.

"No, I shouldn't have laughed. Hey do you wanna wait together?" he asked.

"Yea sure!" I replied.

We made our way to the front and stood outside, waiting for our parents. We stood awkwardly for like forever. Finally my mom came.

"Hey I gotta go." I said.

"Okay, umm..." James said. He pulled me into a tight hug. For the first time that day, I actually felt comfortable and safe in his arms. Then I let go.

"Bye," he said, "see you tomorrow."

"Bye." I said as I got in the car.

"How was your day, honey?" asked Mom.

"Pretty good." I said. In spite of how nervous I was in the morning, I felt pretty good now.

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