Worst Day Ever?

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Okay... I know I said this would be my worst day of school, but I was wrong. Its not THAT bad. Okay it was pretty fun. Except for one little thing I like to call, Britney Roberts. I walked into science class just on time thankfully. I glanced at the board and saw that there was a seating arrangement. Oh great, I thought to myself. I saw that I was sitting in the far back left corner next to someone named Britney. The seat beside me was empty so I assumed my lab partner wasn't here yet. I took my seat quietly and waited for the class to start. The teacher walked in and for a second I thought I had gone back in time. He had round black glasses, a short, round nose, and fly away grey hair. In other words, he looked just like Einstein. Being the nerd that I am, I found this so cool! Albert Einstein was a brilliant man who - wait, I don't want to bore you. Sorry bout that. Anyways, the teacher walked briskly to the board without a word and wrote his name in chalk. Dr. Weinstein. It even sounds like Einstein, I thought. When he spoke, he had a thick German accent that made me nearly laugh out loud.

"Good morning class. I am Dr. Hector Weinstein." he said in a deep, slow voice. "I am your science teacher for this semester."

"Good morning Dr. Weinstein." the class droned together. Some things never change, I thought.

"Today we will-" he started, but was inturupted by a knock at the door. Some kid close to the door opened it an in walked, not wait, strutted a girl of such sickening perfection it made me want to hurl. The class (except me) was staring at her in awe, with her beautiful long blonde hair and deisgner outfit. She looked like she just got off a Gucci photo shoot.

"Hello Miss-?" asked Dr. Weinstein.

"Roberts. Britney Roberts." she said in a voice normally associated with Hollywood actresses.

"Hello Miss Roberts." he said. "Where is your late slip?"

"Right here." she said innocently.

"Please place it on my desk and take your seat in the empty chair at the back by Miss Parks." Now everyone was staring at me. Oh great. Britney sashayed over to our desk and tool her seat. She looked at me with her cold blue eyes. I tried not to look at her while my brain was screaming insults I would never say at her.

"Hey," she said. Oh shoot, oh shoot, I thought. Why was my heart beating so fast? "You're that girl who was flirting with my James earlier."

Now I recognized her. She was one of the gossipers fron earlier. I sort of lost track of things after James earlier. "I didn't know he had a girlfriend." I replied sweetly.

"Well, he will soon, so you stay out of my way." she snapped.

"Hard to do that when my locker is right next to his, huh?" I said. What was I doing? I could totally ruin everything on just the first day of school.

She opened her mouth to respond just when Dr. Weinstein resumed talking.

"Please open your textbooks to page 23. Do questions 1-5. That is all."

The class continued without any further inturputions from Britney, and I managed to finish in no time flat. That's what sucks about being a nerd. You finish early and then have nothing to do for rhe entire class.

"Is something wrong, Miss Parks?" asked Dr. Weinstein.

"No," I replied shyly. Everyone was staring at me again. Jeez people, get a life! "I'm done all the questions."

"Impressive." he said, and a few people snickered. "Have you already studied the periodic table of elements?"

"Not really, although I may have come across it in a book." Yep, I'm really playing the nerd card now.

"Interesting. Perhaps you would like me to give you something a bit more challenging?" I nodded. He gave me a few more questions to do and by the time the class was over, I'd finished half the chapter. As I packed my things away I saw him motion for me to come to the front.

"You have very rare abilities. " he said.

"Abilities?" I asked. I was sorta hopeing he meant superpowers or something.

"Yes. Your logical thinking and memory help you to solve problems quickly." By now, the entire class left and it was just me and him in the room.

"Dr. Weinstein, sir?" I asked glancing at the clock. "Sorry for interrupting you but I'm going to be late for art class."

"Right, right." he said, shaking his head, "You may go Miss Parks."

I quickly left the class room and practically ran to my locker. I grabbed my sketch book and pencil case and ran to the art room, just making it. Was this going to be a habit of mine?

As I walked inside I noticed that there was no seating plan. In fact, there was no chalkboard. There were just round wooden tables and wooden shelves around the room covered in art supplies. This is my kinda place, I thought. If things could get any better, they did. I saw James sitting alone at one of the round tables, reading his agenda. He looked up and motioned for me to join him.

"Hey! I didn't know you took art!" he said.

"Me neither. I mean, I didn't know you took art either." I stuttered. Why did I have to be so stupid?

He smiled and motioned me to my seat. I sat down just as the teacher walked in the class room. She look bright and bubbly and was wearing a yellow sun dress. Apparently, she thought it was still summer time.

"Good Morning class! My name is Mrs. Charmain!" she sang happily.

"Good morning!" the class sang back. That's what I love about art class. Everyone is so cool and creative.

"Today we will be sketching a simple scene about ourselves. It is not for marks, its just for us to better get to know each other." She said.

"What're you gonna draw?" I asked James.

"Myself as Link from the Legend of Zelda. You?" he asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but something will come to me."

The rest of the class went on and I soon found myself drawing a scene of me as a super hero in Gotham City. I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Mrs. Charmain than said it was time for us to present our drawings to the class. I was totally nervous. She starting calling names and going down the list. She got to 'James Johnstone' and James went up to the front of the room confidently. His picture was amazing. It looked just like him but in the clothes of Link from the Legend of Zelda. When he sat back down I clapped loudly along with the rest of the class. My stomach flipped when he have me a sweet smile. After a few more people, Mrs. Charmain called 'Kristy Parks'. My stomach did another back flip. I was so not good at the whole presenting thing. James have me an encouraging smile and I got up off my seat. I took a deep breath and walked to the front with my sketch.

"Hi," I stammered, "I'm Kristy Parks and I drew a picture of myself as a superhero in Gotham city." It sounds so stupid out loud, I thought. With my hands shaking, I held up my picture to show the class. I heard whispers of 'wow' and 'thats so good' which gave me hope. I felt like I had been standing there forever, when Mrs. Charmain told me to sit down. The class broke into a loud applause but I couldn't hear it through my ears' ringing.

"That was amazing." whispered James.

"No it wasn't, I stuttered and sounded so stupid up there, and I-." but he cut me off.

"Your drawing was amazing. No body cared about what you said." he assured me. My cheeks flushed red which had nothing to do with the presentation. We packed our things and got ready for lunch. As James got up to leave, I stopped him.

"Hey James?" I said timidly.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Thanks." I said.

Now it was his turn to blush. "You're welcome." he said, and left. That left me wondering, maybe he liked me back.

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