Believe or not believe?

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"Hey, Kristy!" said Kandy, waving me over to our lunch table. Dora was sitting beside her, poking her salad awkwardly. Typical Dora. I walked over, anxious to tell them about what I had heard that morning with Mr. Weinstein. "Where'd you run off to this morning?" she asked with a curious expression on her face.

"I had to ask Mr. Weinstein about something, but I can't tell you everything here." I whispered. We ate our lunches quickly and looked for somewhere private to talk. We settled for a closet, which ironically is why we need to talk in the first place. 

"Okay, you both know the story of Britney getting locked in here, right?" I asked. The nodded, with smiles on their faces. Then I gave them both this really serious look and they manned up. 

"Okay, this may sound crazy, but I think I locked her in there." I said quietly.

"What? That's impossible!" said Kandy, "We were with you the whole time!" 

"No, I mean with my... mind." I said stupidly. They both looked really confused. "No, let me explain! Okay so first me and Britney are fighting, then, I yell that I wished she'd get locked up somewhere, and, next thing you know is she's actually locked up!" I panted. That was one long sentence. 

"Well, do you have any proof?" said Dora from her corner. We both looked at her. She hadn't spoken since we got here and I had sorta forgotten about her. 

"Umm.... not really," I said. They looked at me skeptically, "But c'mon guys, logically, doesn't that make sense?" 

"Logically? You're suggesting you locked someone in a closet with your mind!!" yelled Kandy.

"Hey, I'm telling the truth! I know I'm right just let me prove it!" I yelled and stormed out of the closet. I kept walking until I made it outside and shivered in the cold, November air. As I stood there, alone,  I realised what I had just done. I had slammed the door on my two best friends. How could I have been so heartless? All for some stupid theory. Their probably right, it is impossible. I got my hopes up for nothing. I was walking inside when I noticed something glint on the ground in the sunlight. I picked it up. It was a  small metalic pin with the letters E.T.H ingraved on it. I turned it over, and on the other side, just bellow the pin was a small metal symbol of a fist. I pocketed it and went inside. I was wondering what it was when I bumped into James and his friends. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said, blushing. 

"Hey, Kristy!" said James brightly. "Not a problem, we should've been watching where we were going." 

"Oh, yeah well that's alright." I said awkwardly. I couldn't quite meet his eye after the dance. Since I now knew how he felt about me everything got super weird. I've never had a guy say that to me before and I guess I, well for lack of a better word, froze up.

"Well, I'll see you later!" he said, walking away. His friends followed, clearly pissed off at me for 'stealing'  him. Could this day get any worse? I asked myself. 

After lunch the Grade 9s had an assembly so we all missed third period. That sucked because it would've been art and I was looking forward to it. The assembly was about the upcoming Take Your Kid to Work Day on Friday. Sounds fun, I thought to myself, considering my dad works at a labratory specializing in neuro science. I thought jumped into my mind: what if they know what happened to me and Britney on Friday? I suddenly got a lot more excited for itLooks like I underestimated my bad luck yet again. 

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