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"Are you sure your alright to go to school today, honey?" Asked my mom with an expression of concern.

"Mom, for the thirteenth time this morning, I'll be fine." I said, rolling my eyes as I pulled on my boots.

"I know, it's just, well, after what happened at your Dad's work, I'm just worried you might black out again." replied mom.

Black out, yeah, I thought to myself. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." I started out the door.

"Well if you feel lightheaded-"

"MOM." I said sternly.

"Okay, have a good day, honey." said my mom, an expression of concern on her face.

I got into the car beside my Dad. He looked guilty, and I knew why. He felt that the accident at work was his fault.

"Hey Dad." I said softly.

"Hi kiddo." he said, avoiding my eyes. We spent the rest of the car ride in silence. It seemed like hours but we finally made it to my school.

"Have a good day..." said Dad.

"Okay, bye Dad." I said. "And... don't worry, I'm fine." I gave him a small smile and he smiled sadly back. I got out of the car and immediately ran into James.

"Oh sorry- hey Kristy!" he said brightly. "How was "Take your Kid your work day"?"

"Oh, hi James. It was, interesting, to say the least." I said, grinning. "You?"

"Eh, it was okay." he shrugged. "My mom's office isn't the greatest place in the world." He walked me to our lockers and then met up with his friends.

"Hey guys, see you in art, Kristy." he smiled at me and I waved back.

I sighed and began taking out my science books. However that was pointless because about a second later I dropped them out of surprise.

"KRISTY!" I heard my best friends, Kandy and Dora scream simultaneously. They both tackle-hugged me from behind.

"Hey guys," I said giggling, "How was your weekends?"

"Great!" said Kandy. "I went to the bookshop my aunt owns and had so much fun!"

"Oooh cool. How about you, Dora?" I asked.

"Meh. My Dad is an optometrist so I guess that was kinda cool. What did you do?"

"Omigosh I have so much to tell you guys!" I exclaimed excitedly. "First, I -" I began, but got cut off by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was not at all surprised to see Mr. Weinstein standing behind me.

"Miss Parks." he began, a stern look in his eyes. "May I have a word before class?"

"Oh, yeah sure." I said. Kandy and Dora gave me questionable looks but I just shrugged.

"What's up, Director W?" I asked him casually once we were inside his office. He took a seat at his desk and gestured for me to do the same.

"What's up," he began in his thick German accent, "is the amount of information you disclose to your friends."

Oh, I thought.

"I haven't told them anything yet." I said truthfully.

"Yes, I know. However I'm afraid you won't be able to." he laced his fingers together and looked me directly in the eyes.

"As Director of the E.T.H., it is my duty to make sure that our information is kept secret and safe. Including the identities of our agents. While I agree that it is an advantage to have someone outside of the agency you can confide in, for now you must keep everything a secret. From your friends, from your family." I nodded. "Perhaps there will come a time when you will be able to tell your friends of your true identity, but now is not that time. You must promise me that you will tell no one of the E.T.H. or of you secret identity."

"I promise." I said confidently. But really I was internally screaming because of how cool this is.

"Good." Replied Director Weinstein. I turned to leave.

"Oh, and before you go, Miss Parks." he said, handing me a small black rectangular object. "An official E.T.H. 'A. I. communicator'. If you ever need anything."

I nodded, taking the A.I. communicator. Despite having to keep it a secret from my family and friends, my new life as an agent of the E.T.H. did have its perks.

My life as a teenage superheroWhere stories live. Discover now