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"Hey Kristy!" shouted Kandy from across the cafeteria. "Over here!"

As I made my way towards them with my lunch in hand, I couldn't help but wonder what is was that I was going to tell them. Since Director Wienstein rulled out the option of being truthful, I have no choice but to make something up.

"Hi guys!" I said as brightly as I could, trying not to think about having to lie to my two best friends. Kandy and Dora exchanged concerned looks before replying.

"Hey." said Dora, "say, you look a little funny, Kristy. Is everything all right?"

"Alright? Of course!" I said, giving her a strained smile. "Never better!" I said, laughing nervously.

"Anyways," said Kandy, still looking at me like I had gone insane, "What were you going to tell us earlier?"

"Oh, I..." I began, thinking quickly about what to say. Just make something up, I thought. Apparently, that prooved harder than I thought. I stared at them in silence for a while before something hit me.

"So on take your kid to work day, I decided to go exploring, you know, in my Dad's lab." I began. "I saw this seriously cool machine that stimulates your brain or something. And I, being the curious idiot I am, decided to start that baby up!" Kandy and Dora's eyes widened as I said those last few words. "But don't worry, it was a total let down. Turns out that the machine was a not-functioning prototype." I laughed nervously again as my two best friends breathed a sigh of relief. My two best friends... the one's I just lied to. My stomach squirmed at the thought and I tried not to think of it as I ate my lunch. Hopefully, I can tell them the truth one day and get this guilt out of my system.

After lunch, I quickly grabbed my stuff from my locker and ran straight to English class. I couldn't stand the sight of my friends giving me suspicious, disbelieving looks anymore. I just want this nightmare over, I thought to myself.

As I got to English class, I dropped my stuff on my desk and sat down without saying a word. I was so preoccupied with my own thoughts that I didn't even notice Marcus sitting beside me until he spoke.

"Uh, hey Kristy." he said slowly, as if he was afraid I would yell at him.

"Oh, hi Marcus." I sighed. He still looked at me like I was about to snap so I gave him a weary smile. "I'm sorry, today just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to."

"Oh, I know how you feel..." he said, speaking more to himself. I didn't think much of it though, because my stomach knotted itself into a guilty twist again. I wished that I could just go home and sleep.

After the lesson, Marcus waited for me as I stuffed my books into my Superman backpack. Part of me wished he would go away, but another part wanted him to stay so I could confess everything.

"I-" I began, but he cut me off.

"It's okay." he said.

"I just... you know when you wanna tell someone the truth but you have to lie to them? And it really hurts to lie but you just CAN'T tell them anything, for the greater good?" I burst out.

"Yeah, I definitely know that feeling." he replied, averting my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, concerned. He just shook his head. "C'mon Marcus, tell me!" I whined.

"I-I'm breaking up with Kandy." he said, his face going bright red.

"WHAT?!" I half-yelled half-asked. "IT'S BEEN A MONTH!"

"No, it's not like that, I swear!" he says quickly. "I just, well. My childhood friend who lives outside of Manhattan is coming to visit me. And she and I well... She likes me. Maybe I like her too, I dunno. But when we were younger I made her a promise that we would date one day. I know, it was a long time ago, but what if she still thinks it's valid? And what if she and Kandy find out about each other? I don't wanna break both their hearts!" he spluttured, tears in his eyes.

"What's her name?" I asked curiously.

"Alex." he replied with a sigh.

I put my hand on his shoulder and looked him straight in the eye. "Look. Sometimes you have to tell the truth, even if it may hurt someone. Kandy's your girlfriend, so she'll appreciate your honesty. Talk it over with her, and you'll figure something out, together." I squeezed his shoulder and turned to leave.

"Uh, Kristy?" he asked and I turned around. He pulled me into a tight hug. Not like a romantic hug like the one I shared with James on Halloween, but a brother-sister hug. "Thanks." he whispered, and let go.

"Anytime." I replied, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2013 ⏰

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