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"Honey! Dinner!" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I shut my comic book and opened my door. The smell of lasagna filled my nostrils. Mom's lasagna is the best, I thought. I walked into the kitchen and set the table.

"I'm home!" My dad said, opening the door. He walked into the kitchen as I sat down, thinking about the dance.

"Hey dad." I replies wearily. He must of noticed the sad look on my face because he sat down and smiled sympathetically.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" Dad asked. I shook my head. "C'mon, maybe I can help."

"I dunno about that dad." I said, as mom put lasagna on our plates. "Unless you can find me a date to the dance before Friday."

"Oh, that's what this is about?" said mom, sitting down, "Well honey, the exact same thing happened to me, at my senior prom."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "What did you do?"

"Well, I waited for ever for someone to ask me, and finally, someone did." she said, smiling.

"Who?" I asked.

"Me." said dad, "it was the hardest and most embarrassing thing I had ever done. But I couldn't stand seeing mom all alone, so I asked her."

"Wow dad. That must of taken a lotta guts." I laughed.

"Oh it did. My friends teased me for days, but I still did it. Are you waiting for anyone special to ask you kiddo?" dad asked.

"Yeah... sorta..." I blushed.

"Don't worry, he'll come around." dad assured me.

"Thanks Dad." I replied.

Keeping dad's advice in mind, I told Dora and Kandy to give their plan up. They agreed, not wanting to embarrass me further. I only spoke to James briefly, but he seemed kinda awkward and uncomfortable. Things got even weirder in art class.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" asked James when we were working on our clay sculptures.

"Uhh... sure!" I replied. I already knew what was going to happen.

"Are you going to the dance with anyone?" he asked timidly.

"No." I replied a little coldly. I just don't know what came over me but I was suddenly angry about this whole dance thing.

"Oh. Okay." he said. He probably thought I was a total jerk, but whatever. Must be the hormones.

James didn't say another word. I actually felt like apologizing but I didn't. We walked in silence to our lockers and put away our stuff. I was just about to say sorry to him but Britney intervened.

"Hey James." she said, twirling her hair with her finger all flirt like.

"Hey." he said.

"So umm, are you going to the dance with anyone?" she asked. I couldn't believe the nerve of that girl.

"Uhh..." James hesitated. "Yeah, I am."

"Oh." she said. She looked like she had just been slapped in the face. It made me almost laugh out loud. "Good. I would hate to see you go alone. I was just making sure." she said and walked away, eyeballing me evily.

I tried to pretend I didn't notice and started walking to lunch. A group of James's friends passed by and I ignored them too. But before I could leave, one of them, Jeff, stood in my way.

"Ummm excuse me?" I said irritably.

"Your excused, but not before I tell you something." he said.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"Oh, well, sassy." said Jeff, making me blush, "I'd just like you to know that James wants to ask you to-" James smacked his hand over his mouth and they all laughed their heads off (excpet James obviously).

I immediatly flushed red and without thinking shouted, "Well if he has something to ask me he can do it himself!" and walked away.

Halfway to the cafeteria I ran into Dora and Kandy. They looked super worried and even more so when they saw me.

"Oh my gosh Kristy," saud Dora hurriedly, "we heard Britney gossiping about how you harrassed her! We knew it wasn't true so we came looking for you as quickly as we could!"

"WHAT?!" I yelled and they both jumped back. "I didn't harrass her! In fact, I didn't say anything to her!"

"We know," said Kandy impatiently, "that's why we came looking for you - to find out what really happened!"

"Oh." I said. I told them everything as we made our way to the cafeteria. I didn't even leave out the part with Jeff. When I was done I felt a lot better. Then I randomly felt like crying, but I kept it in.

"Well, one thing's clear." said Kandy.

"What?" said me and Dora simultaniousely.

"James wants to go to the dance with you. But he'd better ask you quick because he's only got until Friday." she said as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.

"Oh really?" I said not convinced. "Then why did he tell Britney he was already going with someone?"

"Because he doesn't want to go with her, he wants to go with you." she said, eating her noodles.

"All this dance stuff is really starting to bug me," I said, annoyed, "are you guys going with anyone?"

"Nope." said Dora, "But I don't really want to." That's what's so great about her, she doesn't care about what anyone else thinks. Unlike me.

"Yes." said Dora shyly.

"Really? Who?" I said excittedly.

"Umm.... don' t laugh." she said.

"I won't, promise!" I said on the edge of my seat.

She hesitated for a while and then spilled it. "Marcus." she said, turning red.

"Well, that's great!" I said.

"Yeah he's really nice and he was so sincere when he asked me so I accepted." she said her face now going back to normal.

Just then, as if on que, Marcus walked by. He was wearing a green and purple shirt with the character spike on it. I noticed that after I had told him he should wear his bronie shirts proudly he has been wearing them more often. "Oh hey guys!" he said brightly.

"Hey Marcus!" me and Dora said at the same time. Then we started giggling our heads off like a bunch of idiots and didn't stop until Kandy gave us a shut-up-or-I'll-kill-you look.

"Hi Marcus." she said.

"So are you guys excited for the danc?" he asked.

"Well I'm not but I'm sure you and Kandy are!" I said before I could stop myself. Dora snorted and we both laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

Marcus smiled, "Yeah, I guess so." he said. "Who are you guys going with?"he asked me and Dora.

"No one." we both replied.

"What? Really? I swear I heard J-" he stopped quickly.

"What?! What?!" I shouted.

"Umm I think its supposed to be a surprise." he said, which of course gave it away even more.

"Tell me! Please!" I yelled. He hesitated, and then opened his mouth to speak. Just before any words came out, the bell rang.

"Well, you know what they say," said Marcus, "saved by the bell!" he gave a swift smile and walked away.

My life as a teenage superheroWhere stories live. Discover now