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Corpse tugs on Sykkuno's hand and walks him to the middle of the road. Sykkuno nervously peeks to either side of the road to watch for any vehicles coming their way - there seem to be none. Corpse's words to trust him ring in his head and he gives him his undivided attention.

Corpse suddenly drops his hand and kneels down on the ground and further lays down.

"Corpse, what's going on?" Sykkuno gives a nervous chuckle.

"Lay down next to me." He pats the space next to him.

Sykkuno stares at the ground and contemplates the offer. He stares for so long that Corpse rolls his eyes, sits up, takes off his jacket to lay it on the ground.

"Here you go, you fucking diva." He mumbles with a chuckle.

"I wasn't- thank you."

Sykkuno lays down next to Corpse in the middle of the road. It feels surreal. The stars are gleaming above them and their breathe comes out in puffs. The whole thing seems so beautiful and breathtaking.

He can hear Corpse humming the tune of Yellow by Coldplay and it makes Sykkuno smile.

"Has anyone told you that you've got a beautiful voice?"

Corpse barks a surprised laugh at that. "People have said a lot of things about me. That isn't one of them."

"Well, if anyone hasn't said it," Sykkuno scoffs, "I'll say it. You've got an amazing voice."

"Thanks." He says but Sykkuno knows he isn't convinced, he hopes Corpse will believe him someday.

He starts singing 505 by the Arctic Monkeys next and all Sykkuno can do is watch the words that he so delicately constructs which fall from his lips and listen closely to all the little voice cracks and runs that he does. It's quite an understatement to say that Sykkuno is amazed by this human being.

The rest of their time laying on the road consists of Corpse pointing to various stars and naming the constellations he sees.

"That right there," he points toward the left of his vision, "is called the artorium."

"The artorium?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Are you even sure about that? I've never heard about a constellation like that."

At that moment, Corpse turns to him and looks as if he's keeping in a lot of laughter. Sykkuno squints his eyes.

"I'm only joking. I don't know shit about stars." Corpse whispers, and bursts into laughs.

Sykkuno pretends to be offended that he took advantage of his blind belief like that, but starts giggling soon enough.

The rest of the night on the road contains both of them creating weird constellations which either look like hearts or butts and naming stars ridiculous names like 'Bimbus' and 'Babushka'.

"Are you gonna tell me where you were all night yesterday?" Toast nudges Sykkuno with his arm, invading almost half of his bed.

"Why do you need to know?" Sykkuno answers back and burrows deeper inside his duvet.

"I need to know your whereabouts."

"Okay, dad." Sykkuno rolls his eyes and then mentally slaps himself for being rude. "I was with Corpse."

"Oh? Where did you guys go?"

in the streets // corpse x sykkuno ✓[completed]Where stories live. Discover now