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Their third date is a team effort. Both of them want to go to the Planetarium - Sykkuno, because he wanted to flaunt his knowledge, and Corpse because he wanted to adore Sykkuno when he was flaunting his knowledge.

Sykkuno cannot keep his excitement in, so hyper to show off everything that he has read so far. So when they get there, Sykkuno is almost jumping five feet into the air in excitement and Corpse can't keep his cackles in.

The automated narrator explains them most of the things, but when the part about constellations comes on, the millions of stars projected above them, Sykkuno frantically points at every constellation and tries to introduce it to Corpse before the narrator can.

It's so endearing that Corpse can't stop himself from placing kisses on Sykkuno's cheek every two seconds, knowing that if he kisses his lips and cuts off his speech, he'll be surely decapitated.

They do kiss under the artificial stars too, though. Once Sykkuno has had enough of speaking, that is. Corpse keeps asking questions about different stuff, just because he knows Sykkuno really likes to answer them. He rewards him with a kiss and a squeeze of his hip everytime he provides some fascinating information that Corpse probably won't remember the next day. He finds it amusing that Sykkuno does, though.

Sykkuno looks like the definition of cute when they're at lunch. Wrapped up in a big white hoodie, hair all fluffy, efficiently using his chopsticks, and his smile uncovered for once.

And when Corpse looks at him, concentrating so hard on the menu to order the desert, he realises how much of a goner he is for this boy; has been since they met. He realises with a dramatic force that he's falling so, so fast. As much as sudden realisation it is, he isn't actually surprised. He saw this coming a mile away. It's just the suddenness of it all overwhelming him.

"You good?" Sykkuno asks, reaching across the table to place his hand on top of Corpse's. Instant relief floods through his veins.

"Yeah, yeah." Corpse nods.

"I know this place is a bit crowded, there wasn't any other good place near that served sushi."

"No, no. This is perfect, don't worry."

"What were you thinking about then?"

"Nothing." Corpse shakes his head. He wouldn't tell him just yet. Not when he hasn't let the realisation sink in himself. And he'd want it to be much more special.

"Come on, you can't stare at me like that and then just not tell me what you were thinking about." Sykkuno says, taking a sip of his drink.

"I was thinking about how I wanna go on a lot of dates with you. So many that we don't keep count of them anymore."

While that isn't the whole truth, it's not exactly a lie. Sykkuno's cheeks redden to the point they look like little cherries. Corpse intertwines their fingers and smiles at him softly.

"God, I want that too."

"It's scary, how much I like you." Corpse feels like he's treading on thin ice.

But relief comes when Sykkuno replies. "I know. Me too. I just don't see a day I can spend without you."

Conversation flows easy between them as always and they decide to get ice cream because they never did after the first date. They're both sitting on a bench on the sidewalk of the road, overlooking the coast and the city at night.

"It looks like the someone sprinkled stars on the city." Sykkuno says, looking at the glimmering lights.

"Maybe someone did."

"I want a pocket full of stars." Sykkuno says while laying his head down on Corpse's shoulder.

"Should've stolen some from the planetarium." Corpse chuckles. When Sykkuno whines, he adds, "I'll get you some, don't worry."

Corpse is done with his ice cream when Sykkuno is not even halfway through. So Sykkuno laughs and ends up sharing his with his boy. When they enter Sykkuno's flat in the middle of the night, they expect everyone to be asleep. So they slip into Sykkuno's room quietly, strip down till their boxers, climb into bed and cuddle.

"Today was really nice. Everyday with you is." Corpse whispers.

"Could you stop being so sappy all the time." Sykkuno complains but he's smiling.

"You love it."

"I do." Sykkuno says while burying his face into his neck.

Corpse's heart is beating fast. Only because he uttered the word love and that's really damn stupid. But the whole night after that, he can't help but wonder what it would be like to tell his boyfriend that he loves him. He lets his thoughts get ahead of himself and thinks about the day that he asks him to move in with him. He wonders if Sykkuno would jump at him and say yes or if he would say he needs time to think it over. He practically stays over at his place every night, but it's different. He'll probably take some time to think but would give an answer pretty quickly as not to make him anxious. Corpse loves him for that.

Fucking hell, I love him. Holy shit, Corpse thinks.

His fingers are tracing his back while he thinks so much about their future that a sane person would call him crazy considering that they've only been dating for about two months. He thinks about how they'd adopt a dog together because Sykkuno has wanted one for so long. He thinks about how he'll kiss him in every inch and corner of their house and how they'll maybe host game nights every weekend or that they'll play among us with their friends while in the same room, probably cheating by sneaking a peek into the other one's game.

He's so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't realise when it's morning and Sykkuno is mumbling something about turning off the alarm. Corpse does and places a soft kiss on his head and holds him close while going to sleep in the early hours of the day.


we hit 6k! thank u sm!

hope you liked the chapter :)

votes and comments are really appreciated :)

whole lotta love xx r

in the streets // corpse x sykkuno ✓[completed]Where stories live. Discover now