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Christmas was nearing quite fast. Sykkuno had been worried for the better part of the day about buying gifts. It was great that he had so many friends. But it really put a hole in his wallet during Christmas time.

Toast had been really supportive with his mess of feelings towards Corpse. He wasn't the least bit surprised when Sykkuno had told him that he had a crush on Corpse considering he was the one to bring it up first. Sykkuno hadn't told him all about the things that Corpse and him had shared, knowing that Corpse wouldn't want him to and it was way too personal for him too.

He had bought affordable gifts for all his friends. But he still didn't know what to get Corpse. Even though he had gathered so much information about Corpse, he thinks he still doesn't know the little things about him. So he isn't sure what he would like as a gift for Christmas.

He's in the cold outside with his huge jacket on, going from shop to shop when he spots the perfect gift for Corpse. He picks up a few more things so he can ask Toast if those would be better gifts. As soon as he's home, he decides against asking him and instead giving Corpse everything. He's wrapping them all up when he gets a message from Ryan that he's hosting the Christmas dinner party and they're all invited.

Their plans are to open presents early Christmas morning and then spend the whole day eating cookies and playing games and then go over to Ryan's.

"Do you wanna come over?" Sykkuno whispers into his phone.

"It's 1 am." Corpse's deep voice replies, getting even deeper due to the phone call distortion.


Corpse chuckles. Sykkuno can hear sheets rustling, then a sigh.

"I'm tired." Corpse says.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah yeah. I just get tired easily." He can hear him gulp.

"Do you want me to come over?" Sykkuno asks, unsure.

"If that's not too much trouble?"

"It's absolutely not."

"Don't you have plans for the morning with your friends?"

"They're your friends too. And yeah, I think they can manage without me."

"You sure?" Corpse's voice sounds so deep yet so soft at the same time.

"Yep, give me a few minutes."

They hang up after that and Sykkuno rushes out of his flat after letting Toast know that he's going to Corpse's knowing he'll be the most sensible one and actually understand instead of making him stay by guilt tripping him.

He takes his car and as soon as he's at the door of Corpse's flat, he knocks softly not wanting to wake him up in case he was asleep. He hears a soft reply of, "come in."

He doesn't see him in the living room or the kitchen. So he walks himself towards the bedroom. Sykkuno can't help but notice that his flat doesn't have a Christmas tree or even a hint of festive decorations. He clutches his bag, reconsidering bringing his gifts.

"Corpse?" He says as he softly knocks on the bedroom door and opens it.

He is laying on his bed under a bundle of blankets. As much as the sight makes him worried, it makes him smile as he grasps the fact that Corpse must love cuddles and warmth.

"You okay?" He asks, sitting himself down on the edge of the bed.

"Mmf." He makes a random sound.

"Did you eat, Corpse?" Sykkuno asks, knowing his ridiculous eating habits.

"No." He shakes his head. "Was too tired to make anything."

"Oh," Sykkuno frowns. "Well, I'll make you something to eat."

At that, he removes his blanket down his face and pats at the space besides him. Sykkuno looks confused but lays down besides him.

"I don't have any groceries. Can we take a small nap and then go grocery shopping?" He asks, "if that's okay."

He sounds so tired that Sykkuno doesn't have the heart to tell him no. He wouldn't have told him no in any circumstance. So he lays there until he falls asleep, and himself stays up to watch him breath in and out at peace.

"Sykkuno." He feels someone whisper in his ear.

Sykkuno also feels a warm hand on his back shaking him slowly do that he wakes. He blinks for a few seconds and then realises that he fell asleep in Corpse's room. The more he comes back into the land of the living, the more he realises that he's cuddled up close to Corpse and is almost lying on top of him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." He spits out quickly and distances himself from Corpse.

He gets up from the bed so quickly, he may get whiplash. He checks the bedside clock. It's 4 am. Corpse stretches and gets off the bed too.

"About that grocery shopping?"

"At 4 am?"

"I mean, yeah." Corpse scratches the back of his neck. "We'll go to the 24 hour store. And um, Rae texted me that apparently I'm invited to the 'Christmas gift opening ceremony' and I haven't got gifts for anyone."

"Oh, sure!" He says, still a bit sleepy. "Which reminds me, I've got your gifts stashed away under your kitchen table. Don't peek."

"Gifts. Plural?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure what you'd like." Sykkuno shrugs.

Corpse laughs at that, "I'd love anything you'd get me."

Sykkuno blushes.

"So, shopping?"



Cute shopping scene coming up :)

I'm a hopeless romantic with very high standards, so it inevitable that you're gonna get super fluffy romantic scenes in this book lmao.

Hope everyone had a good new year :)

Comments and votes are really appreciated :)

whole lotta love xx r

in the streets // corpse x sykkuno ✓[completed]Where stories live. Discover now