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hmm, things get a bit steamy in this chapter. if you don't wanna read it, you can just skip to the next chapter :)

"Corpse?" Sykkuno calls out from outside his apartment.

When he gets no answer, he tries to open the door and shakes his head when he sees that the door is unlocked. He closes and locks the door behind him and walks into the kitchen calling out his name but to no answer. As he walks further to check if he's asleep in the bedroom, he hears the thrumming bass from somewhere further. The door to the space room is slightly ajar and he can sense the music coming from there.

As he goes closer, he can hear someone screaming. It surely startles him but he knocks on the door and swings it open. He's a tad bit surprised to see the recording room even though Corpse has mentioned it before. Behind the glass is Corpse screaming his lungs out at the mic.

The sight is wildly erotic to Sykkuno but he pushes those thoughts away and leans against the doorframe and waits till his boyfriend realises he's here. The profanities spilling out of his mouth doesn't surprise him anymore. He has gotten used to them and kind of likes it when he swears, not that he would admit that.

He loves watching him be in his element. It's not often that he's loose and relaxed and comfortable; always worried about the scrutiny he'll receive from others. They both are kind of similar in that factor. Though, when they're together they seem to forget the rest of the world.

He's singing a very very explicit song about choking and Sykkuno is wildly amused. He could keep watching Corpse sing with all of him for the rest of day but they've got to attend the weekly movie night since they've skipped recently on so many occasions. Today it's Rae's turn to choose the movie and she'll surely have their heads if they don't come.

Corpse notices him standing there and gives him a huge smile while continuing to rap, spitting bars easily. When he's done, he comes out of the glass room to greet Sykkuno with a giant hug and a sweet kiss on the lips. Toast says they act like a married couple sometimes and Sykkuno can't help but stammer on every word that comes out of his mouth. It's quite the sight.

"How long have you stood here?" Corpse questions.

"A few minutes." Sykkuno answers, smile making his cheeks look extra squishy. So it's really not Corpse's fault that he feels obligated to kiss each of them and sink his teeth into the side of his neck. It's totally Sykkuno's fault. For being so cute and attractive and sexy at the same time that Corpse feels the need to devour him all the time.

"Baby," Sykkuno mumbles with a deathly grip on Corpse's t-shirt already.

"What'd you say?" Corpse pulls away with a big, surprised smile.

For entirety of their relationship, the only nickname Sykkuno has called him is Corpsey and that too when he was drunk. Corpse calls him nicknames all the time and it's just a tad surprising but attractive to hear Sykkuno say it too. If Corpse is being honest, it's a bit too attractive.

"Uh– nothing?" Sykkuno replies with cheeks redder than ever.

"Say that again," Corpse whispers against his ear, giving Sykkuno no chance to overthink about Corpse not liking the nickname. He fucking loves it.

"B-baby." Sykkuno whines out when Corpse bites at his earlobe.


Corpse's hands are at Sykkuno's thighs – his heavenly thighs – picking him up and throwing him gently onto the couch that sits against the wall in the room whilst kissing his boyfriend. As soon as Corpse is sitting down on the couch, he has arms full of Sykkuno who is straddling him. He loves doing that and Corpse isn't complaining. They've been in this position plenty of times but it never ceases to amaze him.

"We have to go for the movie night." Sykkuno gasps out but doesn't stop unbuttoning the other boy's shirt.

"Mmm, they won't mind."

The next few seconds consist of them fighting for dominance while kissing with immense amount of passion causing the room to heat up somehow.

When Sykkuno pulls away to ask a question, Corpse can't help but stutter and cough with how shocked he is.

"Do you want me to choke you?" Sykkuno asks with the most innocent voice. He adds, when sees Corpse choke on his own saliva, "I mean, like– like the song. You were just singing it– you know–"

"Yeah, yeah, I was... singing... the song." Corpse stammers.

"Do you actually like to be choked?" He asks, fiddling with the button on his jeans.

"I do." Corpse admits it quietly.

"Can you– can you teach me?"

Corpse nods, mouth dry, unable to utter a single word. He takes Sykkuno's hand and gently wraps it around his own throat. The moment is so intimate and highly erotic at the same time.

"Tighter." He says, Sykkuno's fingers tightening around his throat. "Count till 20, then let go."

Sykkuno nods, watching Corpse's eyes roll back in pleasure, blood rushing south. He doesn't understand how this could be a turn on for him, but watching him experience pleasure makes Sykkuno feel things he has never before. And if Corpse likes it, he likes it.

And so, when they show up to the movie theatre 20 minutes late, with disheveled hair and hoarse voices, their friends only smirk knowingly and don't say a word.

I woke up today and thought let me serve these peasants.

jkjk I love you guys.


breathe play can be dangerous and therefore do not go for it on an impulsive decision, and ask for consent every time. have a talk with your partner about it, establish rules and flagging colours and all that jazz.

hope you liked the chapter :)

votes and comments are really appreciated :)

whole lotta love xx r

in the streets // corpse x sykkuno ✓[completed]Where stories live. Discover now