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The magical kiss under the mistletoe had ended with multiple pecks and giggles till it was no more a kiss but just clashing of teeth. They had decided to get out of the store as soon as possible, paid for everything and went back to the car. Both of them had litres of adrenaline coursing through their veins. Though Corpse had to pretend like he had forgotten to buy something and then go back to the store to buy the gift for Sykkuno.

When he was back in the car he refused to let Sykkuno drive because he wasn't sure if he could in this state. He wasn't drunk, far from it, but he was a little overwhelmed and kept either zoning out or almost sleeping. After all, his sleeping pattern wasn't as fucked up as Corpse's.

They kissed outside Sykkuno's flat for about 4 minutes before he really insisted that he had to go in. He invited Corpse inside but he said he'd come back soon enough after wrapping up his gifts. When Sykkuno started hyperventilating because he had left his gifts back at Corpse's, he promised that he'd bring them with him without opening them. They had kissed each other for a few seconds again and then Corpse had left.

The first one to scream when Sykkuno opened the front door was Toast. Ludwig, Poki and Michael were making hot chocolate in the kitchen while the rest of them sat under the Christmas tree trying to guess what was inside each gift. Toast almost jumps on Sykkuno and then drags him to his room while the others give each other questioning glances.

"You guys kissed?" He whispers excitedly.

"How did you- how did you know?" Sykkuno widens his eyes.

"Look at your lips!"

Sykkuno raises his fingers to touch his swollen red lips, he blushes intensely.

"Aww, you're blushing. Eek!" Toast claps his hands. "I also heard you guys kissing at the front door for like 5 minutes."

"Why were you hearing us kiss, you- you pervert." Sykkuno shakes his head.

"Come on, you guys are cute."

"That's not a good reason."

"So is he coming over?" Toast asks.

"Yeah, he just has some wrapping to do." He says while fixing his fringe.

"Well, come on and join us till then."

And so Sykkuno does. He has a great laugh with his friends till it's almost 6 am and Corpse is back with a bag full of gifts for all of his new friends. He gives Sykkuno's bag back to him with a wink, and Jesus Christ, Sykkuno wants to kiss him so bad.

He's introduced to the new people and they all get along quite nicely even though Corpse is a bit shy in the beginning. They all sip on their hot chocolates and get ready to open their gifts. The whole environment is full of Christmas spirit and even though Corpse hadn't showed himself to be the most religious person, he does seem to enjoy himself among his friends.

Sykkuno has sat himself besides Corpse and is lowly humming the tunes to the Last Christmas which is playing on some device in the room. Corpse notices how his face lights up everytime someone opens a gift that he bought them and says thank you. He also bites his lip to keep in his smile as he opens his own presents. It's quite adorable to watch and Corpse is totally endeared, not even ashamed to be caught staring.

"Stop staring," Sykkuno had said, but Corpse still continues watching him with a wide smile while Toast mumbles something like, "stop eye fucking him, get a room."

All in all, Toast had laughed till he cried at the Toaster he was gifted, Poki had screeched at the Sephora gift cards, Rae had instantly checked out her headphones and showered Corpse with a lot of 'thankyouthankyouthankyou's and so on. Corpse had received so much love for presents he thought were not so good. The lot had bought him a bunch of stuff ranging from new face masks and huge hoodies to a new controller and a Nintendo switch.

He still had to exchange gifts with Sykkuno and being under everyone's eyes while they exchanged was a little intimidating. Sykkuno hands him the two gifts that Corpse brought back from his flat, while Corpse hands him two back.

He tears open the first of the two gifts, which is a thin rectangle-ish packed one. When the gift wrapper falls to the floor, it reveal a the CD to a movie.

"You wanted to see that movie for movie weekend but you decided to go with the one I wanted." Sykkuno explains while awkwardly fixing his fringe. "You never got to see it, so um, I thought, yeah."

"Thank you." He says with a red cheeks while everyone around them awws.

When Sykkuno opens his first gift, his eyes go wide and his cheeks turn red. When Karl from somewhere asks what it is, he pulls out a pair of cat ears and everyone starts either laughing or choking on their own tongues. Toast fakes a cough and says, "kinky." And everyone is in a fit of laughter while both the boys sit there with red cheeks.

The second gift that Corpse receives is a big pack of spray paints that he remembers once mentioning off handedly. He wants to almost cry at the fact that Sykkuno has paid him so much attention. He wants to kiss him in front of everyone to show him how much he loves his gifts. Instead he tries to convey it through his eyes and a simple thank you.

But Sykkuno understands. Of course he does.

When Sykkuno carefully removed the tape from his second gift, he's pretty positive that it's a book of some sort. And when it's revealed to him what book it is, he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's a book about stars. On top of it is a sticky note with Corpse's messy handwriting. The message written on top is,

hope we can learn a bit more about stars and constellations haha x C :)

Everyone around them is cooing, and for a second Sykkuno considers the fact that they might actually know about them. But he shakes the thought away. And when he looks at Corpse to tell him how much he loves his gifts, he's looking at him with a fond expression already. Corpse cannot express the amount of jumps his stomach is doing.

And yeah, it's the best Christmas both the boys have had.



we hit 1k reads and I'm so emotional sjsbsjbs thank you so much, you beautiful people

I mean, I hope you liked it?

I'm not the best about choosing gifts for people so I'm sorry T-T

Comments and votes are really appreciated :)

Whole lotta love xx r

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