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"Why are we here? I swear you're really planning on killing me one day."

Sykkuno trips on a small rock and his bum is about to hit the ground when Corpse's hand flies out to catch him by the arm. He steadies Sykkuno on his feet, who mumbles a thank you, and then keeps walking forward.

"Just trust me." He repeats his words from just yesterday.

"I do, Corpse. I just need some explanation."

Corpse doesn't say anything as he continues to climb up the small hill that he somehow found. Winter is approaching which is why it's much colder at higher altitudes. And considering it is almost sunset, the temperature starts dropping. If Sykkuno knew they were going to go trekking this late evening, he would've at least made the effort to wear his trekking shoes.

Corpse navigates through some trees till he reaches his desired location. He looks back at Sykkuno and smiles softly. Sykkuno steps up to the Pine tree that he's standing under. As soon as he does, he's met with the beautiful sight of the whole city below them, lights and all. He's so mesmerized by the view in front of him that he doesn't notice when Corpse starts to drag a tire towards them from out of nowhere.

"Where'd you get that?" He questions.

"It was here the last time I came here. Thought I'd put it to use the next time I'm back." He says and points to the rope he brought along while walking here. Sykkuno had asked him why he had got the rope but Corpse hadn't answered – much like most other times.

He starts tying the rope to the tire, which Sykkuno finds really hot for some reason (he would never admit that out loud). He does some fancy knots that has Sykkuno thinking if he was a Boy Scout. He stands up and looks at Sykkuno with a little smirk.

"A little help would be nice." His small smirks brightens up to become a whole smile when Sykkuno blushes.

With his help, they manage to hang the tire with the ropes on one of the branches of the tree in such a way that it looks like a makeshift swing.

"Cool," Sykkuno says as he dusts off his hands.

Corpse tilts his head towards the swing and Sykkuno manages to sit in the tire's hole while Corpse takes off his jacket, places it on the ground and takes a seat.

"So, you wanna talk about it?"

Sykkuno sighs, knowing this was coming at any moment, it's the reason he called Corpse in the first place. They had talked for a bit on the phone but Sykkuno hadn't mentioned anything about being upset. Corpse had sensed it though, and asked him to meet him in the evening.

"I just felt suffocated."

"By whom?"


"Why'd you feel that way?"

"Stop acting like Toast. That's the last thing I want." Sykkuno shouts, annoyed.

As surprised as Corpse is at Sykkuno's outburst, he doesn't say anything. He's never known Sykkuno to be a hot tempered person. Then again, he has only known him for a month or so.

"I just feel so suffocated all the time!" He continues. "People think they can ask and-and keep asking about anything just because I don't like saying no. I'm tired of keeping all of this anger in just because I don't want to be mean to anyone. I just- I have a limit."

Sykkuno looks close to tears and his nose is an angry red. Corpse scoots closer till he's at Sykkuno feet. He places a tentative hand of comfort on his knee.

"It's not exactly healthy to keep all that fury in, I think." Corpse says. "You've gotta let it out sometime. Or it's gonna pent up and it's, uh, it's not good. Like, you don't have an outlet for your anger."

in the streets // corpse x sykkuno ✓[completed]Where stories live. Discover now