8: Wrong

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sleep comes in self-love, love yourself


"with you!?" taehyung asked out... his eyes bit widen because of the thought in his head while he stared at the younger one who was driving.

When Jungkook heard Taehyung he understood that Taehyung took him in the wrong context and that made him chuckle aloud. His chuckle turned into giggles and giggles in laughter. Taehyung's confused state lightened up looking at the laughing jungkook.

"WAE!?" Taehyung asked with a pout. Jungkook controlled himself. "I meant, do you want to sleep as it is quite late and you seem tired" jungkook informed looking at Taehyung for a sec before having his eyes back on the road.

"Oh... I'm not tired, don't worry, and I read somewhere that we should not sleep next to the driver, that can cause them to feel sleepy as well as it can lead to accidents." Taehyung said, looking around the car.

"you can sleep at the back seat if you want. That would be more comfortable and I'm totally fine if no one will be beside me" Jungkook said with a small smile.

"Naah I'm okay... What If you drive somewhere else when I'm asleep and kidnap me, I even look like a famous idol" Taehyung shrugged and then gave a chuckle when Jungkook's smile told him that he was enjoying his silly talks.

"your wish! I'm no one to force you" Jungkook said.

"Yeah, you can't force me"Taehyung commented.

"I don't wanna force you!" Jungkook replied.

"You can't force me even if you want to!" Taehyung argued.

"but I don't want to!" Jungkook spat.

"I know! You can't force me, you are too cute for that" Taehyung flirted, gave a smile, and shrugged.

"ugh! Someone stop this guy" Jungkook whispered, shaking his head but his smile never left his lips.

Taehyung chuckled at the statement and looked outside the window, again some comfortable silence engulfed the atmosphere of the car.

Taehyung lied that he was not feeling sleepy. He obviously was, he wanted to jump at the back seat and lay flat on it. But he couldn't, he knew a person sleeping beside the driver could be dangerous and so he decided to stay awake until Jungkook stops at some roadside guest house or whatever.

He was sure that Jungkook will stop somewhere and if he has no planning of stopping Taehyung will make him. He didn't want to make Jungkook drive all night, he was a driver but more a human.

So Taehyung decided that if he will be sleeping he will make jungkook too. He trusted Jungkook that he will not kidnap Taehyung.

Taehyung hated some things which he loved about himself, weird right. He liked being all bubbly and share things, listen to things, and what he does the best was trusting others without reason. He didn't know what type of person Jungkook was. He might take advantage of him and try to get more money out as now he knew that Taehyung's parents have a big business. How would taehyung know?

Taehyung leaned back on the chair and took a comfortable position. He stared out to the road and in his mind, he hummed some songs. He didn't want to play music in the car because it was a sweet calmness that shouldn't be disturb.

Jungkook glanced at the older in a minute or two for a second. He noticed how taehyung tried to keep his eyes open, as it was about to go zero o clock so it was reasonable, plus he didn't know that taehyung was too early in the morning to wake up.

Taehyung blinked his eyes and tried to avoid his eyes getting heavy and blurry. He didn't notice when darkness engulfed him and he drifted to small sleep, not too deep.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and was about to look back at the road in a sec but turned to look back at him as he noticed Taehyung sleeping. The car was still behind from reaching the highway by some kilometers so Jungkook stopped the car at the roadside.

He didn't turn off the engine cuz it was a small temporary stop. He shook Taehyung by the shoulder and the said male jerked up from sleep. Taehyung looked around with half lid eyes and a confused state.

"go rest at the back seat," Jungkook said with a small voice. Taehyung didn't argue and nodded obediently. He unbuckled his belt- (seat belt!) And moved to the back seat from the gap between the driver and passenger seat. Taehyung laid on it, his legs in a weird fold and his head rested over his arm.

Jungkook looked from the rear mirror and changed the gear before kicking the accelerator.

He drove a good distance at a good speed as he was on the highway. He was feeling really tired and sleepy, but he had to drive. He looked up to see the signboard on the road telling the Km left for the cities ahead.

But something caught jungkook off guard. 

His sleep vanished that he will never sleep again. Like he was injected with strong caffeine that he could stay awake for more than half of his life from now.

The sign was telling about a city some 100 kilometers away, and that city does not fall on the way to Busan.

He took the wrong way.

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