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In the streets full of flowers~

I see you today too
Will it be in me

The sun came to kiss his skin, making him a bit warm exactly like I was feeling within. The wind blew, making his hair dance with it in the music playing in his heart.

His back leaned against the windshield as he was sitting in the head of the car, parked at a deserted roadside.

Only if he had his fingers interweaved in those soft ones he missed, it would have been different.

In the park of the early morning~
I have my feelings now
Towards this old yellow

The big star was not hurting his eyes as it was setting behind those long trees. The sky gave out the shades of pink mixed with orange-red and highlighted with a hint of purple as a signal that soon this sky would be a big dark blanket.

Taehyung looked at things differently, for him, the sunrise was as beautiful as the night sky. He loved everything around him he didn't know if it was Hoseok's effect or if he was done being gloomy or if it was him. Him, who brightened his day with his voice which is as melodious as bird chirpings and glow his night as he is a chandelier up high for him.

Illuminated the moon~
listen to the film

Taehyung hummed the melody which was playing in his mind some seconds ago. Birds went around giving music to it and the wind tried to play guitar with his hair. He loved it, he loved him.

I still wonder wonder beautiful story~
Still wonder wonder best part
I still wander wander next story
I want to make you mine

And now he was singing, thinking about what new journey he would like to have, will he able to get him? Able to get to him? Or should he give up?

Should he give up on his beautiful story and the best part, should he have the next story? Will it make Him his? He wanted him.

That's the time of the moment~
I missed my lost mind
I regret it

Can he undo things? He wanted to. He regretted it, but not really, it was just for saying because after that, all that happened, which could've never.

Collect a moonlight piece
I'll make the lights
Like yesterday
Come in front of me

He had to take a path, go to his moonlight, make his lights shine and brighten up his world, his desires which were only for him.

He wanted him to stay on his lips like a hum, a song he wanted to sing every time. He wanted him to be his prayer so that he can do remember it day and night and repeat it again and again.

'If he would not be able to come to me, I'll take the road'. And with this thought he committed, in the name in the glittery stars in the bright sky, in the name of the fireflies that came out, in the name of the dust on the road underneath him, he vowed for him.

"I'll take the road that leads to you"

I still wonder wonder beautiful story
Still wonder wonder best part
I still wander wander next story
I want to make you mine~

taehyung nodded to himself and slid down the car head. He opened the driver seat and was about to sit when a loud voice came to stop him. 


A smile tugged at his lips as he froze at the call. He knew this sweet voice. He turned to see Him there, the shirt was messily over him, half sliding off his shoulders, shoes undone, and hair in different directions, like he came here running from middle of his dressup time. 


"jungk-" and Taehyung again cut off when the bunny boy started to stomp towards him. 

"why did you leave, and that too with my car, I told you I will take the road that leads to you ! where do you think you were going!?" he shouted his lungs out, eyes teary, at the thought that maybe taehyung was leaving him behind.

"to you, I was planing to go to you" 

Jungkook's lips twitched to form a smile at the kind words, but he tried his all to have a hard face on. 

"the guards didn't let me stay at the gate, and then the overflowing traffic led me here. but how did you came here" Taehyung said as he brushed some strands of Jungkook's hair away from his face.

Jungkook let  himself lean forward and rest his head on taehyung's chest with a sigh. " Just... The traffic lead me here. My phone can track my car, dumbass"

Taehyung chuckled and wrapped his arms around Jungkook, making the younger melt in the embrace. They stood their for some minutes.

"What next?" Jungkook murmured.

"I-..." Taehyung tried to speak. "I want to be with you. I want to know you more. I want to know every single thing about you." Taehyung whispered. Jungkook couldn't help his smile. And buried his head deep into taehyung's crook of neck.

"Me too." Jungkook whispered back.

Taehyung moved to give a long peck on jungkook forehead. "So would you take the road with me?" Taehyung asked.

"No need to ask" He chuckled, looking all tiny and cute

"Oh bunny boy. You just drive me crazy" Taehyung smiled widely at the sight and cupped Jungkook face. And Jungkook completed by leaning forward to catch taehyung lips in a loving kiss.

The end

A/n: 4 may 2021:
I'm so sorry if this was not up to your liking. I may write this part in a better way in future.

I'm covid positive right now,

it's been 4 days with fever and body pain. I just tried all my self to write this part because I didn't wanted to make you guys wait more.

The ending was planned. I'm not compromising on it because of my illness. It had to be like this. I just think my writing style and grammar+spelling must have gone low or not as appealing.

Hope you guys are safe and sound at your home. Don't let this virus get you. You will feel horrible, trust me, I'm going through it. The second wave here in India is horrible. I wish everything get better soon.

Love ya

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