13: Brownie

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people are not there when needed the most


"you know why I'm going to Busan?" Taehyung questioned and he knew that Jungkook didn't know the answer but it was his way of speaking.

"is it your home town?" Jungkook asked on which Taehyung shook his head.

"I'm was born in Daegu and brought up in Seoul. There was this school I studied in, and there was he, my friend, my best friend. Jimin, he and I use to be together all the time"

Jungkook again wanted to chuckle as he knew it was his storytime. Once Taehyung starts he doesn't stop he learned it till now. But Jungkook was kinda interested in it when the mention of another guy came, also he will know why he was so desperate to go to Busan.

"So we both were like soulmates, but we got into a fight. When I should've accepted his apology I didn't, which made me lose him. I didn't lose him totally and that's why I'm going to Busan to meet him, after years. he is coming there to meet his grandparents. I'm going to surprise him and get our friendship back." Taehyung said.

Jungkook hummed and waited for Taehyung to speak, this came to Jungkook's shock as he noticed that Taehyung already rest his case, it wasn't even 5 minutes of speaking.

"Why did you fight?" Jungkook asked in a soft voice.

"he ate my brownie"

"Taehyung? Really? You fought him for years just for a brownie" Jungkook scoffed, not believing the elder's explanation.

"of course not pabo, I was joking, it's like when I needed him the most he was not there, he came back to me when he needed me and I pushed him away when he said he was sorry for not being a 'good friend', I have a whole story behind it." Taehyung shrugged. Jungkook shifted a bit on his seat and mumbled "go on"

How could Taehyung leave a chance to speak himself out in front of a good listener who is willing to listen?

he smiled and started "Okay so, a big part of my life went around my grandma and my friends. My parents used to stay busy and my granny used to say with me. At home, she was my support and at school Jimin was. He was like an important part of me. I loved him, not in that way, in a platonic way, you know. People use to make bets and promises on our friendship and bond. In this second last year of high school, a transfer student joined who caught Jimin's eyes. He was in last year, our senior. Jimin made a friendship with him and I did too. It was soon a trio of us. Me, Jimin, and Yoongi hyung.

Yoongi got graduated. But still, we were in an unbreakable bond. I was not that close to Yoongi hyung than Jimin was. He had a little crush on him and they got official when we were in the last year of school. He always used to give me updates and share his and hyung's chats. My position for Jimin was shaking a bit because of the relationship between him and hyung but I didn't mind running after him. Jimin seemed really happy.

A day came when I heard that my grandmother is no more. Jimin was the first one I messaged. Granny was so much to me and I was having some roller coaster of emotions. I really tried to get to Jimin because I knew that he could provide me comfort but I was not really right.

Jimin talked to me on a call once but then didn't contact me. Me with such a mood didn't want to go after him. I wished for him to give me comfort like I always did for him. He didn't come. No calls, no messages even tho he used to stay online. I felt like such a waste on trusting him and etc.

Months later he messaged me. Asking if I forgot about him, and he started to tell me that yoongi and he broke up. I was so in anger by his behaviour that I cursed at him, wrote him paragraphs telling how disappointed I was in him. That I shouldn't have trusted him. I eventually ended up saying that it would be our last chat and bloked him. It was not like I felt better after saying everything inside me. I missed him horribly. I took the help of my other best friend, hoseok and use to tell him everything. He helped me like a mother and a brother, always there for me.

I was behaving like Jimin's dumbed ex but I didn't try to get to him. Again months later he reached me. And I wish I would have hugged him and forgave him. To tell him that I can't stay angry at him forever but I didn't. I pushed him away ignoing his apoplogies. I didn't know that it was his last day in Korea. He flew off to sates for the university while I was stuck here. Right now I'm in my last year of university. Yoongi hyung is still my best frined and yoongi hyung still has contacts with jimin. The only change is that Hoseok and Yoongi hyung are together right now.

Yoongi hyung told me that Jimin is coming back to busan and that's why I am goig there. maybe I could glue our bond again. The scars and scratches would still be there but that would be the true beauty of our bond." 


sometimes I express myself in my stories.

I did not say that...

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