2: Rider

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anger is one letter short of danger. and you are dangerous for my heart 



Taehyung yelled, his bag was back on his shoulders and his hands rested on his hips as he stared the fuck out of the boy who flinched on the call.

The shout made the guy, leaning to his car, jump in horror. The lighted cigarette fell off his fingers and he, Jungkook, turned around to see his last passenger standing who did not look happy.

Before he could speak anything, Taehyung came close, stamping his foot while walking. He pointed a finger at Jungkook as he stomped while saying "you! You son of a snail!" Taehyung shouted and Jungkook looked back to see if he is talking to him or someone else behind him.

"you! I'm talking to you!" Taehyung said as he came inches closer to Jungkook, his finger was now poking Jungkook's build-up chest and he was looking deep through his chocolate eyes.

"y-yes?" Jungkook did, Taehyung being so near and scary was a bit disturbing and hot to Jungkook. On Jungkook's answer, Taehyung spoke through his gritted teeth.

"because of you! I lost my flight! I lost my last fucking chance! I've never lost my flight in life! And the first time I lost it, only because of you! And at the time when it is so fucking important to me"

Taehyung almost made Jungkook go deaf. This made the younger feel shivers but he decided to stand for himself. "It's not my fault that you stopped at the shop because you were suddenly hungry. You would've caught the flight, don't blame me!" he said and took some steps back to make a civil distance between him and the blond.

Jungkook knew he was a reason for him getting late but he would've got Taehyung to catch his flight if they didn't stop at the Starbucks.

"We only stopped for max 5 minutes! Don't blame me! You were the one who came more than an hour late!" Taehyung shouted again, taking a step to Jungkook and closing the gap again.

"I'm not an official driver! No one was free that's why I had to come! Not my fault!" Jungkook said as he stepped back again and this time he felt the coldness of the car metal on his back, he couldn't take a step back more, but for now, there was a good distance between the two.

Jungkook was not an employee as a driver, he was at his office at the travel agency where he works when he got to know that no other driver was available for a pre-booked taxi and he had no other option than to go by himself.

Taehyung soon covered the distance Jungkook made as he took a step closer, practically pinning Jungkook to the car. "I don't care! I booked the taxi a day before and I should get it on time when the company accepted the order! You are at fault" although Taehyung's foot stopped as there was no more floor available to move closer, his head didn't stop.

Jungkook tried to create as much distance as possible from the scarry Taehyung by retreating his head back along the curve of the car top but Taehyung's head followed Jungkook all along. It was soon that every part of Jungkook's back, from the top to the drop, was touching the white car behind him and Taehyung was hovering him with narrow eyes and gritted teeth.

Jungkook didn't reply as he was just looking up to Taehyung while Taehyung didn't realize the closeness among them and the fear in Jungkook's eyes. It was when Jungkook gulped and his adam apple bobbed caught Taehyung on attention and he realized that he was on his toes to pin Jungkook properly, he didn't mean to do it but his balance did get disturbed. Until that nothing was touching between Jungkook and Taehyung but on Taehyung's loss of balance, he fell all over Jungkook.

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