15: Fast

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There is no defined time to flirt

Taehyung turned around the car back to the city they were in. He was sure he saw a hospital building near the entrance of the highway.

"have some water from the bag, we will be there soon," Taehyung said and the black-haired looked for it in the bag when Jungkook pointed it.

He took a big gulp before he choked on a sob realizing that the one he called Jinne is not in a condition to move and have water.

Listening to the sobs the guy in blood mumbled, "j-joonie", the Joonie guy immediately replied. "yes, jinnie, its me, just some time, you will be okay, just hang in there" he said clutching on his Jinnie who didn't respond.

"don't worry mister we are almost there" Jungkook looked at the guy behind who was caressing the face of the guy in his lap. He just nodded and continued to check on the knocked-out brunette. The black head's mouth was quilling making him stretch his lips and his dimple got visible.

Jinne guy was still breathing-faintly, and the dimple guy was breathing heavily, he didn't care about himself but his arm and legs also had cuts, his head was bleeding and his cheeks flooded with tears. He didn't also care to wipe out the sorrowful water as he didn't want his hands away from jinnie.

"Please drive fast, he is losing blood. Please be f-fast" the blackhead begged from the back seat, trying hard to control his sobs and make his sentence as clear as possible. Taehyung looked at the elder from the rear mirror and gave a stiff nod. He licked his lips and gave a push to the gas, going out of the speed limits.

The hospital came in sight and Taehyung could see the entrance wide open with emergency written over it. Taehyung gave a clean drift in front of the door and Jungkook jumped out followed by Taehyung. While jungkook went inside to bring nurses and doctors Taehyung helped the jinnie guy and the dimple guy to get out of the back seat.

The doctors and nurses came rushing with 2 stretchers. Taehyung held on Jin and Jungkook did it with Joon before they were taken over by the nurses. Taehyung and Jungkook followed inside until the emergency room was shut. They sighed and looked at each other, what just happened?

While their brains were catching things a lady in a pencil skirt and white shirt tugged in came to them with some papers. She gave the staff vibes, she looked at them and forwarded the sheets of paper.

"could you fill this please" she stuck out the sheets between Taehyung and Jungkook, hoping one of them to hold them.

Taehyung took the papers and read the first few questions which were asking the patients name, relation to them, and what was the cause of the emergency. Neither Taehyung nor Jungkook knew these answers. The lady was about to walk away when Taehyung stopped her.

"excuse me, but we don't know the patients. We found them near a crashed car, injured and so we brought them here." he explained and they saw the lady's mouth going in an 'o'.

"oh then follow me please," she said with a slight bow and walked her track. Before Taehyung could go after, Jungkook stopped him to inform something.

"Um Taehyung, I would just go and park the car around as it is in front of the door" Jungkook explained and pointed out the blocked entrance. Taehyung gave a small smile and nodded. Jungkook smiled a little back and jogged to the door to make his work quick while Taehyung followed the staff.

Jungkook got into the driving seat of the unlocked car and noticed that the key was still inside. He drove around the area and found a spot to park the car. He was about to get out after taking out the key before his eyes fell on the backseat.

Beside Taehyung's bag was a wallet. He stretched his arm back and got a hold of the man's purse. It was in leather and not that heavy. Jungkook unfolded it and saw an id tugged in. It was an office id.

Kim namjoon, it said as the name and Jungkook identified the picture as the dimple guy, the difference was that in the photo his dimples were visible because of a smile and not in cry. Jungkook adored the smile, noticing that the guy was indeed handsome. He read further in the id not caring that he is looking in someone else's purse.

Kim Seok Jin was giving as the spouse name, Jungkook realized that the passed out guy who was called Jinne must be Kim seokjin. The other details Jungkook didn't care and got out of the car before locking it.

He made his way back to the hospital and looked for Taehyung. He found him leaning on the reception counter and the lady at her computer.

He didn't know what pinched him when he saw the male-female laughing with Taehyung's hand on his heart and the girl's hand covering her mouth as he laughed loudly.

"Is he flirting with the girl? In a hospital?" jungkook questioned himself. "what the fuck!?"


Does any one of u also ship han seo jun and lee soo ho in true beauty or is it just me? 🤡

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