22: Mrs. Jeon

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she cares 


"Kim Jungkook?" Jungkook asked confusingly making Taehyung stop in his track.

Taehyung didn't know what to explain now. He looked at the younger one and noticed that he was staring at Taehyung with his hand on his hips. Taehyung went red, this was embarrassing.

"a-... um... I didn't know your surname so I just let her use Kim." Taehyung said scratching his nape.

"and why is that?" Jungkook asked, he was not really offended or something but it was fun.

"Um.... You know Kim is a common surname. T-That's why...." He replied and looked every but Jungkook.

"Are you sure it is because of that and not because Kim is your surname...?" Jungkook asked but didn't wait for the answer and tailed Jennie, Taehyung run up behind him and catch up to Jungkook and didn't answer that.

They didn't continue the conversation and kept following Jennie who took them to a certain hospital room. They entered with a soft smile and saw two beds with the dudes laying on each of them. One who was probably known as Namjoon guy sat up straight on his bed, the other was also awake but not really condition to pull himself to sit, the pipes and wires in his fingers were barriers.

"I'll leave you guys here, if you need anything you can ring this bell." She indicated one beside each bed. Taehyung and Jungkook nodded before Jennie left the four.

It was awkward until Taehyung spoke up in a joking way. "please don't start by saying thank you, sorry and all. We really understand it, anyone at our position could have done it" he waved a no in front of his chest and giggled. Namjoon took the adorableness of the other, he smiled back and said "But you guys really need to be thanked. I just don't know how to put it all together and thank you both."

"um- it's fine, by the way, are you okay now, you also, how are you feeling?" Jungkook asked namjoon and then turned to another Guy on the other bed.

"We are fine now, and I'm Kim namjoon and he is my husband Jin, Kim Seokjin" Namjoon introduced and Jin waved to the two boys with a small "hey". The younger duet nodded and again silent until Jin spoke up looking at Jungkook from head to toe.

"You are Jungkook, aren't you? He spoke with his weak voice, a soft smile stretching his lips. This made the two get wide eyes in shock. How did?

"I work with your mother; I've seen your pictures multiple times and around also" he explained and Jungkook stayed silent. He gulped in fear which did not go unnoticed by the elder.

"I request you to please not tell anyone" Jungkook spoke out, showing his weak side. He was really scared that Jin may call his mother. She must be really disappointed with him like others are, he thought. It's valid because he ran out of the house without informing anyone.

"Don't worry, I won't go against your mother," Jin said shaking his head, making jungkook go confused and Namjoon and Taehyung even more confusing. Jin patted the space beside him on the bed, asking jungkook to come closer. Jungkook before taking steps glanced at Taehyung and rested on the bedside, looking down at the laying Jin.

"I know you think Your parents hate you for what you did. But trust me, your mom is really happy that you took this step. She just does not show it. She worries a lot about you but she also trusts you that you will be better. It was her idea to stop your dad from searching you and tell everyone that you went to seek knowledge." Jin explained.

A painful lump in Jungkook's throat told him that he wanted to burst into sobs. He misses his mother too much now. It's not like he uses to see his mother every time but still, it was better than not seeing her at all. He missed home but at the same time, he did not. Jungkook blinked the tears off and passed a smile, a fake one.

The four talked for almost an hour, most of the time Taehyung talking like a bullet train and Jungkook getting lost in his talks.

The sky started to take darker shades and Jungkook and taehyung both noticed it. "I guess we should go, got a long journey to cover," Jungkook said and Namjoon stiffed.

"Did we take a lot of your time? We are sorry!" he worriedly said on which taehyung shook his head. "it's nothing" he assured.

Jungkook and Taehyung bid their farewell when Jin paused Jungkook "You should talk to Mrs. Jeon once, hope you'll try, she misses you" Jin said and jungkook nodded before leaving the room, tailed by Taehyung who offered the last bow to the elders on the bed. They were on their way to the car when Taehyung spoke beside Jungkook. "you should at least call your mother ones, she must be worried about his son" he said looking down as he knew that it was not his space to speak but he had this big mouth with nothing.

Taehyung felt the sudden disappearance of someone beside him. he turned around to see Jungkook at some steps, head low and soft sobs leaving his mouth. "I miss her, I miss mom." Jungkook let a whimper out, shameless tears rolled down as he knew taehyung was not the one to judge.

A painful pang hit Taehyung's chest and before he knew he was embracing Jungkook in a big hug. Jungkook could have sworn it was his first time getting a comforting hug other than his late nanny. It was warm and pleasant, he didn't wish to let go and buried his face more in Taehyung's chest who equally welcomed him.

'Just hold me like this, it feels good, really good' Jungkook said in his mind and let all his sorrow out. 

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