The Chinese Fireball

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"Y/N, Fred! Wake up!"  

Y/N opened her eyes to find herself utterly entangled in a mess of blankets and Fred Weasley. They had somehow contorted themselves so Fred was splayed across the bed like a starfish and y/n was curled around his hip, using his stomach as a pillow. One of Fred's hands was tangled in her hair and y/n felt a tingly sensation in her left arm, which was wedged underneath Fred. Along with her arm, one of her legs was also trapped, and she nudged him trying to wake him up. 

"Mornin' y/n" Fred said yawning, "What's wrong?"

"I dunno George woke me up" y/n rubbed her eyes, trying to focus on the dark room around them when she saw not one but two red haired boys peering over them. 

"Ron?" she whispered, squinting at him 

"Charlie." A deep voice responded. 

"Charlie!? It's not what it looks like!" Y/N cried out leaping from the bed and teetering as she almost lost her balance. 

"I'm sure, doll" Charlie said with a wink as George laughed at them silently 

"Charlie's just come in! He's helping work the first task!" George whispered excitedly

Fred sat up and slid out of the bed, pulling his shoes on along with a large coat.

"You don't mean dragons do you, Charlie?" Fred smiled

"I do, Freddie, wanna see?" 


Soon enough they were sneaking out of the common room and out of the castle and the four of them set off into the night. Y/N shivered in the chilling November weather, and Fred pulled her under his burly winter coat alongside him. Charlie led them through through the grounds, out into the darkness surrounding the Forbidden Forest. As they walked, felt the air grow warmer and warmer until she couldn't stand to be under the coat with Fred any longer. The frost and light snow had melted off the ground surrounding a large clearing in the forest. There, y/n saw four crates holding immense dragons. 

"Charlie! Thank Merlin you're back! Nobody else has been able to wrangle the damn horntail!" 

"I'm on it. And I brought help" Charlie said as he sped towards the far most cage, which held an enormous dragon banging against the bars and spitting fire in every direction. 

"Help, eh?" The man who had called out to Charlie stepped up to them and introduced himself as Gregore Ludvigson, head of the Romanian Dragon-Control team that Charlie had been working with. 

"You three came just in time to clean cages" Ludvigson said with a toothy smile

"Great" George whispered under his breath as the man pointed them towards the different cages. Y/N made a mental note of each of the dragons. Welsh Green, Swedish Short-Snout, Chinese Fireball, Hungarian Horntail. The Fireball stuck out to her particularly, but she couldn't remember where she had heard his name before. 

"That red one is bloody brilliant don't you think, y/n?" Fred whispered to her

"I'm partial to the Horntail m'self" Ludvigson said

"The Chinese Fireball, its spikes have special properties right? For making enchanted fireworks?" Y/N asked, looking at Ludvigson

"Ah, yes! Well, no. The scales, when ground, turn into an enchantable gun powder. Very dangerous, very powerful. Makes good fireworks but it's Ministry grade material. A level 3B classification, so it's not available to civilians."  

"You're not thinking what I'm thinking, are you y/n?" 

"Never, Freddie" y/n said with a wink, "Mr. Ludvigson! I have a question about the Horntail!" 

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