The Stranger

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The next day morning...

Prem was preparing their breakfast asuaual.. suddenly Boun called him from his bathroom...

PREM !! Bebe can you come here...

Prem : (( Sighed)) Every time!!


Prem : I'M COMING!!

Prem wiped his hand then walked to upstairs and opened the bedroom door and looked at the bathroom side...

Prem : What is it Boun !??

Where's The Towel ?

Prem : Argh! How many times I told you , Just check what You need before you entering the bathroom ?? Everytime You forgetting the towel and I have to do this whole the time !

Can you give me or Not !!?

Prem sighed and quickly took the Towel from the cupboard then walked to the bathroom then knocked on the Boun opened the door in half then looked at him with his wet face....So Prem looked at him annoyingly then strteched it at him...

Prem : Here !

Boun smiled at him and Instead of the towel, he grabbed Prem's hand then pulled him Inside then closed slowly their giggling sounds started to coming out from the bathroom.

Heyy!! What are you do-- Argh!! Hahahaha Boun Nooo!! Hahahaha!! Wait wait wait wait I already showered Heyyyy Noo!!

Suddenly Prem's Phone Started to ringing from the room...

My phone... my phone is ringing leave me Boun !!!

Somehow Prem managed to came out from the bathroom then looked at his himself and his Entire body wet and the water still dripping from his dress...


The regular thing You Se*y !!!

Prem : Argh Shut up!! Just clean this damn floor when you came out...or else I will kill you !

Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah..

Prem sighed with extreme annoyed face then slowly walked to the table then took his phone which is continuously ringing... So He checked the Number and it was Kao which is his Bestfriend and also their Company Managing He quickly answered it...

Prem : Hello?

" Good morning sir "

Prem : Argh ! Don't call me sir You Idiot!

" It's an official call"

Prem : whatever it is don't use that...

" Okay..The Lenin company accepted our offer Prem .. They send me a mail now"

Prem : Oh Okay.. Then do one-thing.. Just let them clear our rules and regulations too.. So If they agreed, Then proceed..

" Okay where is Your Boss? "

Prem : I'm the Boss Here.. Not Him..

"Hahahaha.. okay where is he ?"

Prem : In bathroom.. one second "


Then Prem quickly walked to bathroom then again knocked on the door..

Prem : Open Up!

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