The Man

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The same day, Prem doing a business talk with their  New business customers when Boun told him He was busy with his other conference...And the customers also convinced by his talk too.. Suddenly Prem's phone started to He looked at the phone which is staying infront of him then saw the same annoying unknown number who being silent after he attend.. So He quickly cut it and continued talking again... But the phone started to Vibrating again and again continuously till all the customers  started to Feeling irritated... So Prem sighed and quickly took the phone then looked at them all...

Prem : Excuseme!

Everyone nod their head as Yes at him... So Prem got up and walked to the window side then Dialled that number to call that Person... And after two ring, someone picked the call...

Prem : Hello what's your problem? Why you always calling Me Mister? you don't know how much I'm annoyed with your phone call.. atleast talk to me or Never call me again... Do you understand? Hello?? Hello?

Prem asked it again and again but He didn't heard a single word from the other line...So Prem felt even more angery...

Prem : (( Fu*king Bas*rd)) Say something?? What do you Want Ugh? Okay This is your last warning.. If you call me again, I'll complain about you to the police.. mind it...

Suddenly the call ended without getting any reply. so Prem sighed with annoyed face then took a deep breath then slowly tried walk back to the customers.. but suddenly the phone again He looked at the phone and saw the same number and  it made Prem stoped at the place and his entire nerve provoked even seeing number .. He felt to throw the phone at to somewhere and he would have do that too if that customers wouldn't there.. but he controled his anger then quickly switched off the phone then put it inside his pocket then walked back to the hall then started again his meeting....

After the Meeting done successfully, Prem sat on his round chair then rested his head on the back with closed eyes when he started to having his regular Migraine.. Suddenly he remembered his phone was switched off.. so He he quickly took it from his pocket then turned on it then Dialled Boun's number.. And After two ring, Boun answered his call...

Prem : Hello B---

" Where the hell were you these time Prem? How many times I called your phone ? Why it's switched off ?" 

Prem : Boun I'm sorry Listen.. When was attending the Meeting--

" Then make it on silent mode if it's give you disturbence .. Never switch off the Phone.. Do you understand!? You know I don't like that "

Prem : (( Sighs)) Okay.. I'm sorry...

" Hm..Leo's Bus driver called me Just now and said He's on leave... So we have to pick him from his school... I'm going to meet a client now...So can you go on there at 4 ? "

Prem : Yeah I will...

"You  sure ? "

Prem : Yeah sure.. Don't worry..

" Okay.. And.. Hey,"

Prem : Hm?

" I'm Sorry "

Prem : (( Smiles))  It's Okay... I know You're Worried..

" You know Those Costomers called me and said I'm so lucky to have You "

Prem : (( Smiles)) Really?

" Yup! I'm so happy to hear that "

Prem smiled when he heard that and felt some relief from his Headache..

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