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Prem looked at the Man then Who staying infront of the car and saw Boun was walking at him.. So Prem looked at them both and saw They both talking with a smiling face.. So He got some relief then slowly get down from the car then walked to them...

Prem : Hey !!

Boun and that Man looked at the Prem smiled at them Man..

Prem : You again again!?

The Man : Oh Prem ! You are--

Prem : This is my Husband..

The Man : Is it ?? Whoa ! Nice..

The Man smiled at Boun.. so Boun looked at Prem with a confused face...

Prem : This is My New coustomer Boun... Um--Mister..,

The Man : Sin!

Boun : Sin ?

The Man : Short form of Sinister Xavier !

Boun : Ohh! (( Smiles ))

Prem smiled and looked at Sin with a smirk..

Prem : But You didn't pick anything..

Sin : Oh! I've got a call and it was urgent.. I'll definitely come Tommorow..

Prem : It's okay..I'm just asking..By the why what's the matter?

Sin : My Car's not working.. So I want a lift till the bus stop... I'm in hurry..

Prem : Oh!

Prem looked at Boun.. so Boun smiled and looked back at Sin..

Boun : can I check it ?

Sin : Ugh? You know about this ?

Boun : Not really.. but yeah kinda..

Sin : Oh okay that's nice..

Boun : Open your bonnet..

Sin smiled and slowly walked to his car.. So Boun looked at Prem with a smile..

Prem : (( smiles )) I'll be at car...

Boun : Okay..

Prem smiled and slowly walked to the car then get inside.. then he looked at back seat and saw Leo already Slept.. so he smiled and slowly sat straightly then looked at Boun.. suddenly his phone started to ringing.. so he took it from the dashboard with a smile then checked the number and shocked when he saw that same unknown number.. so he shocked and looked at Boun then looked down at his phone again.. he didn't picked and let it ring till it stoped..but the call still rang again and again.. so he quickly switched off it then looked back at Boun with tensed face.. Suddenly Boun's phone got a notification.. so he slowly took the phone which is staying on the seat then checked the message..

" I know this Number too Prem"

Prem shocked when he saw the message and his body started shiveruj like hell.. Suddenly he got another message..

" I know where you are right now.. because I'm always behind you.. And I can see your fear "

Prem read it with his shivering body, and he quickly looked at the road.. And he saw Boun still looking at the bonnet and Sin talking with him.. so Prem looked around with panicked face then looked at the side mirror to check the back.. but there's no one there.. suddenly another message came..

" Don't look back prem.. I'm not staying Behind you.. I'm going to face you soon.. be ready for your death! "

Prem looked at the messages with almost freaked out face.. Suddenly he got another one..

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