Chapter 12

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You begin to walk down a hallway when 2 familiar people catch your eye, you notice your boyfreind Tom Riddle walking with your sister who has a face of terror painted on her young face. You quickly walk up and ask "Sister, Tom, what are you doing?" almost accusingly. "Please don't tell her" your sister quickly mutters to Tom who towers over her, "Tell me what" you say sneering at the guilty-looking first year. "I-  uhh" she starts to say before Tom cuts in with "I found your gremlin kissing a second year in the entrance to the Slytherin common room". Your eyes widen as you turn to face her with fury in your eyes "You whor-" you start to say before Tom stops you with a disapproving face about the launguage. You sigh and restart your sentence, "You are a fucking 1st year- nontheless a gryffindor KEEP YOUR FILTHY CHILD SELF OUT OF MYYY COMMON ROO-". Tom stops you once again as you begin to scream at your sister who begins to tear up, you look at her and say as calmly as possible " I am very dissapointed in you, and mum will be too". Your sister's eyes widen as she thinks and mutters "Wait mu- NO YOU CAN'T TELL HER Y/N PLEASE", you almost laugh in her face still furious and holding little sympathy for she caused her own downfall.
"If i were you I'd expect a wicked Howler from mother. Now- please get the fuck away from my boyfreind and I. We don't want to catch whatever diseases that 2nd year may have spread to you" you say sneering, "Uhhh diseases?" your sister says confused and you just reply "Just get away" while waving her away.
As you walk down the hall you think about what just happened and turn to Tom saying "Merlin, I'm sorry- that was... Torture", he looks confused for a second and asks what you mean earning a simple response explaining what you meant "I felt guilty that you had to find her- or interact with her at all". He starts to laugh and grins saying "What are you talking about? That was hilarious!" You give him a confused face and smile back "Yeah, it kinda was" before hugging him and saying "I love you, and you were riiiggghhhttt- i shouldn't have cursed at her". He smiles and hugs you before whispering "Eh, it's fine. She was being annoying", you smile widely and kiss him on the cheek saying "This is why I love you". He tries to hold in a laugh whole saying "Really? Its not my 30cm di-" you shush him before he can finish saying "Don't you dare finish that sentence". You get closer to his ear and whisper "But that is a factor". You both laugh and he playfully pushes you to the side gaining a push back in response, eventually after a few pushes back and forth you push him against a wall and kiss him. He lifts you up, holding you on his hip and walks into an empty classroom. He lays you down on a desk and begins kissing you and pushing you down onto the hard surface. You sit up and tug at his shirt hinting him to take it off and he does, he begins to pull off your shirt after heis is removed and you gaze at his abs as if you'd never seen them. You lay back as he begins to pull your skirt down and rub your clit over the fabric of your panties (that escalated quickly). You moan lightly at his touch and kiss him while he unbckles his pants then unzips them. He places his hard dick at your entrance teasing you, you whimper lightly then thrust forward pushing him into you. You both moan at the initial penetration and he begins to thrust into you slowly. You grab his head as he begins to thrust quicker but still at a casual pace. You moan as he rubs your clit with his thumb while fucking you. He moans and you get close to his ear and whisper "Harder... Daddy". He locks eyes with you before wrapping his hand around your neck and slamming his dick into you while asking "What did you just call me", you stutter through moans- struggling to say "Daddy, I called you daddy". He fucks you as hard as possible and says "If you want to call me that then i want to hear you scream it", you whimper as he thrusts into you agressively. "Scream my name y/n, come on. Don't be shy- i want the whole school to hear you" he says as he grips onto your hips to hold you in plyace as he slams his hips into yours. You arch your back and scramble your hands to find something to grip onto as you scream in pleasure and the slightest pain. "Say it" Tom says as he holds your hip tighter and moans- releasing a hum of his deep voice. You shake your head no in defiance as he continues to fuck you harshly "I said fucking say it" he says slowly and seriously as he thrusts into you in seperated strong strokes that hit you deep Every. Single. Time. You clench your fists in reaction to the feeling and scream "OH FUCK" as he looks at you witha face of determination- he says "I want you to say it" loudly over your moans. You grab his wrists tightly for support as you near your climax and your back arches almost painfully. "Say it" he groans again as you moan uncontrollably before starting an attempt at a word "Yes Ddda-". You scream in pleasure then say "FUCK DADDY" as you cum on his dick with your body convulsing and still screaming loudly "GOD TOM I- FUCK". You bite your lip muffling your sounds as he keeps ramming into you. He continues his moans- getting louder as he keeps pushing into you extending your climax. Your breathing staggers as you clench your eyes in overstimulation, he moans and brings his face to yours kissing you as he continues to fuck you getting slower as he gets closer to finishing as well. He moans loudly and his eyes roll back as he cums, pressing into you then collapsing into your body and kissing you again before pulling out of you and starting to redress. He laughs when he sees you laying limply on the table still tired and trying to normalize your breathing. "What the fuck are you laughing at, you did this" you mutters between deep breaths. He just laughs in response and passed you your clothing for you to put on.
You both get dressed and begin to leave the room still looking unraveled and slightly damp with sweat from the excertion of fucking a man with such... Endurance. You exit the room, turning the hallways of the castle then see your sister and quickly hide. "Damn it i told her to go back to her dorm" you say in a slightly panicked tone and hit your head against the wall annoyed. After a few seconds- thinking it was safe to walk again, you continue down the hall before your sister immediately appears before you and Tom. You close your eyes quickly and scoff "I thought I told you to go back to your dorms" you say, "What, so you could fuck your bOyFrIeNd in peace?" she says in a sarcastic tone. "I have no idea what you're talking about" you say, acting oblivious to the clear signs of you having just come from... Coming. "Don't be like that sis, I'm 11 not stupid" she says looking you both up and down. "Exactly, you're a child so go now before I fucking end you" you say warningly and watch her walk away.

Yeah fuck life
Ewww i hate myself for using Daddy but it was just too tempting not to.
And i actually used the sister so we kinda need a name for her soooooo
What should y/n's sister's name be?
Should I drop my discord or like make a discord server or sum for y'all to discuss and request shit bc my wattpad notifications are too flooded to do anything? (Feedback, discussion, requests, questions, etc.)
Byeeeeeeeeee and respond to the questions pls

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