Chapter 7

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READ BEFORE PROCEEDING- This chapter uses things that have to do with the storyline from Book 2 (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) and it might not be completely accurate because of how I want it to go so shhhh. Also, this chapter will be plain interesting stuff possibly emotional then the next chapter will be smut. 

Tom's POV (1st person)

On my way to my first course of the day, I feel like something is wrong- it could be anything ranging from nerves about the quidditch game coming up to feeling worried about the OWLS this year. It was all casual worries until I realized I was walking alone, y/n wasn't walking with me today which was extremely unusual. We share this class and usually walk together so I was confused but just told myself she was probably walking with Luna or something, I'll see her in class so it doesn't really matter whether she walks with me or not- even if she always does.

I arrive in class and look around the room and land my eyes on the empty seat at our table noticing that y/n isn't sitting at her spot... she's not sitting anywhere. I approach Luna and Hermione to ask "Have you seen y/n", they look confused and Luna responds "I thought she would be with you like always". I shake my head to say no then Hermione says "Last time I saw her was after hours, she said she heard some kind of whispering and wanted to try to figure out what it was. I thought the poor girl had lost her mind so I-". "Are you sure she said whispering Hermione?" I interrupted in a panic. Hermione nodded her head as I came to the realization that I know where my girlfriend is...
I ran out of the classroom hearing shouts from the teacher questioning why I was leaving but i ignored it, I had to find y/n before it was too late. As I was running I heard footsteps following as Hermione said "Where are you going Riddle", I stopped and answered "I'm trying to not to lose the only thing in this life I love, you can't be here Granger I have to do this alone". "No fucking way, I'm not leaving the saving of y/n down to you. No offense but I'm pretty sure that i'm a better candidate to fix whatever you did". I rolled my eyes at her because of course Hermione Granger would be the one to say something like that. She raised an eyebrow and asked "Speaking of which, what did you do?", "Nothing you need to be concerned with, go back to class and don't speak of this to anyone-" I snapped back before she stopped me and said "Oh fuck off Tom, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not." "Seriously Hermione, this isn't safe, especially for you" I said with my head down thinking about the dangers I released upon the school. Hermione shouted some more at me before I reluctantly allowed her to follow despite knowing what would happen, I planned to ditch her before I got there anyway. As we got closer to the girls bathroom I stopped and turned to Hermione to say "Granger uh wait here, i'll get y/n and you can do whatever when I get back", "First of all- I'm still coming with you no matter what you're so scared of right now, Second- Last time I checked you're kind of a guy and that's a girls laboratory you perv" she said in the most annoying smartass-y voice. I looked at her with a face of pure annoyance and responded "I'm not scared of what's there, although you should be, and we have to go in to get her and no one uses this bathroom anyway so shut it or don't go".  She scoffed and rolled her eyes asking "What is this thing anyway?", I carefully thought about whether I should tell her and decided that if I didn't she wouldn't leave me alone, and telling her would at least make her not go. I inhaled slowly and began to explain the problem "God Hermione, if you REALLY need to know, it's a creature- a dangerous one. My suspicion is that it got y/n, and you cant come with me because it preys on witches like you. You coming is like handing chocolate to a pigmypuff, possibly the worst idea possible so suck up your fucking pride and just stay here." "What's witches like me supposed to mean?" she said looking offended, I leaned towards her and said quietly "Mudbloods Granger, Happy?". She slapped me across my face before saying "Tom Marlovo Riddle. Exactly what creature are we speaking of?", I sneered and answered her already knowing she would immediately know what it is and probably slap me again because of it... "It's a Basilisk". Her eyes widened as she screamed "A BASILISK? WHAT THE HELL TOM", she grabbed my wrist and told me to lead her to the basilisk anyway. "You know what it will try to do to you, why go still?" I asked with a warning tone, "Because I also know what it would do to y/n, and I'm not leaving my best friend to die. Now, take me to the damn snake". I reluctantly brought her to the Chamber below the abandoned girls bathroom. 

We landed in the chamber and I searched the area for anything when I heard a scream and noticed Hermione was gone. I found her in front of the serpent with her eyes shut whimpering in fear, I spoke to the basilisk in parseltongue to call him off approaching Hermione and putting my hands over her eyes to keep her from making eye contact with the creature. She muttered a thank you through whimpers as the snake slithered back into a corner knowing he was unwanted right now. I told Hermione to go to a corner and stay safe while I looked for y/n, I began to look around then Hermione screeched my name. I turned around muttering "what now" before seeing what she was talking about. My eyes laid upon a still figure as I recognized it as y/n... petrified.  I tried to hold back a tear running to y/n, I lifted her body bringing her to the infirmary with Hermione following in tears.

Later after mandrake cure has been used and y/n is awaking

(Back to 3rd person, your pov so "you" is you)

As you are waking up you feel pressure on your stomach and look down to see Tom's head laying on you as he lays asleep. He wakes up and quickly says"y/n your awake!" smiling and grabbing your hands to hold them lovingly, his smile is soon replaced with a solemn frown as he begins to apologize "I-Im so sorry I never meant for th-" but you stop him and explain "I don't care about the basilisk, it was my fault anyway- I should've known it was the snake luring me and I didn't realize until it was too late. Its fine and I'm not mad at you. But, you know you can make it up to me...". You gently lift his chin to pull his face and sit up to kiss him...


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