getting closer...

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I hurly jump out of bed and look for clothes as my alarm rings.  Butterflies tend to keep filling my stomach. "Calm down shoyo, you have to face him today....its ok...everything is fine."  I stop in my tracts realize the full extent of what happened.  "He kissed me. He really did it".  I pull on my pants and go brush my teeth. 

Walking out of the bathroom i see natsu.  She had her hair up in a cute pony tail.  I patted her head as i walked to the fridge.  "So why are you all dressed up today, pretty lady."  She giggled at the name and just responded, "well mommy has people coming over today, and I wanna look pretty for the guest." I closed the fridge and walked to the table she was at. "Well that makes sence, she always has those people over.  "Hey how about while thier having the meeting, I can take you out for some ice cream."  Her face brightens up and the thought of ice cream.  "Really?!" She exclaimed in excitement.  I nod, "well as long as its ok with your mom that is."

She nods thinking for a sec.  "Well if we go, can you bring your boyfriend."  I was tooken back by this. "What do you mean natsu I don't have a boyfriend." My face flushed red.  "What do you mean, of course you do, you kissed him on the porch."  I awkwardly giggle. "No you misunderstood, I didnt kiss him, I just hugged him..yeah...just a hug, it was nothing more than that."  She furrowed her eyebrows. "Noooo, I know what I saw." She said getting a little irritated.  I just pat her head. "Right, right, well we won't speak of it right? Its gonna be our little secret okay?" I hold out my pinky and she giggles as she held out hers.

I walk to school as always, alone. It was nice to have a moment of silence. I got a couple blocks, and saw yamaguchi with tsukishima.  "Hey guys!" I exclaimed running up to them.  Jumping on yamaguchi in a tight embrace.  He looked a little embarrassed.  I let him go and pulled up my backpack. "Oh by the way here, I got these from natsu, she told me to give them to all of you."  I pulled out the sheets of stickers.  Handing them to yamaguchi.  "Who natsu?" Tsukishima asked as yamaguchi put them in his backpack. "Oh I totally forgot, she's my little cousin. I'm taking her out for ice cream if you guys wanna come."  Yamaguchi gave me a soft smile. "Oh course we will"  tsukishima just grunts. 

____smol time skip____

We make it to school and split up.  I like to go to the gym before class, and it's normally empty so I made my way thier.  I open the door and run into someone. "watch it-." Kageyama looks down. "Oh its just you...sorry." He blushed looking down at me. "Oh um...its ok..anyways, wanna come play some volleyball with me, you can set to me." I say with a smile. "what is wrong with me, I need to stop getting some many butterflies, calm down hinata, calm down." He give me a nod as pull him in the club room.  "Why did I pull his hand, what if he thinks I'm being annoying...oh no, im messing everything up" I get more and more anxious as we play throughout the game. We take a break and I look at the time.

I walk over to Kageyama. "Hey class is gonna start in fifteen, we should clean up."  He nods and places down his water. "Hey um-" he looks up at me waiting for me to continue, he's so cute.  "Um, well I was just wondering, if maybe um- you would like to come get ice cream with me and my cousin, some of the other club members are coming to, you don't have to I just thought you know maybe, it would be fun..." I look back up to see him much closer to me now.  I look down at his lips as he does mine.  We slowly lean in, as we both realize what we're doing now, he cups my face in his hands, and I slowly move my hands around his neck. His hands are just so soft and gently. I can't help but just melt in them.  His skin is so smooth. And I could get lost in his sent for ever. It was just so comforting.  He runs his thumb over my lip, as I move in. His hands ever so gentle.

The door bust open as nishinoya runs in, stopping dead in his tracks. We move away from one another.  Tanaka running in behind him. "Hey dude that was totally uncool. Why did you run off like that."  Nishinoya just turn to him playing it off like he didn't see anything.  "HAHA, nah your just slow." He says as he hits Tanaka in the back of his head.  We make eye contact but I just look away. He flashes me a knowing smile, well thats gonna be a fun conversation.....

Authors note:

Ha.ha.ha.ha.  please don't killed me, anyways I woke up and saw i have like 1.something k reads, and omg thank you, I didnt think I ever would, so thank you, in my gratitude, I posted again. I've been getting ideas for this story, so I hope you guys still like it
(💙Stay hydrated💜😊🧃🧋🍹🍸☕🥛🫖)

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