Chapter 3: "The Cattle Drive"

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      The campers were all outside the main cabin. Six of them sat around a campfire. Darius was telling them all a campfire story.
      "We thought it'd be fun.... We thought we'd be safe but.... We didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island.... Claws... teeth... screaming... so much screaming...." The said.
      "How much screaming?" Ben asked, scared as he clung to Kenji's arm. Kenji shushed him.
      "He's getting to the good part." Kenji said.
      "The T. Rex stalked closer.... It's jaws opened wide!" Darius was cut off by Brooklyn, who has taken a picture of him. Everyone looked at her confused.
      "For the vlog. Keep telling your little story." Brooklyn said, answering an unasked question.
      "Here we go." Kenji said, as Darius started again.
      "The T. Rex sta-" he was cut off again by Brooklyn, making Kenji groan. "Dang. Out of space! Wait I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?" Brooklynn said, showing (Y/n) her selfie.
      "You look so pretty in that selfie!" (Y/n) commented. "Right?" Brooklynn replied.
      "Maybe I should just start over." Darius muttered, but Ben heated him.
      "No! Infact, you can just stop!" He said, still clinging to Kenji in fear. Kenji rolled his eyes.
      "Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now, and how is your grip this strong?!" He said, trying to pull his arm away from Ben, but with no success. Darius tried to start again, but this time Sammy interrupted.
      "Shouldn't we invite Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story." Sammy said, looking in Yasmina's direction.
      "Um, I think she wants to be by herself." (Y/n) said, standing behind Kenji and playing with his hair. Sammy gave her a confused look. "I don't understand." She said.
      "You know how sometimes people just want to be left alone." Kenji said, glaring at Ben, who was still clinging to his arm. This made Sammy laugh. "Oh, Kenji! You're hilarious! I think she's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends." Sammy said. Suddenly, it started to rain hard, as well as thunder and lightning.
      "Maybe we should go inside!" (Y/n) suggested.
      "Way ahead of you!" Ben yelled, running inside. The other campers them rushed inside, so as to not get wet. Once inside, (Y/n) walked over to her phone, which was  plugged into a wall. She checked the battery, and unplugged it, before heading over to the sofa of the main cabin. She scrolled through Instagram, seeing what other people were up to, when she felt someone else sit next to her. She looked out the corner of her eye, and saw that it was Kenji. "Hey, wassup?" She asked him.
      "You not going to bed yet?" He asked, looking at her. The girl shook her head. "Nah. I'm not tired. Besides, we've got a full thirty minutes before curfew." She replied, putting her phone up and turning to face Kenji. "Anyway, what do you want?" She asked, leaning her head on her hand. "Can't a guy talk to a cute girl without wanting something?" Kenji asked with a smirk.
      "Not usually. At least, not this guy. So, what is it?" (Y/n) retorted, crossing her arms. Kenji chuckled. "Alright, you caught me. I was wondering if- I don't know...." Kenji stuttered, blushing a bright pink. "Wait, wait, wait, is the great Kenji getting flustered? Oh my word! This is history!" (Y/n) joked, making Kenji playfully glare at her. "Haha. Look, I was wondering if, maybe... I could have your number?" Kenji asked, looking away from her shyly. (Y/n) was shocked. "That's what you wanted? My number?" (Y/n) asked, wanting to clarify what she had heard. Kenji gave a nervous nod, and (Y/n) chuckled. She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from a drawer and wrote her number on it. "Well, since you asked so modestly." She said, handing him the paper.
      Kenji watched in shock as the girl walked off with Brooklynn, the two heading to their cabin. He looked down at the paper, and smile. "Yes!" He cheered, jumping off of the sofa excitedly. When morning came, the group was driven out to a field where there was a herd of dinosaurs.
      "Yes!" Darius cheered, realizing what they were doing. "We get to drive gyrospheres?! Cool!" He fanboyed, as Dave addressed the group of kids.
      "Saddle up dudes and dudettes. We're going on a cattle drive, but with dinosaurs! It's a Dino-drive!" Dave announced.  Ben walked up to them nervously. 
      "And, just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?" He asked nervously, making Roxie smirk. "Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little, so we're like, 99% sure they're cool." She said, making Ben whimper. (Y/n) giggled, and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. 
      "Relax Ben. All these dinosaurs are herbivores. As long as we don't spook them, they'll be completely harmless." She said, in an attempt to cheer the boy up. "Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island, and we get to ride along behind the herd." Roxie explained, making Darius even more excited.
      "Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!" He cheered in excitement, making Kenji roll his eyes. "You may wanna consider a new jam, bro." He said, patting Darius' shoulder, before approaching the counselors. "So, uh, you sure these things are waterproof?" He asked them, wrapping his arms around their shoulders as they gave him annoyed looks. "Looking pretty grim out here and hair this awesome does not come easy." Kenji smirked, pointing to his hair. "Your hair is going to be fine Kenji." Dave said, checking his notes. "Storm has already moved up the coast away from us.." He added, walking away.
      "Cool! Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do!" Kenji cheered, walking towards an empty gyrosphere. "No way!" Roxie said, stopping him. "You are riding with Ben. As a passenger." She added, pushing him towards the gyrosphere with Ben in it. "But- Seriously But he's so, uh.." Kenji said, struggling to find the right words. "Live it up, hot shot." (Y/n) smirked, walking past him and towards a motorcycle. She put on the helmet and got on, waiting for the others to be ready. Dave and Roxie had asked her to stay ahead of the group and alert them if anything happened up ahead. She looked at Roxie, who gave her a nod, letting her know to go ahead and move up the the front. As she did, she heard Roxie through her headset.
      "The headsets are for emergencies, you can always reach us on channel six." She said. "Let the herding begin!" Dave announced, and the group zoomed past them, with (Y/n) in the front. (Y/n) rode her motorcycle for a little while, before looking to the side and seeing that she was riding next to a Sinoceratops. "Woah...." She muttered in awe. She stared at the dino for a little bit, before a lightning blast startled her, making her look up at the sky. "Uh oh...." She said, as a second lightning blast went off. She heard a roar, and looked beside her, to see that two dinos were starting to fight. "Oh boy." She sighed, pressing the headset on her helmet. "Dave? Roxie? We've got two dinos that look like they're about to duel it out up here." She said, alerting the counselors. Suddenly, the jeep drove ahead of the group, cutting them off.
      "Okay! Change of plans. Storm's getting worse, so we're heading back to camp! Fun right?" Dave said, making the campers, minus (Y/n), groan as they exited the gyrospheres. "Don't blame me, blame the storm." Dave added. "I blame them both." Roxie said from the driver side. 
      "We're not going to let a little rain stop us, right? I mean, how often is it that we get to ride next to dinosaurs?" Darius asked. "Sorry bud, can't risk it." Dave informed. "But Dave! I'm sure that under yours and Roxie's capable leadership-" "This is not up for discussion, young man!" Roxie said, cutting the boy off. The two adults were silent for a minute, before Dave turned back around. "Okay, new new plan! Storm's interfering with the signal, so we're going to ride ahead and tell them we're pulling out. Stay together, and stay behind the herd." Dave ordered, as he and Roxie drove off. The campers re-entered their Gyrospheres, and (Y/n) entered the gyrosphere with Ben and Kenji.
      "Woah, woah, woah! I don't think you being in here is a good idea! Isn't their some sort of maximum occupancy on this thing?" Ben asked worried. "Relax kid, she's fine. Besides, I need someone as cool as me in here to keep me sane while we wait." Kenji said, scooting over in his seat to allow (Y/n) to sit next to him. "Thanks Kenji." She said, giving him a soft smile. The three sat in the gyrosphere for a few minutes, before the others went after a straying Sinoceratops. Ben looked at Kenji and (Y/n), realizing what they wanted to do. "Oh no, we are not going too!" He said. "Great! I'll drive!" Kenji said, making the Gyrosphere go. The sudden momentum made (Y/n) almost fall out of the seat, so she held on to Kenji's waist to steady herself, making both teens blush.
      "Someone flank her on the other side! Then we can lead her back to the herd!" Darius said. Sammy tried to protest, but was cut off. "Let the big guys handle this cowgirl! Sino sandwich baby!" Kenji cheered, making their gyrosphere go to the other side of the dino. They group played a small game of cat and mouse with the dino, but it soon turned bad for them. The Sinoceratops his Brooklynn and Darius' gyrosphere into another dino, and this made the entire herd bolt. (Y/n) watched in fear as the dinos charged at them. "Kenji! Go, go, go!" She yelled, making Kenji drive the gyrosphere into the forest. Ben and Kenji began to fight over the joystick.
      "Fine! You drive, just get us out of here!" Ben yelled, crossing his arms. "Finally, now let me show you what a gyrosphere master can-" Kenji was cut off when they crashed into a tree, causing them to land upside down in the gyrosphere. (Y/n) fell out of Kenji's seat, and landed on her back at the bottom/top of the gyrosphere. "Great job gyrosphere master." She groaned. She reached up and pressed the button to open the doors, before stepping out, Ben and Kenji following once they freed themselves from their seats.
      "Well, this thing isn't going anywhere anytime soon. If we wanna find the others, I suggest we get walking." (Y/n) said, heading off in a random direction. "Wait, are we sure this is a good idea? What if we run into a not so friendly dinosaur?!" Ben asked in fear, but (Y/n) just kept walking. "Well, it's either we wait here, or we follow raptor girl. I'm following (Y/n)." Kenji said, walking after the girl. Ben hesitated for a minute, but the thought of being alone scared him, and he ran after the duo. After a few minutes of walking, Ben spoke up again. "So, you do know where you're going, right (Y/n)?" He asked, looking around in fear. "Why would I know where I'm going? I'm just heading back in the direction we came from. We're bound to spot someone soon." She said, making Ben groan. "Well, I have complete faith in you, (Y/n). I know you can get us out of this." Kenji said, wrapping an arm around (Y/n). (Y/n) spotted something in the distance, and quickly pushed Kenji out of the way.
      "Kenji? Ben? (Y/n)?" Sammy said, opening her's and Yasmina's gyrosphere. "Sammy! Yasmina! What's wrong?!" (Y/n) asked, standing up. "It's Brooklynn and Darius! They're trapped in a sink whole. Their gyrosphere won't open, and we can't get their signal." Sammy replied, making (Y/n)'s eyes widen in fear. "Everyone shush!" She said, closing her eyes. She was listening for any sound of the two. That was one of her skills that were enhanced when training with the raptors. That along with her sense of smell, and her speed. She isn't called Raptor girl for nothing. Suddenly, her eyes shot open and, she pointed in a direction. "They're that way." She said. The boys piled into the girls Gyrosphere, and (Y/n) ran next to them. When they found Brooklynn and Darius, they rushed over to help. Yasmina and Kenji tried to pull the gyrosphere out of the mud, but Ben called out to them.
      "Don't! It'll pull you in!" He cried, making Yasmina and Kenji jump out of the mud. At this point in time, the Sinoceratops showed up. "What if... I've got an idea." Sammy said, walking towards the Sinoceratops. "I get it. It's hard to trust new people. But I'll trust you if you trust me. I'm not going to hurt you." Sammy said, offering the dino a leafy branch. Thankfully, the dino took the branch, and everyone sighed in relief. Everyone but Brooklynn and Darius that is.
      "Uh guys? Real touching and all, but we're still going to die!" Brooklynn cried out in fear. The group grabbed a bunch of vines. Sammy tied them together, handing one end to Ben, while tying the other end around the Sinoceratops. Ben threw the vines to Kenji, who was in a tree branch, who threw the vines to (Y/n). (Y/n) ran over the the gyrosphere and threw the vines over it, so that Brooklyn could grab them. Once she did, Darius tied them around the seats of the gyrosphere. Brooklyn gave the group a thumbs up, but was then submerged into the mud. "Sammy! Hurry!" (Y/n) cried, as Sammy began leading the dino away from the pit with another leafy branch. The Gyrosphere was lifted out of the mud, and Yasmina wedged the door open with a branch. When the door to the Gyrosphere was opened, everyone was relieved to see that Darius and Brooklyn were okay. Yasmina let out a laugh, while (Y/n) shook Kenji's arm, overcome with happiness. Kenji picked her up in a hug and spun her around, laughing as (Y/n) held onto Kenji's neck, also laughing. "We did!" She cheered. Then Roxie and Dave pulled up and looked at the group in shock. "Hey, there's Dave and Roxie!" Sammy said, waving at their counselors, who only stared at the group in shock, not knowing what to do or say.
      The group headed back to the camp, and when they arrived, Roxie laid into them. "You could have gotten yourselves killed! What were you thinking?!" She asked, pressing a button on the elevator. "That we found the lost dinosaur, and Brooklynn and Darius!" Sammy replied, smiling. "I helped with most of the saving." Kenji said. "Haha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day." Brooklynn exclaimed as they entered the elevator. "Go to your bunks. And stay in there!" Roxie ordered, as the elevator carried the kids up. "Weren't you crying at one point?" Sammy asked. "Hey! I helped!" Kenji defended. "Oh my goodness. He's serious!" (Y/n) laughed, as they entered the main cabin. Sammy, Yasmina, Darius, and Kenji went to shower, while (Y/n) went to the sofa and scrolled through her phone. Kenji, after taking a long shower, walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind the sofa.
      "Hey beautiful." He said, watching her scroll through her phone. "Back to flirting with me, are we?" (Y/n) asked, smirking as she continued scrolling through her phone. "What can I say? You're cute, and I simply can't help myself." Kenji replied with a smirk, moving to sit next to (Y/n). Smiling, (Y/n) rolled here eyes. "Did you want something?" She asked him. "Yeah actually." He replied, staring into her eyes. "What is it this time? No wait, let me guess. My address?" She joked, putting her phone down. Kenji glared at her. "Haha. Very funny." He said, sarcastically laughing. "Okay, okay. What is it?" (Y/n) said as she stopped laughing, looking at Kenji with a smile. Kenji smiled back at her. "This." He said, moving closer to her. He gave her a quick peck on the lips, and pulled away, his smile still there. (Y/n)'s face was total shock, and covered with a bright red blush. "Well! W-would you look at the time!" She stuttered, grabbing her phone and standing up rather quickly. "I-i better- I'm just going to- I need to get some sleep! Big day tomorrow!" She said, still with a nervous smile as she walked backwards towards her cabin. Before leaving, though, she hit her head on the doorway. "I knew that was there." She said, before running to her cabin. Kenji watched her and chuckled. "I am so going to go out with her one day." He muttered to himself, before walking to his own cabin to turn in for the night.

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