Chapter 5: "Happy Birthday, Eddie!"

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      It had been at least a couple of hours since the group had left the now destroyed camp. They pushed past low hanging branches, and tall grass, but there was no park in sight. Darius was leading the group, while Ben tailed behind in the back. He muttered to himself, trying to calm himself down, as he took out some hand sanitizer and rubbed it on his hands and arms. He turned around and began walking backwards, when he stepped on a branch. The loud snap caused him to scream and turn around, with the others doing the same. Realizing what happened, he sighed. "Sorry, I stepped on a twig." He said, making the others groan.
"Ugh, come one man!"
"You done gave me a heart attack."
"At least it was you who stepped on a twig."
"I should step on you."
      Darius sighed. "It's okay Ben. We're all on edge." He said. "And lost." Yasmina stated, turning towards Darius. "Yeah, we've been out here for a while now. Darius, (Y/n), you guy sure we're still headed towards the parks?" Sammy asked. "Well, we'd be sure if (Y/n) and I still had our phones, because mine has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!" Brooklynn said, walking towards Sammy. Yasmina stepped in and pushed Brooklynn away. "Sammy didn't steal your phones. No one stole your phones!" She said, making (Y/n) speak up. "Can we please stop talking about the phones?!" She yelled. "You guys! You guys, you guys, you guys! Could you all yell at each other a quieter?! Please!" Ben whisper shouted. Just then Kenji began talking. "My fellow campers! Chill." He said, walking backwards towards Darius. "What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership material...." He started, standing next to Darius, and earing both quiet stares from the others and an eye roll from Yasmina. "I'll do this." He continued. "And my first decree as leader is: for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius!" He said, wrapping an arm around the boy. "Huh?" He asked, both confused and concerned. Kenji made them both turn away from the group. "You got us out of camp alive. Plus, I can blame you if anybody gets eaten. Leadership." He whispered, smirking at Darius before backing off to stand next to (Y/n). "So. Which way, Darius?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips. Darius looked at the group, before facing away from them. Brooklynn rolled her eyes. "Please. You're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost too, Mr. VIP." She said, glaring at Kenji. "None of us know where we are!" She continued. Just then, (Y/n) realized something and spoke up. "I know where we are!" She said, running ahead of the others. "We're by the Carnotaurus paddock!" She explained, making Darius realize she was right. "(Y/n)'s right! I though this place looked familiar!" He said, running after (Y/n) with the others close behind. "Yeah, now I remember!" He continued. "I remember the fence!" He said a they pushed past some tall grass, only to be put in shock.
      "The broken, ripped-down fence." He added, making Ben gasp in fear, and cling to (Y/n)'s arm. "That means... that means Toro is out here... with us." He whimpered, hiding behind (Y/n) slightly. "Now we have to deal with Indominous and Toro." Darius concluded, before realizing something. "Hold up! How do you know about Toro?" He asked, making (Y/n) sigh. "They all know about Toro. Kenji told them, like, the day after it happened." She said, putting her free hand on her hip, while playfully glaring at Kenji. Darius' glare, however, was real, and it made Kenji give a slightly nervous smile. "In my defense, me saving (Y/n) was super cool." He said, wrapping an arm around (Y/n), making her roll her eyes playfully. Darius sighed. "We know this enclosure is due North of the main park. So, if we keep going that way, we'll hit the visitor's center." Darius said, pointing into the enclosure. "We're sure to find Dave and Roxie, or someone else there in charge." He concluded, making Kenji perk up. "Yes! Exactly what I was thinking as leader. Which I am. Follow me!" He said, leading the others, minus (Y/n) and Ben, who was still attached to (Y/n)'s arm. "I don't think finding an adult is going to help. A terrifying, camouflaged dinosaur trashed out camp. No way they have a plan for that!" He said, looking at her with fear in his eyes. "Ben, I know it's scary, but this is Jurassic World. Dealing with dinosaurs is what they do." She said, patting his shoulder with her free hand. "They didn't deal so well back at their first park, did they? Hmm?!" Ben questioned. "Relax Ben. It will be fine. Besides, if things get bad, I can try and get my pack to protect us. Assuming we run into them at some point." (Y/n) replied. "Now come on. Let's catch up with the others." She said, walking after the others, completely missing Ben's blushing face as he followed her. They walked for a little more, (Y/n) saw Sammy, and decided that she needed to apologize. She sped up to walk next to her.
      "Hey, uh, Sammy?" She asked, catching the girl's attention. "What is it? For the last time I didn't steal your phones." Sammy said in a defensive manner. "I know. I wanted to say that I'm sorry. We shouldn't have blamed you with out having any real proof." (Y/n) said, before hugging herself as she sped up to walk next to Kenji. Kenji looked at her out of the corner of his eye before looking ahead. "Wow, you've really taken a liking to me, haven't you hot stuff?" Kenji asked, smirking slightly. (Y/n) looked up at him. "What? Oh, uh, yeah I guess." She said, before going silent again. Kenji glanced at her again. "Any particular reason, or...?" He asked. It's true, she had agreed to a date with him, but she never said that she had any feelings for him. He wanted to know if she did or not. (Y/n) sighed. "I guess it's just instinct. I'm apart of a pack. An actual Raptor pack. With out them I'm just this scared little girl. I need someone around to feel like I'm apart of a pack again." She said, hugging herself. Kenji was slightly disappointed to not get the answer that he wanted, but wrapped a reassuring arm around her nevertheless. "Well hey, I got your back, babe." He said, smirking at her. She smiled slightly, before looking ahead and gasping. When the group caught up, they did the same. In front of them was a broken gyrosphere, and... a dead Ankylosaurs.
      "The Indominous Rex was here." Brooklynn muttered, as (Y/n) rushed over to the dino. She knelt down in front of it, and put her hands on it's body, checking to see if there was any sign of a pulse, even though she knew there wouldn't be. "Predators don't just kill pray, and then just leave with out feeding. This... this isn't right." Darius said, kneeling down next to (Y/n). (Y/n) remembered that her brother said he was going to check on a new genetically made dino for the park, and sighed. "They will if it's for sport." She said, closing her eyes and standing up. "That's what this is. I remember my brother mentioning that he had to check on a dino that had been genetically made. She was never allowed into the wild with other dinos. Now that she's out... she's exploring her new territory. Finding out where she belongs on the food chain." (Y/n) said, backing away from the Ankylosaurs a little. Suddenly, a low growl came from the bushes, making the group back away and whimper from fear. They all hid, either behind the gyrosphere, or in the tall grass, as a baby Ankylosaurs showed up. Ben looked at her, and gasped in excitement. "Bumpy!" He said, running to kneel down in front of the baby. Kenji, Brooklynn, (Y/n), and Darius all approached them. "And drooly. And smelly. How do you even know that's the same dinosaur?" Kenji asked, walking towards them. "Her big head bump!" Ben explained, as (Y/n) knelt down on one knee to pet the baby. "Dr. Wu said she's asymmetrical, but he's wrong that it's bad. And so what if she is asymmetrical? There's nothing wrong with being different, or bumpy, or getting tired after reading an overly thrilling book! And maybe if her parents had listened to her, she wouldn't have come here and gotten attacked!" Ben continued, going into a rant.
      "Are we still talking about the dinosaur? Because it feels like we're not still talking about the dinosaur." Yasmina whispered. "As fun as this reunion is, shouldn't we keep moving south?" Kenji asked, looking at the others. "I am not spending another hour walking through the jungle, hoping that we don't run into that Indominous! We need a new plan!" Brooklynn stated. "Uh, yeah, obviously we need a new plan." Kenji said. "So I had Darius figure out a new one. Lay it on us, bro." He continued, punching Darius' shoulder. "Okay. So, uh... we need to find somewhere safe close by." Darius started, rubbing the back of his neck. "If camp is that way and the park is that way... isn't Dr. Wu's field genetics lab near here?" Darius asked the others. "Oh yeah! You guys went on the tour! Does this place look familiar to you?" (Y/n) asked them. "Um... yeah. Y-yeah." Sammy said, looking around. "I think it might be over that way. She continued, pointing to the right of them. "That seems right." Yasmina agreed. "Great! That's where we should go!" Darius said, smiling. "There's bound to be an adult there who can help or tell us what to do. Right?" Just as Darius asked that, a roar could be heard in the distance, causing everyone to gasp and look around. "Fine, whatever! Let's just go to the lab. As long as we are moving away from that." Brooklynn said, as the group began leaving. When they did, Bumpy began to growl softly. "What about Bumpy?" Ben asked.
      "She's a dinosaur, bro. She belongs out here in the wild. "Kenji said. "And she'll just slow us down. We gotta go now." Yasmina added, as the group continued walking. They walked for a few minutes, when Darius began to have doubts. "We're doing the right thing, yeah? Going towards the genetics lab? Or should we have stayed at camp? Would that have been safer?" He asked Kenji, who wasn't really paying attention to him. "How are you so calm about this?" He asked, looking up at the boy. Kenji smirked. "I told you if someone gets eaten, I'm not to blame. You are. Lea-der-ship." He replied, saluting Darius. "But if I'm leading us the wrong way, the person getting eat could be you. Or maybe even (Y/n). Her Raptors aren't exactly around to protect her." Darius said, staring ahead of him. This made Kenji begin to worry. "Are you sure we should be going to the lab? Why are we moving so slowly? Let's pick it up people!" He said, rushing t the front of the group. Suddenly, (Y/n) noticed that someone was missing. "Guys, wait! Where'd Ben go?" She asked, turning around, facing the way they just came. The group saw Ben pulling Bumpy from behind a bush. He shushed her as she began to growl a little. Yasmina cleared her throat, startling Ben. He stood up straight and pushed Bumpy back into the bush.
      "Oh! Hey! How's it hagnin... dudes?" Ben asked, trying to act cool as he did finger guns. Everyone just gave him a straight look. "Ben, are you hiding Bumpy in that bush?" Darius asked, even though they all knew the answer. Bumpy let out a sound from the bush. "Nope. That could be anything! The jungle makes all sorts of weird noises." Ben said. Bumpy then jumped out of the bush and knocked Ben over. "Oh! How did she get here?" He asked, acting like he didn't know. "We don't have time for this. "Yasmina spoke up. "There are dinosaurs eating people out here, and Bumpy can't keep up!" She continued. "She can move faster. Ankylosauruses run fast. Right, Darius? (Y/n) would do the same if it were one of her dinosaurs. Wouldn't you?" Ben said, trying to convince them. "Yeah when they're fully grown maybe." Darius answered.
      "Of course I would. But my dinosaurs are fully grown Raptors who can run at 60mph, and can protect themselves. Bumpy's just--" Bumpy roared, cutting (Y/n) off, as she fell asleep on the ground. "Wow, yeah! Total speed demon." Kenji said sarcastically. "Say goodbye Ben." He said, as the group began to leave. "No!" Ben said, standing up suddenly. "You say hello! Because Bumpy is coming with us, so... there!" He said, as the group turned to face him. "Ben, you're not thinking this through, Bumpy's too slow." Brooklynn said. "Then... then we'll put her in the van!" Ben countered, making Sammy scoff. "What van?" She asked him. "That one!" Ben replied, pointing to a black van on the side of the road. The group walked over to it and opened the back of it. Kenji's eyes widened. "It's an ACU transport!" He said, making everyone look at him. "Asset Containment Unit." (Y/n) translated. "Got the tour of their HQ. Super hard core dino-trapping security dudes." Kenji said, sitting down in the van. "Then, where are they?" Darius asked, making Kenji frown as he noticed they weren't there. Brooklynn looked into the van and noticed something next to Kenji. "Is that a tablet?!" She asked, pushing past Darius and (Y/n) as she got inside the van and picked up the tablet. Everyone else climbed in after her as she turned it on.  Sammy picked up a walkie and sat down next to Darius. "What did they tell us? Oh, right. Come on, channel six." She said, changing the walkie's channel. When she got to channel six, she tried to get in contact with someone. "Dave, Roxie! Can y'all hear us?" She asked, but only got static in return. Then Brooklynn spoke up in annoyance. "And of course this thing doesn't have communication enabled. Because you know what? Why would it?!" She said, before glaring at Sammy. "If we had our phones--" "Enough already! There are bigger things going on right now than your phones!" Darius yelled. He was clearly annoyed about the phone situation and wanted to drop it. Brooklynn gave a hurt expression, while (Y/n) noticed something on the tablet. "Hang on. Look!" She said, sitting between Kenji and Brooklynn, while taking the tablet from Brooklynn. "There's a map program with little moving dots on it!" Brooklynn said, as (Y/n) held the tablet out so everyone could see. "They chip all the dinosaurs electronically to track them." (Y/n) explained. The group looked at her. "I had to help chip my Raptors. I was the only one they'd let get close to them at the time." She explained, making everyone look back at the tablet.
      "(Y/n)'s right. See, here's us, and here's-" Darius stopped talking when a bunch of dots showed up, labeled as 'Brachiosauruses'. Kenji looked confused. "Wait, here's the Brachiosaurus grove on the map, so why are the Brachiosaurus way over there?" Ken asked. "I think... maybe the fences are down." Darius explained, with a worried look. "At least some of them." He added, just as Bumpy began growling, gaining everyone's attention. Ben hopped out of the van and bent down next to Bumpy. "Easy girl." He said, petting her to try and calm her down. They saw some tress rustle in the distance, as Bumpy continued to growl. Footsteps could be heard approaching them. "Guys? Something's coming this way." Ben said, holding Bumpy close to him. "That's weird. Whatever that is, it isn't showing on the map." Brooklynn said, as she and a the others looked down at the map. "What kind of dinosaur wouldn't have a transponder?" Darius asked. "More like, what kind of dinosaur is smart enough to remember where they put it in?" (Y/n) said, rewording Darius' question. "I am not in the mood to find out." Kenji whispered with a scared expression. Bumpy began squealing again, causing Yasmina to approach them. "Ben, shut her up!" She whispered, but it was too late. A roar was heard from the trees, and it was to close for comfort. "Ah! We gotta go now!" Darius said. Ben got Bumpy into the van and everyone strapped in. Once they were all strapped in and the doors were closed, they noticed that no one was driving. "Wait, doesn't anyone know how to drive a van?!" Darius asked. "No! But we drove gyrospheres right? It can't be that different." Sammy said. "Gyrospheres have joysticks and a Jimmy Fallon tutorial. I don't even have my learner's permit!" Ben replied, making (Y/n) and Kenji unbuckle themselves and move to the front. "I do!" Kenji said. "So do I!" (Y/n) said. The two jumped up front with Kenji at the wheel. He turned the van and put his hands on the wheel." Hands at ten and two.." He muttered. "Kenji! Go!" (Y/n) yelled, making Kenji put the car in reverse on accident. The van began going backwards, making everyone scream.
      "Wrong way! Wrong way!" Ben yelled, making Kenji change the gear into drive, and they sped off just at the Indominous emerged from the trees, roaring as she chased the van.
"It's gaining! Go faster!"
"I can't!"
"You're in the wrong gear!"
"Well how do I shift gears?!"
"How should I know?!"
      Noticing how close Indominous was getting, (Y/n) looked at Kenji before grabbing the wheel, and pushing the boy back slightly. "Move!" She yelled, hopping to sit in Kenji's lad as she took control. She quickly shifted gears, and did a sharp turn right as Indominous dived at the van.
"It's coming!"
"Step on that thing!"
"Are you signaling?!"
"Can everyone not yell at us while we are saving out lives?!"
      (Y/n) looked at her rear view mirror, and saw that Indominous was right on their tail. She looked out the window and saw a cliff. "Everyone hang on!" She said. She did another sharp turn, and the van went flying off the cliff, and down the hill. (Y/n) turned the wheel every now and then to dodge a tree or too, and the van ended up on another road. The van stopped, and everyone panted. "At least... we lost Indominous." Brooklynn said, trying to lighten the mood. "Now... where do we go?" Yasmina asked, as Bumpy groaned, making Ben look outside. "How about in the genetics lab?" Ben asked, pointing outside. The others looked outside and saw that the lab was right out side. They looked at Ben in shock. "It's a gift." He said, smiling. The others piled out of the van and headed over to the lab. (Y/n) held Kenji's hand, as she looked around the now pitch dark room. The door hissed as it opened, allowing the group into the main part of the lab. They walked in, before spotting a cake on a table, with freshly lit candles. Suddenly, a man popped up from behind the table making a scary face. This made the entire group scream from fear. Kenji pushed (Y/n) behind him, and (Y/n) held Ben and Bumpy close to her. The man let out a yell as he turned on a light and shown it on them. He calmed down when he realized they were just kids.
      "Not dinosaurs. You're not dinosaurs." He said, sighing with relief as he lay his body on the table. A few minutes later, Kenji, Darius, and Sammy were eating the cake, Yasmina was sitting on a table, (Y/n) sat on a table behind Kenji giving him a shoulder massage, while Brooklynn was checking the phones. "Again, we are so happy we found you!" Darius said, as the man, whose name they found out to be Eddie, checked the window for any dinosaurs. "Things are crazy! There's a giant camouflaged dinosaur out there. Also, regular dinosaurs. We've been hoping to find someone to--" You're sure you closed the door behind you, right?" Eddie asked, cutting Darius off. "Uh, yeah, I think so." (Y/n) answered, as she stopped massaging Kenji's shoulders so he could reach for another piece of cake. "You think? Or you know?" Eddie asked, turning to face them, his eyes landing on (Y/n). "Wait. I know you!" He said, glaring at her. "Uh, you do?" (Y/n) asked, as Kenji moved to sit next to her. "You're (Y/n) Grady. If you're here, then those no good Raptors of yours aren't far behind. You- you're a bad omen!" He said, making (Y/n)'s eyes widen. Kenji looked at (Y/n) in shock, before glaring at Eddie. "Hey! Back off! She's in just as much danger as the rest of us!" Kenji said, approaching Eddie, the two glaring at each other. "We haven't seen a single sign of the Raptors and she has been with us the entire day, so just back off!" He said. Eddie rolled his eyes and groaned. "You know what? Doesn't matter. The dinosaurs all got out and no one bothered to tell me; they just ran. So go ahead, defend the enemy." Eddie said, turning back to face the door.
      (Y/n) looked at Kenji in shock, before giving him a soft smile, even though he didn't see it. She walked over to Brooklyn, who so far was having no luck with the phones. "Ugh! There's no dial tone!" She groaned in frustration, throwing herself in a seat behind her. "The land lines are down. So is the radio, and cell service keeps cutting out." Eddie explained, still looking outside the door. "Okay, but the park obviously has a plan." (Y/n) said, standing behind the chair that Brooklynn was in. "So, what's that plan? What are we supposed to do?" She asked, making Eddie face her. "You're asking me?" Eddie asked, letting out a semi-insane laugh. "Asking me?!" He asked again, through his creepy laugh, making the group back away slightly. "Is that, like, good creepy laugh?" Sammy asked, a little unsure. "Do you not get it?" Eddie asked them, as he stood up and finally stopped laughing. "We're doomed. No one is coming to help." He continued, making the group look at each other. "But, what about Dr. Wu? Or-" Eddie snapped his head towards Kenji. "Wu? Who do you think is to blame? Wu got greedy, and instead of building dinosaurs, he built monsters!" Eddie said, showing the group a nest of dino eggs. Eddie approached the nest. "Masrani. Dearing. They're all clueless about what's really going on here." He continued, picking up an egg. "And after everything I did for the other guys--" "Other guys? What other--" "It doesn't matter, does it? Jurassic world isn't a park." Eddie said, turning back to face the group. (Y/n) stood behind Kenji, clinging to the back of his shirt. "It's a powder keg. And it is detonating all around us!" Eddie warned, spooking the others. Kenji dropped his plate, while the others whimpered. "We're all going down. End of story!"
      Darius shook his head. "No, you have to know what to do. You're an adult!" Darius said, trying to reason, but Eddie put his hands up in defense. "Don't look at me. I was just hiding until you all barged in." He said. "But we drove all the way her 'cause--" "Woah, woah, woah, woah. You have a vehicle?!" Eddie asked, grabbing Darius' arms, before pushing him away and running outside. Just then, Kenji realized something. "Uh, guys? I left the keys in the van." He said, with a fearful expression. They all ran after Eddie, who rushed to the van. Yasmina and (Y/n) rushed ahead of the group, but Bumpy got in their way knocking Yasmina over. "Ow! Bumpy!" Yasmina yelled as (Y/n) helped her up. The two quickly moved out of the way as Eddie sped past them in the van, before chasing after him. They only chased him for a couple of minutes, before (Y/n) heard something. "Yas! Wait! Get down!" She yelled, grabbing Yasmina and pulling her down, just as Indominous showed up and pushed the van off the road. The group watched as Indominous attacked the van, scaring Eddie out of it. Eddie screamed as he saw Indominous, and rushed under the van. Indominous used her head to push the van out of the way before striking at Eddie. While She was distracted, (Y/n) pulled Yasmina up and they ran past the others. "Come on!" She yelled, prompting the others to run after them. They ran to a field which had many different cargo crates, but were stopped because of a fence. "Come on! Are you kidding me?!" Darius asked in annoyance. "Perfect! The parks only intact fence!" Kenji yelled, hitting the fence. They heard Indominous roar behind them, and rushed to hide behind a rock.
       "I told you she'd get in the way! If it wasn't for her, we could have made the van!" Yasmina fussed at Ben, who was comforting Bumpy. "And then you both would have been eaten. Bumpy saved yours and (Y/n)'s lives!" Ben retorted, petting Bumpy. "Why couldn't you just leave her behind?!" (Y/n) asked, finally snapping. "Because I won't abandon her like we were!" Ben answered, making everyone sad. "Ben's right. We're on our own...." Darius muttered. Just then, Indominous roared again, announcing that she was in the same area as the kids. Darius looked past the rock to see the dinosaur appear from behind two large crates, causing him and the others to duck. Bumpy squealed, which made the Indominous start looking for them. Darius shushed her, as he looked for the Indominous. He saw that she was still there, but not paying attention to them. Then he saw the van, which wasn't to far from them. He looked at (Y/n) and pointed to the van. When she saw it she gasped. Looking for the Indominous one more time, she then made a motion for the others to head forwards. Ben put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look back at him, only to see him shaking his head. "Trust me." She whispered, putting a hand on Ben's before leading the group behind another crate. She checked for the Indominous again, and ducked behind a barrel when she showed up. Indominous charged at the spot here they were hiding, but luckily they had moved. (Y/n) looked from their hiding spot to see that Ben, Bumpy and Kenji were all stuck behind two barrels. If they moved, Indominous would see them. If they didn't, she'd find them anyway. (Y/n) picked up a rock, and moved to the other side of their hide out.  She through the rock against some barrels, which attracted the Indominous to the sound. Kenji Ben and Bumpy took that chance, and all of them made a bolt for the Van. However, Brooklynn tripped, and dropped the tablet, causing it to turn on a nd make noise, giving away their hide out. They all ran to the van, but when they got there, (Y/n) noticed that Sammy and Brooklyn were both trapped. "Not on my watch." She muttered, running towards them. She grabbed her clicker out of her pocket, and began clicking it to make noise. "Hey! Over here!" She yelled, making the Indominous chase after her. Brooklynn and Sammy ran to the van and everyone strapped in. Yasmina pushed Kenji out of the driver's seat. "I'm driving." She said, strapping herself in, before noticing someone was missing.
      "Wait! Where's (Y/n)?!" She asked. Everyone looked out the van to see that (Y/n) was still being chased by Indominous. She ducked behind a barrel, and Indominous got stuck. (Y/n) used they chance to run to the van. Once she was in, they closed to doors and sped off. Everyone let out sighs and laughs of relief when they saw the Indominous disappearing in the distance. They cheered as the walkie turned on, with Roxie's voice coming from it. "Kids? Come on! Pick up!" She begged. "There's something going on. Stay at camp, we're heading to you." Roxie said. Darius picked up the walkie. "No, where heading to you." He said. The group then explained that the camp got eaten, and that they were in a van on the way to the main park. They all sighed in relief. (Y/n) leaned towards Kenji and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "We're going home!" She cheered, kissing his cheek, before moving to pet Bumpy. Kenji smiled at her before looking at Darius. "Good job not getting me eaten, bro." He said with a smile. "Thanks... bruh!" Darius said, making Kenji cringe a little. "Oh, no, you make it weird. No more 'bro talk' for you." Kenji said, smiling still. Brooklynn held out her hand to Sammy for a high five, while (Y/n) wrapped an arm around Sammy's shoulders. Sammy cheered. "We did it camp fam! And not a moment to--" Before Sammy could finish her sentence, Yasmina accidentally ran over some rocks, shaking everyone up a little, and causing both Brooklynn's and (Y/n)'s phones to fall out of Sammy's pockets and onto the floor in front of everyone. "Our phones...." (Y/n) muttered, removing her arm from around Sammy and staring at the broken phoned. "I knew it!" Brooklynn yelled, glaring at Sammy. Yasmina saw what was going on and gasped, looking at Sammy with disbelief in her eyes. "Sammy?" She asked, not wanting it to be true. However, she took her eyes off the road for too long, and that caused the van to crash into a rock.

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