Chapter 1: "Camp Cretaceous"

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      (Y/n) let out a sigh as she stood in the Raptor pen. Her brother had been training her for 3 years now to be the beta of their Raptor pack. The pack consisted of 4 female Raptors named Delta, Charlie, Echo, and Blue. (Y/n)'s brother, Owen Grady, was the alpha of the pack. She, as mentioned before, was the Beta. Blue was the omega, as she was the smartest of the pack, and responded better to the commands that Owen and (Y/n) gave.
      (Y/n) shut her eyes, calming her nerves. They were circling her. She could sense it. Echo was behind her, while Charlie and Delta were on either side of her. Their presence was hidden visually by the shrubs and greenery, but (Y/n) knew better. She had studied them for months before getting into the pen with them; memorizing their attack patterns and strategies. Slowly, the girl opened her sky blue eyes, to see that Blue stood in front of her, watching her every move.
      The Raptor could charge at any given moment, and (Y/n) knew this. However, the girl stood her ground, and did not move. Not even as the dinosaur in front of her started to stalk towards her. (Y/n)'s feet stayed planted to the ground. Then Blue charged, rushing full speed towards the girl. But (Y/n) still didn't move. She simply held out her hand towards the Raptor and turned her face towards the ground. Owen saw this from above, and groaned.
      "Not again...." He muttered to himself, before jumping down in between his sister and the Raptors, who had at this point, regrouped. He held one hand out to separate the Raptors from himself and his sister, and held a clicker in the other hand. "Alright everyone, back up!" He said, only for the pack to snarl at him. "Hey! What did I say?" He said, pointing at Delta, the Raptor who started the snarling. (Y/n) watched in both amazement and confusion as her brother interrupted her training. Owen slowly brought out some fresh meat, which caught the pack's attention. He threw the meat in a direction opposite to them and the pack ran after it. As they did, Owen turned to his sister and pushed her out of the pen.
      "Why did you do that? A few more seconds and Blue would have been listening to me." (Y/n) said, turning to face her brother after they exited the Raptor pen. "No, a few more seconds and you would have become Raptor chow." Owen said, walking past (Y/n). "How would you know? You're hardly giving me a chance to prove I can do this." The girl said, grabbing her brother's sleeve, preventing him from going any further. Owen suddenly turned around with a look of anger. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" He suddenly shouted, which startled (Y/n) and made her back up. Noticing the fear and slight hurt in her eyes, Owen sighed and tried to calm down. After a minute of silence he spoke up. "Look. I'm sorry I yelled. I know you are doing your best. But sis, you gotta stop with the hand thing." He said, making (Y/n) sigh and look down, before he continued. "I mean, you've got to remember that these are wild animals. Okay? Not just animals, but dinosaurs. It took me years of training to earn their respect the way I've been doing it, and that's all they respond to." He said.
      "I know. I just don't see why I can't find a less aggressive way to earn their respect." (Y/n) said, looking up at her brother. "I get that. But remember. Under all that training these girls have gone through, they could still attack at any moment if you show any signs of weakness. You've got to be dominant. Show you aren't afraid." Owen replied, putting his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders. She sighed and nodded. "Look, you've been cooped up in this area for too long. I've been hired to check some stuff out at the main park, and there is no way on this green Earth that I'm leaving you hear alone." Owen said, catching (Y/n)'s attention. "Where am I going to go?" She asked. "Well, I thought about shoving you in a closet the entire time I'm gone..." Owen joked, earning him a slap on the shoulder from his sister. "...but I decided that you need a little more freedom then that. So, I'm sending you to be a V.I.P. camper at Camp Cretaceous." Owen said, making (Y/n) gasp. "I finally get to see more of the park?!" She asked excitedly. "Yep." Owen said, nodding.
      As he did, a Jurassic World jeep pulled up, and a woman in a red shirt stepped out. "Hello everyone!" She said, approaching them. "My name is Roxie. I'm the head counselor at Camp Cretaceous. I'm here to pick up a (Y/n) Grady?" She said, with a very cheerful manner. (Y/n) gave a confused look. 
      "But...I'm not packed?" She said, turning to Owen. "That's okay. I sent your stuff there yesterday." Owen said. "Now go make some friends." He added, ruffling his sister's hair, making her giggle. She gave Owen a big hug. "Be safe bro." She said. "Yeah. You too." Owen replied, hugging her back. When the two separated, (Y/n) walked over Roxie. "You ready to go?" She asked, and (Y/n) nodded as the two got into the jeep, driving off.
      When they arrived at the docks, (Y/n) saw five more campers, along with another person in a red shirt, similar to Roxie's. Roxie parked the car and she and (Y/n) got out. "So sorry I'm late. Had to pick up another camper. I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous." She said, standing next to the other counselor, who's name was Dave. The group, aside from (Y/n) looked from Roxie to Dave, confused.
      "Well, it's sort of a co-head counselor situation." Dave tried to explain. "Is it?" Roxie asked, signifying that Dave wasn't being honest. Dave cleared his throat and pulled out clip board. "Anyway. Some of you won contests to be here, some of you got V.I.P. invites, but for the next two weeks all of you will begetting the five-star treatment!" Dave said, as a girl with pink hair in a bun, used her phone to record all of the teenagers around her. When she turned to (Y/n), (Y/n) winked at the camera and gave a peace sign. "As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic World." Roxie said, earning cheers from the kids.  (Y/n) and the pink haired girl, who she found out was named Brooklyn, high-fived each other before turning their attention back to Roxie, who continued. "As well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course..."
      "Dinosaurs?!" A boy, who seemed to be younger than the other campers, said excitedly. Realizing what he did, he then shy'd away, looking at everyone nervously. "Yes...Darius, plenty of dinosaurs." Roxie said, recovering from her interruption. "So, ready for an adventure?" She asked the group.
      "Absolutely!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, but I'm going to need that speech a little shorter, and really try to lean into the majesty of this place." Brooklyn said. Dave let out a laugh.
      "Okay, we're done here. Let's get the seven of you to camp!" He said. Just then, a nervous boy named Ben spoke up. "Um...there are six of us." He said, making Dave realize his mistake. "Wait. The Dino-kid, Track-star, Internet girl, Raptor girl, Barfy, Texas.... He's right. Where is seven?" Dave said, turning to Roxie, who looked at her clip board, before scoffing with an annoyed look. When she did, a helicopter appeared and landed on the helipad next to the docs. A boy who looked to be the same age as (Y/n) stepped out, wearing shades.
      "Greetings my dudes. Kenji is here, so let the party commence!" He said, walking up to the group. He then tossed his bag to (Y/n). "Put this in my room." He said, walking over to Darius. "So what's your deal?" He asked him, before (Y/n) threw his bag at him, knocking him over. (Y/n) dusted off her hands, looking at Kenji, while walking over to Brooklyn. "Alright. Lets go!" Roxie said, walking towards the jeep. The teenagers all piled up into the. (Y/n) and Brooklyn sat next to each other, exchanging phone numbers. A girl named Yasmina sat to the left of Brooklyn, with a girl named Sammy to the left of Yasmina, and Ben to the left of Sammy. Darius sat a seat away from (Y/n) and Brooklyn, smiling at the two girls, who were caught up in their own thing. He went to sit closer to the two, but Kenji sat in between Darius and (Y/n), earning a glare from Darius. The jeep then sped down a dirt road. The  jolt from the jeep taking off caused (Y/n) to fall backwards, with her head landing on Kenji's lap. She looked up at Kenji to see him smirking.
      "Hey now. Didn't know you'd fall for me that fast." He said. (Y/n) glared at him and sat up, strapping herself in. The other teens followed her example and strapped themselves in.
      "I hope you got my mom's note! I don't do so well on windy roads!" Ben said to Dave and Roxie, gagging slightly. At this point, Brooklyn started recording again. "What's good Brooklanders? It's your girl Brooklyn, coming to you live from the best place ever: Camp Cretaceous. And look who I'm with!" She said, moving the phone to get (Y/n) in the camera. "It's the one, the only, (Y/n) Grady! Little sister to Owen Grady and a Raptor expert!" She continued, as (Y/n) smiled and waved at the camera. "Like and subscribe to join us as we...unbox Jurassic World!" Brooklyn said, before she paused her recording. She then turned to the group. "Okay, I need you all to say your name and a little bit about yourself. Aaannnd...action!" Brooklyn said, as she began filming Darius.
      "Oh! Uh, I beat this awesome Vr dinosaur game. I'm Darius by the wa-" "I'm sorry. I just can't believe you're Brooklyn, and you're (Y/n) Grady!" Sammy said, interrupting Darius. "I'm Sammy Gutierrez! Total Brooklander and super fan you you guys! Ka-pow!" Sammy said, shaking Brooklyn and (Y/n)'s hands, as well as doing hand guns at the two. "Oh! Also my family supplies all the beef for the animals, and that's how I go here." Sammy added. This comment made (Y/n)'s smile disappear, and a look of confusion replaced it. "Great to meet you Sammy!" Brooklyn said with a smile.
      "Yeah, total pleasure." (Y/n) said, her confused face not disappearing. "Um...(Y/n)? I'm a fan of you and your brother too!" Darius said, making (Y/n) turn her attention to the boy. "But uh.... what's a Brooklander?" He asked confused. "Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklyn said, looking at her phone. "Uh.. all 27 million of us! Who knows? Maybe she will catch up to (Y/n)'s 48 million." Sammy commented. Kenji's jaw dropped and his hand fell of Darius' shoulder. He looked at (Y/n), who had turned her attention to her own phone, and smirked as Yasmina started talking. "Yep. That's why they're the only ones who get to keep their cell phones. They're famous." Yasmina said. "Hold on." Kenji said, earning (Y/n)'s attention. "Rich, and famous? Oh meant to be!" He continued, taking (Y/n)'s phone and taking a selfie with her.
      Suddenly, the jeep swerved to a stop, causing the seven campers to jerk around with the vehicle. Roxie and Dave got out of the jeep, both holding a tazer. "Um, Dave, what's going on?" (Y/n) asked, snatching her phone away from Kenji. "Nothing you need to worry about!" Dave said with a smile, before turning his tazer on. "But you should all definitely stay in your seats." He continued ad he and Roxie walked a little ways into the forest. As the counselors walked into the forest, the group all stood at the edge of the jeep, all except Ben, who coward beside them. It was silent for a few minutes. Nothing had happened. However, this changed when Darius heard something come from the bushes behind them.
      He walked to the other side of the Jeep and looked at the bushes with a concerned look. "Uh...guys..." Darius said, not getting anyone's attention. "Guys....." He said again, still not getting anyone's attention. Suddenly, a small dinosaur ran at Darius and knocked him over, scaring both him and everyone else. The small dinosaur turned out to be a Compsognathus, which Roxie used a blanket to catch and put in a cat carrier. Darius gasped. "A real life Compsognathus!" He cheered, watching Roxie put the dino in the jeep.
      "Oh please. It took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. Boring." Kenji said, sitting back down. "Scared you pretty good." Darius retorted with a smirk, making the girls all giggle. Kenji looked at the girls as they continued to laugh, and Brooklyn took a picture of him, which caused the boy to glare at Darius. And with that, they were back on their way to the camp. When they arrived, the group looked at the camp in awe, as they saw it was huge and located in the trees. Brooklyn took out her phone and aimed the camera at her and (Y/n).
      "Hey Brooklanders. check this place out!" Brooklyn said. "Is this not the most amazing place you have ever seen?!" (Y/n) added, a big smile pasted on her face. Kenji walked up behind the girls. "Hey (Y/n). If you think this place is big, you should see my dad's penthouse in the main park." He said, attempting to impress (Y/n). The girls simply looked at Kenji, before looking at each other and shaking their heads. Brooklyn went to go film Yasmina, while, (Y/n) went to follow Kenji. "Okay, I'll bite. Does your dad actually have a penthouse in the main park?" She asked him.
      "Sure does, sweetheart. And, who knows? If we get a little closer during all this, maybe I could take you there." Kenji said, sneaking an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. (Y/n) looked at Kenji's hand in shock, before using a pressure point on his hand to help her remove it. Kenji let out a cry of pain. "Yeah, good luck hot stuff." (Y/n) said with a smirk, before the two walked over to the rest of the group.
      "This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home." Sammy said, still looking at the camp above them.  "That's because, when we are up and running, the camp will house 500 kids and 150 staff." Roxie said, as she and Dave tossed the groups stuff up the stairs. "Listen up! Announcement time, from your co-head counselors." Dave said, making the campers move closer to the stairs. "Still not a thing." Roxie muttered, before continuing with the announcements. "Okay everyone, there's some ground rules to cover. Curfew's at 8:00 p.m., and lights out at 9:00 p.m. sharp." Roxie said, making the campers groan, and Ben secretly fist bump. "Man, talk about buzz kill...." (Y/n) muttered to a Brooklyn and Kenji. "This is for your safety. We are in a dinosaur filled jungle, and  aside from (Y/n), none of you have any experience with these creatures." Roxie said. "You must always keep your distance, or you could be seriously hurt, if not worse." Roxie continued. This make Kenji groan, which earned him a slight slap on the arm from (Y/n).
      "Define worse." Ben said. (Y/n) leaned closer to him. "Yeah, you don't want her to define worse." She whispered. "Cabins are up that-a-way." Dave said, pointing up above them. "First one there gets top bunk!" Yasmina said, pushing through Kenji and (Y/n), and running to the elevator. "Come one Brooklyn! Let's try to get a bunk bed together!" (Y/n) said, both she and Brooklyn racing after Yasmina, with the others not that far behind. As Brooklyn and (Y/n) unpacked their stuff, they began small talk. "So. Kenji. He seems totally into you." Brooklyn said, looking down at (Y/n) from the top bunk. (Y/n) let out a small laugh. "I'll admit, he is cute, but he is a little too egotistical for my taste." (Y/n) responded, climbing up from her bunk, to Brooklyn's. "Oh, come one. You mean to tell me you don't feel a little bit of feelings for him?" Brooklyn teased. "Mmmm... Okay, maybe a little. But don't tell him i said that. The last thing he needs is an ego booster." (Y/n) said, making the girls laugh.
      Just then, Roxie walked into the room. "Hey girls, it's time to go. We've got a little surprise for you all." She said, leaving shortly after. The two girls looked at each other, before following Roxie. After a short while, the group was on a watch tower, staring down at some new dinosaurs in awe. 9y/n) had a huge smile, as she grabbed Kenji's arm and pointed at some of them, not realizing what she was doing. Although the gesture didn't go unnoticed by Kenji, who simply smirked and looked at the things she was pointing out.
      "There's Brachiosaurus. Parasaurolophus. Stegosaurus. Ankylosaurus!" Darius said, naming the dinosaurs he saw, gaining the attention of the teenagers around him. "Wow. You really do know your stuff dino-nerd." Brooklyn said. "Yeah, that's really impressive." (Y/n) commented, making Kenji look at her in shock. "Check out the... Brontosaurus." He said, trying to sound cool. "They don't have those here. It's a common misconception." (Y/n) said, letting go of Kenji's arm. Then she gasped. "Is that a herd of Sinoceratops? When did you get those?!" She asked Dave excitedly. "They are cooking up all kinds of new dinos in that lab." He replied. "Woah. Where are they herdin' them to?" Sammy asked, watching the dinos being moved. "They're herding them back to their nighttime enclosures." Roxie responded.
      "Enough banter. It's zip-line party time!" Dave said, strapping Ben into a Zip-line. "Me? Maybe Yasmina should go first, or... Darius? Uh... Or anyone! I really don't-" Ben cut himself off by screaming as Dave pushed up down the zip-line. Then Sammy, Yasmina, Brooklyn, (Y/n), Kenji, and Darius went. After that, the group returned to the cabin, where they ate dinner, and went to their bunks. However, just as (Y/n) was a bout to drift off, she heard talking coming from the lounge area. She got out of bed and tapped Brooklyn, waking her up. Signaling for her to follow, the two walked out of the girls' room, and into the lounge area, to see Kenji and Darius.
      "I think you should get your arm off of me, friend." Darius said. "Oh. Why don't you make me, friend." Kenji responded. Brooklyn then took a picture of the two, catching their attention. "Huh, so that's what toxic masculinity looks like." She said, smirking at the boys. "Uh, sorry we woke you. I-" "He was sneaking out, but I set him straight. Look, I try to look out for the younger kids. It's who I am." Kenji said, walking to stand next to (Y/n), who had turned her attention from Kenji back to Darius. "Is that true, Darius?" She asked him.
      "You guys don't understand. I've been waiting my whole life to get here, and I'm going to make the most of it." Darius said, making (Y/n)'s look soften as she, Brooklyn, and Kenji listened to him. "Those lights must be coming from the Compy enclosure. I gotta check it out!" Darius said, pointing to some lights in the distance. "We'd be sneaking out to see dinosaurs in the dead of night, in mad danger of getting caught." (Y/n) started. "There would be great mood lighting. I guess that means, we're going rouge. Ka-pow!" Brooklyn said, and the four kids left the camp and headed to the light. When they got their, they hid beside a jeep, and caught their breath.
      "I think this is it. The truck definitely headed this direction." Darius said, quietly. "Of course this is it. Why else would they have-" (Y/n) Kenji off by slapping her hand over his mouth, to quiet him down. As she did, the engine of the jeep started, which caused the group to move to the stairs. They watched the jeep drive away, before walking  up the stairs to the enclosure. "Hey (Y/n)! You can get a good shot from over here." Kenji said, as (Y/n) looked over the railing and into the enclosure. "Allow me." Kenji said, trying to take her phone. "No thanks. I've got it." (Y/n) said, trying to take her phone back. The two played tug of war with the phone, before Kenji accidentally dropped it into the enclosure.
      "Nice Kenji. That was real smooth." (Y/n) said, crossing her arms and glaring at the boy. "Relax, I'll get it." He said, climbing over the railing. "Wait, what are you-" "I got it, kid." Kenji said, before Darius could stop him. "Whatever, just... don't get hurt." (Y/n) said, uncrossing he arms. Kenji lowered himself into the safety cage of the enclosure, where he found (Y/n)'s phone. He turned it on, and blushed when he saw her lock screen was the selfie he had taken earlier. "See? Ha! Good as new!" He said, acting like he didn't see the lock screen. "That's great Kenji, now get back up here and gently hand it to me, before something bad happens." (Y/n) said. "Sure, sure, just as soon as I get a sweet Dino pic for your followers." Kenji replied. It was then that Darius noticed that they weren't at the Compy pen. "This isn't the Compy pen." Darius said, making (Y/n) look around. "Quiet Junior. The grown ups are talking. Oh your followers are going to love this. Here, Compy, Compy, Compy." Kenji responded. Suddenly, (Y/n) realize what about the enclosure looked so familiar. "Kenji! Get out of there! This isn't the Compy pen, its the-" (Y/n) cut herself off when she noticed Blue stalking towards Kenji, who had made the mistake of taking her picture. This angered Blue and caused her to charge at Kenji, the only thing keeping him safe was the cage wall. However, this didn't keep Kenji from jumping away and screaming in fear as Blue snarled at him. Kenji started banging on the doors, yelling for someone to open the doors. Brooklyn pressed a button, but that only opened the cage door, allowing  Blue access to Kenji, who cowered against the door. "Oh no!" (Y/n) cried. Darius, however, burst a pipe open, allowing steam to cover the area as he jumped down to try and help Kenji. "Dude, please tell me you have a plan!" Kenji said.
      "Come on! The steam should keep 'em busy!" Darius said, however, as he said that, the steam disappeared, and revealed that there were now four raptors instead of one. "Oh, crud!" Darius said, their situation not looking good until.....

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