*~*Chapter 7*~*

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I was going to find an apartment for now.


No One's Pov)

{Y/n} Had found an apartment Semi-close to FC university. Aphmau, Laurence and Garroth were going there this year. It would kill her continuing to see her Ex and friends going without her. She laid her head down on the pillow of her new home and just, Cried.

Everything she's done so far was semi okay except for being hurt by her ex lover & Friends. They've forgotten about her. It's been a month since She's left the group chat. Dante would text her every now and then but other then him. There was no one else, She felt alone. until she got a notification, She sat up and looked at her phone.

A call was coming through as she sniffled and picked up.


"{Y/N}? Dante Explained about your college rejection letter and everything that had happened. Are you okay?"

Laurence, Why would he be calling after what he's done?

"I'm fine. Now what do you want"

"Well, they ran out of dorms at the University and Dante told me that you had a spare room."



"No. You're not allowed to stay. Not after what You've put me through Zvahl. I hate you"

It stung on both ends of the line. She didn't hate him. But she didn't love how she felt for him either.

"Please Y/N... Please let me Stay at least until they find another room to stick me in!"

"...Fine. "

Laurence's Pov)

I branched off saying bye to garroth and Aphmau. God, Aphmau was adorable... But why did it all sting when {Y/n} Said what she said.. I walked to the address and knocked on the door. Waiting a bit of a while. I saw Y/n, for the first time in a few months.

She was in a cat onesie. She looks like, she's been crying... God I feel like a fucking fool. As she let me inside I looked around, It was rather spacious. How did she afford this?

"Y/n... How did you manage to afford this place?"

"I got a job as a make up design artist on the side from my time in high-school. I made about 250 to 300 and managed to open my own bank account .. this place was 1,590 dollars to just buy in total I had a bit of 34,000?" Y/n replied with out hesitation.

I was stunned. She had that much money, And I treated her like shit. God damn..

"I started when You started to avoid me, while I was also breaking due to my mother and father divorcing. My mental health wasn't very stable while we were together, Anyway... I was rejected in order to let you go to the university..."

I felt like a dick now. I looked down as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It's gonna rain tonight a giant storm Tropical, School was canceled for your classes Considering Dante had told me everything. He's going to the University too. he had sent me a text.... I have Netflix if you want to watch TV on my couch. I have to bake a cake for a kids birthday party... Also. Vulnerability is beautiful. Because the rain lands like nothing happened to it. even though falling from that much of a height would hurt. I am the rain though too.. "

Your Love Was Fake (Cheater Laurence x Depressed Suicidal Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now