*~* Chapter 12 *~*

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"No problem."


Y/n's Pov)

On my way into the hospital, I came face to face with My elder step brother, Gene. He was in a wheelchair and he had a nurse holding his chair.

"W-What are you doing out of bed?"

"Y/n, You are not allowed to give me a kidney, "

"So Laurence told Dante then, Looks like I'm moving again."

"Y/n, You can not continue to run away from your problems. This isn't my nurse... It's your nurse... I asked the hospital to help you with your depression cause I know you have problems you don't want solved.. They aren't gonna give you medication they are going to talk to you and let you get everything off your mind." Gene admittingly told me. Gene stood from the chair and walked to me; Carefully and wrapped his arms around me.

"Y/n, I don't want you to die. Laurence and everyone doesn't want you to die. Please open your eyes"

I stood there, Tears threatening to spill out of my eyes again. I felt more arms wrap around me as I looked back.


"Please.. Your a big sister to me and a little sister to Eugene.. You're apart of the Scarleto family tree. whether you want to believe that or not yes you're adopted but doesn't make you not one of us"

Tears finally spilled over, Dante and gene gasped. I just ended up crying. I couldn't hold the tears back. I've tried for so long but they ended up making the jar over flow. I feel warm, but I don't feel sick.

Dante and gene let go.

"Please get help Y/n. You need it please.."


I turned to see a nurse who was holding a clipboard. She smiled, That. That smile made me sick why was she so happy to help me? She lead me into a room. It was nice a bright, It scares me.


No One's Pov.)

Laurence ran into the hospital looking for Y/n, only to find the two males. His fists clenched as he pointed at Dante, Gene shook his head as the three were arguing. Y/n on the other hand was in the doctors office listening to questions.

"now Y/n, We're gonna start with small questions that associate with your symptoms to see what is fully wrong with you. I know you don't want to take medication but they may hel-"

"I've tried medication before. The only thing I thought when taking them was 'Maybe if I took enough the pain would go away, Or I could leave this earth permanently' "

The nurses eye shrunk in shock. She cleared her throat before nodding her head. Getting a book and some paper and a pen.

"lets continue then,"

"Yes, Lets continue indeed. Michi."

Silence filled the air almost as if it was foggy, The air was thin as Ice now, Silent filled the hospital considering everyone was able to hear the commotion considering The nurse left the door open. Laurence and Dante stood there shocked.

"You didn't think I'd notice your belt flipping as if it was a tail?"

"Lets. Continue, Nya. Do you have any suicidal thoughts?"

"Yes after what you and Laurence have done to me in the past I have them every time I wake up. and every time I go to bed."

"Are you eating more or less than you normally do?"

"What is eating?" Y/n spoke up as michi stared horrified before continuing.

"In the past two weeks, how often have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?"

"No, But have you?"

"I- I really fucking hate you, you know this Nya~"

"Yes And I hate you just as much as you hate me. Now I'm leaving and not coming back to a session" Y/n Got  up and grabbed her things and walked out just in time to see Laurence and Dante yelling at each other.

"OI DUMB ASSES!" Y/n Screamed causing the two to stop immidietly, Laurence ran to give her a hug; in his head, He thought he was gonna get hugged. But Y/n Moved to the far right and let Laurence hug a wall.


"I'm not coming back to this Hospital you three, That nurse. Was Michi, And I feel a lot worse then I have been. I forgot that BITCH existed, until now. Oh.. and Laurence.. Don't try and find my house otherwise I will call the police. This goes for you two as well, Eugene and Dante."

"My names Gene!"




Laurence's Pov.)

I Followed Y/n Home, Y/n Reached under her doormat and grabbed her keys. I hid behind a tree as she had walked inside the door closed. I had a bad gut feeling. What the hell did she mean by She Felt worse then she had been? I don't understand. But I have a bad gut feeling that somethings going to take a dark turn from today.

I walked home, walking into the house I saw Dante and Garroth bickering which, I just ignored and went to my room. I turned on my PC until I got a phone call. I picked up before looking at the caller ID.


"Hello Laurence, How are you?"

"who is this? How did you get my number, And how do you know my name?"

"My Names Erin Shadows , I'm Y/n's....Neighbor. And I went to high school with her. I'm currently over her home. I saw you outside her house and She thought your Cell number was still the same and let me ring you. I would like to let you know I am a Lawyer and If I see you outside her home I will be calling the police. "

"To be fair, can I explain myself?"


"Her brothers made her Go into a a hospital session with my Crazy Ex-girlfriend and she's taking it out on me as If I was in on it. which I am not. I know, I know I hurt her in the past but she hurt me just as much. But if she wants me to be the bad guy. All she needs to say it to my face."

" Y/n L/n, Is this true? did you hurt him as well. If it is true, You're acting like a child and you need to both apologize for your actions."

"I never hurt him though, The only time I did is when i entered the hospital for the first time after trying to... Attempt taking away my life in the schools bathroom in high school.."

"That's not the only time! Put me on speaker please!" I screamed. Hearing the person sigh and click speaker I sighed "You lied to me you pushed me away and refused to open up to me fully. You didn't tell me about what you were going through, You weren't honestly open with me!"

"yet, You still didn't ask what was wrong Laurence.. I was hoping you would. then I would have considered telling you."

"That's where you're wrong. I asked twice. Once when we hung out at my house and once at my own. You always told Cadenza. But never me!"

"Because your sister Saw what my father was capable of after an event at my house during a school project!"

"It doesn't matter what my sister saw or not! I was your boyfriend Y/n! You're lover! The person you should have trusted!!!"

"Can I put my two senses in Y/n, Laurence? I think you both need to face each other face to face. Y/n You can't threaten a lawyer on him if you are the main reason of this problem. And Laurence. You shouldn't be yelling at someone that has severe Social Anxiety, High Stress levels. depression and Suicidal thoughts. You can come by my house tomorrow since Y/n will be with me at my house tomorrow. And we will have a little.. Session on what you both need to discuss. See you tomorrow."  Erin hung up the phone and opened a bottle of whine.

Y/n  looked at her whine glass and sighed

"This will be an interesting day tomorrow.."


Your Love Was Fake (Cheater Laurence x Depressed Suicidal Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now