*~* Chapter 15 *~*

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What you need to know for this story:
{Y/N}= Your name
{Y/L/N}= Your Last Name
{Y/H/C}= Your hair color.
{Y/H}= Your height
{Y/F/N}= Your Friends Name
{Y/H/L}= Your Hairs Length.
{Y/E/C}= Your Eyes Color
{Y/I}=Your Identity [ex: Meifwa / Werewolf/ Bunny/ deer etc.]
{Y/N/N}= Your nick Name.

Bold- Story warnings / Ending of chapters. [Sometimes word hints.]

Bold italic - Text messages or  important Flash backs or notes

Italic- Flash backs

Normal text- Story continues.

Bold Italic Underline - Thoughts / Bad thoughts.

"...Hey Y/n?"

"What's up little Laurence?"

"Can we start over?"


"I mean, Can we start over from the beginning... You know Second chance.. As friends that is.."

I stood up as I looked down and Laurence, I smiled.

"Hi there, My names Y/n Scarleto, Want to be friends?"

             The Next Morning Brought to you by Garroth Attempting to Cook

Laurence's Pov)

Me and Y/n planned to hang out today. I was rather excited. I never really hung out with her like old times, And by old times. I mean how I use to when we started dating. Y/n was a rather fun person; But, Now I'm a bit curious of the new Y/N.

I walked out of my room to meet garroth who was attempting to cook. I mentally Face palmed as I walked over and Cooked everyone breakfast. Garroth and the guys had asked me if i wanted to play video games before I left. Is shrugged and said "sure". It wouldn't take to long right?...

From the time we played to the time we finished.. It was 5 fucking hours. I was so severely late that I fled out the door running. I had no time to catch a bus. I arrived at the movies to see that it was closed. I frowned; I really screwed up again. I tried to call Y/n but I got 0 response..

I mentally sobbed to myself as I began to walk home. I see Y/n at my house seeing garroth explaining the reason I was late because it was their fault. I forgot to tell them I had plans.. Y/n Looked over Her shoulder before Walking to me. I braced myself for a slap but she grabbed my hand and dragged me off to her house. I blinked


"Since you were late...I decided the grab some board games, some playing cards and Planned a full night with you.. You can stay at my place for the remainder of today and tomorrow.."


"Listen Casanova... You're my friend yes? Then I'm going to go ahead and make up for not telling you things.. Tonight and tomorrow night is going to be nothing but filled with talking and laughter. If that's fine with you?"

I blushed Red, She was being open for the first time in a long while. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her as I began to use my legs to walk with her. we talked and laughed all on the way there.

Upon arrival Y/n tripped. I watched fast before my reflex's kicked it. I used myself as a brace as she felt on top of me and my back landed against the hard sidewalk. It hurt, but not that much. We both had our eyes closed before i cracked my eye open before looking at her.

"Y/n.. Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah but i think my ankle twisted.."

I sat up carefully before picking her up like if she was a princess and walked into her house, Setting her on the couch and i went to get a ice pack from her fridge.

"So what have you planned out?"

"Anime movie night!"

"Heh.. You and anime."

"Say's the boy who stayed in me due to impacted dorms and watched fairy tale.."

"Y-You remember that?"

"of course I do.. As much as you hurt me, I still liked spending time with you.."

No One's Pov.)

Laurence and Y/n Spent a while watching 4 episodes of Fairy tale. Pausing in between to get a drink and a snack, Y/n started to open the UNO card pack. Laurence had started to open the board games and reading the rules as they both listened to the Anime in the background. Although, They both made a bet.

IF who ever wins the first round of each game, The other has to do what the one wants. Meaning, If one wins the first 3 games of each first round. They add up.

Y/n And Laurence were in a round of uno for 4 hours.

"Red card 1"

"Red Card 4"

"Red Card 5"

"Green card 5"

"Green card 3"

"Yellow card 3"

And so on. Laurence was at one final card and Y/n had about 2.

"Come on Y/n~"

"grr... Fine! I choose blue And I give you a +2"


"Blue card +2"


Y/n's Pov.)

Me and Laurence had played uno for the last 2 hours and we're still on round one. Finally I was on my last card before Laurence pulled a smart move out of his ass..

"Wild card Red, Red 1. Red 2, Red 3. And Uno Red 4. I win"

"..... I hate you"

"Love you to best buddy~"

"So you won, What you want me to do?"

"I think I'll save what I got planned.."



"stop it."

We stopped and continued to watch Fairy tale for a bit before moving onto Candy Land. Lets just say I also lost that round.. The last game was Gold fish. It was now 12 am and I was getting somewhat sleepy. My head smashed onto the table and Laurence had jumped. I fell asleep mid game.

Laurence's Pov)

I watched Y/n's blink as she tried to stay awake. I slowly counted in my head until saw her head smash into the table, I jumped up as I ran over and picked her up and chuckled to myself. Walking  up her stairs into her room. I saw the bear, The bear I gave her on our first date. Still on her bed. I felt my face heat up. I layed her down in her bed as i covered her up.

"Good Night Y/n.."

I walked towards one of the guests rooms until I saw something, I walked into the one guest room with a note on the bed.

"what is... huh?!"

Dear Laurence Zvahl,

    I hope this note treats you well but I wanted to talk to you one on one, This is Y/n Scarleto. I did want to bring up when i was awake but From how I'm taking it. It seems I passed out, right? Anyway.. I wanted to let you know that, it gets rather lonely in my home. And I wanted to ask if from time to time you'd like to stay over and have these sorts of movie nights..

You don't need to I just, I'm gonna get straight to the point. Lately I've had thoughts of you just straight up hating me, and I feel hatred towards myself for not speaking out to you when I was younger. My biological family had problems as you, found out. MY father when he was in the happiest of moods would treat me nice but when He was upset from some else, He'd take it out on the whole family to the point he turned to drinking and it got worse for him down the line.  I understand I was a very touchy person. High anxiety and Depression doesn't treat a girl like a lady. I didn't want to tell you this way Really I didn't. But considering well you know.. Anyway. The bear acts like a tool for me to sleep easily at night. IT numbs the heart ache at least.

I still love you Laurence but, I consider us only to be friends now instead of something more. Thank you -Y/n.

PS. Thank you for putting me to sleep if you did.

I stared at the note in disbelief. Y/n, Still loves me.. She still ... Cares. I walked back to her room and decided not to leach her side that night. Soo...

I slept in her bed with her...

What could possibly go wrong?

Your Love Was Fake (Cheater Laurence x Depressed Suicidal Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now