*~* Chapter 11 *~*

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Recap to chapter 10:

My Heart S H A T T E R E D. She was just, Ending us, Like this. What have I've done. Why does this hurt so much, Wait-Wait is this how she felt? I couldn't tell but I just, Ran out of Y/N's house at full speed. Tears spilling down my face like a rapid water fall.

I couldn't stop thinking, The feeling of how i hurt Y/n Just kept repeating in my head. I held my head as i cried under the stairs of the dorms. Tears continued to violently fall. I looked up and Saw Y/n, but when i went to hug her. I was pushed away I blinked a bit before seeing Sasha, I gulped.

"So, I see she got her revenge on you for all these years?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Now you truly know, you're love was fake. And by fake, I mean not real. You liked the Idea of Y/n Being your girlfriend, You didn't actually like her."

I froze. Everything hit me in the face at once, For once. Sasha Was right.

My Love Was Fake...

                                                            4 Years After the Events that took Place.

Y/n's Pov)

I started to do collage online, I've gotten a job as a artist and my Art actually became rather Famous. Although I live here in Mystreet; I haven't told Aphmau and the others I've moved back into mystreet in the last 4 years.

I've changed my name in a way. I go by (Y/Fake/N) (Y/Fake/L/N). I don't like getting recognized for who I use to be. I had a boyfriend after my second year of college for online but, It didn't work out.

I was headed into the coffee shop in mystreet before bumping into someone, My soft (E/C) Met a Deep pool of Ocean blue. My eyes shrunk, Laurence was standing in front of me as he had caught me. He smiled and let out a soft chuckle.

"Sorry Miss, I wasn't looking where I was going, My names Laurence Zvahl. What type of angel wanted to fall for me?"

"Don't flirt with me Laurence."

"Wow, Tough crowed"

"I still haven't forgive you."



"sorry, I need to go-"

I took off running down the street leaving him there.


Laurence's Pov)

I looked from where the E/c girl went and i couldn't stop my feet as I ran after her. My arm reached out as my hand went to go grab her until I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her into my chest. I didn't recognize this girl. But how did she know me? Was she from Phoenix drop High?

"How do you know me so well." I questioned her, My eyes must have shown red.

"I see even you don't recognize me, Laurence. How'd that Double date go?- OH wait... That never happened.."

"Who are you!?"

"I go by (Y/Fake/N) now, but you knew me as Y/n... Recognize me now Laurence?"

I felt my heart drop, All these years. I thought she would have aged. She actually looks Beautiful. My heart twisted as tears started to prick at the sides of my eyes.

"Tell me, Whose the lucky man to be dating you now?"

"... What lucky man? I'm single.."

My eyes widened, "How the hell are you single! You're fucking smoking!"

"I had dated someone about.. 2 years ago before I moved.... back into mystreet but, He and I never saw eye to eye on things and told me I was better to be a house wife.. So I dumped him.."

"...What was his name?"

"Some ass hat named Ein"

"Oh-.. hey, Y/n? I'm sorry for how I acted in high school I really didn't mean to hurt you.."

"... you say that but, I don't know if you truly mean that you Casanova."

I sighed as we started to walk the same direction. I looked at her for a moment before my hand slowly trailed down and fell besides my side. Y/n only looked at the ground holding her bag looking around.

"So, Laurence who'd you end up moving in with after all this time.. Still chasing aphmau?"

"...Yeah actually.. but I'm more so doing so to tease garroth"


"Yeahh.. After, You had told me you were giving up i just sort of, Went numb? I still liked you. You did mean everything to me but, After that day. I lost my vibe but always continued to flirt with aphmau to get Garroth on his toes.. Speaking of.. Why didn't you tell us you moved back?"

Y/n went silent before looking down.

"Because I'm not staying for long. . Gene needs a kidney and my only one i have is good the other one is actually.. Failing.. and I plan to give him the kidney whether they want me to or not"

I felt my heart break again, I just met her again after so long and she wants to throw away her life!? I bit my lip, As she looked at me.

"Don't get involved with my personal matters Laurence alright? Besides.. Go back to aphmau and garroth and don't tell them you ran into me. Other wise i will move again. I don't want contact to those that wanted nothing to do with me after I told you I was done trying."

Y/n Walked away, Out of my grasp as I felt the tears form again and i walked back to my house. I opened the door to see Garroth and Dante playing WII sports Foot ball.
"U-Uhhh.. d-Dante G-Garroth?"

"Yo welcome back!" Garroth shouted

"TOUCH DOWN- HEY LAURENCE!" Dante screamed as he beat garroth, Garroth face palmed and put the controller down Travis came up the stairs from his room and we looked at him.


"Dante, Your sister's in town."

"What... Y/n?!" Dante shouted in astonishment that his sister was back in twon.

"Yes, But She knows about what's up with gene.. Something you wanna tell us?"

"Gene needs a kidney transplant. But We forbidden Y/n from giving him one. Well Me and him did at least."

"She's going to do so with out permission I just accidentally bumped into her outside The maid cafe."

"... Did she say anything else?"

"She said If I told you, she was going to go ahead and move again."

"Mk, I haven't had contact with her in years but thanks for letting me know.. I will have to warn Gene considering he's the only one that's in contact with her at the moment."

"No problem."


Page count: 2.9 pages 
Word count: 1,093 words

Your Love Was Fake (Cheater Laurence x Depressed Suicidal Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now