(Master Black Glasses Extra Story) Chapter 1: Lucky

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"There are many kinds of techniques we use in the underworld. We take advantage of people's blind spots. It's not about the areas that people can't see. It's about blind spots that occur when people are thinking. If you can understand these things, then you can easily control other people with words and make them do things that they wouldn't normally be willing to do." Black Glasses pushed the cart through the snack aisle in the supermarket. "Which brand of potato chips do you like?"

"I don't eat snacks," I said.

"Afraid of getting fat?" He looked at me with a little disdain. "Can't you change your girly temper?"

"I simply don't like to eat snacks," I said, watching him put at least thirty bags of chips in the cart. Based on my preferences, I probably wouldn't finish half of them before they expired.

He said, "That makes things easier. It's just like stuffing a duck." His eyes were locked on a nearby bag of shrimp crackers.

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter what kind they are, I don't like snacks."

"Even better." Black Glasses put the bag of shrimp crackers in the cart, and then stopped a clerk and asked, "Where can I find the chocolate?"

I had doubts about his intentions. Why did you ask me to come to the supermarket with you at night? And we're buying nothing but snacks? Are we going to the mountains to train in the next couple of days? Bringing snacks to the mountains doesn't feel appropriate.

I took pride in the fact that I wasn't a serious person, but when I was standing in front of Black Glasses, I ended up being an honest and reliable man. Everything he did was confusing.

After we put at least sixty boxes of Dove Chocolate in the cart, there wasn't any space left. Black Glasses pushed the cart to the cashier, and asked me to pay.

Great. The snacks cost me more than three thousand yuan. It's a good thing I have money now.

After I paid, he still didn't leave, but put the cart next to the counter and took me to where the wine cooler was. I wasn't surprised. We had bought sixty boxes of Dove Chocolate, so it was understandable to buy some drinks.

He was picking out some wine when he said to me, "Starting tomorrow, you'll come to my place at nine o'clock every morning. You need to finish all of the snacks in a span of fourteen days. I'll supervise."

"You're not going to eat them?" I wondered. "I don't like snacks."

"I don't like snacks, either, but you have to eat them. And eat them diligently. You need to finish all of them in fourteen days."

I turned and looked at the cart next to the counter. Sixty boxes of Dove Chocolate... how many boxes do I have to eat every day? Am I going to get diabetes?

"Why?" I humbly asked, not daring to confront him.

"You need to change your lifestyle. You can't gain weight during these fourteen days." Black Glasses said, "Based on my experience, you need to exercise at least eight hours every day in order to not gain weight, but it's impossible for me to watch you exercise that whole time. With your laziness, it will also be impossible to train you to change your lifestyle. As a result, I came up with this idea. In half a month's time, if you gain even a little weight, you'll need to give up your plans and just be a good little boss."

Black Glasses' facial expression was very serious when he said that, which was a rare sight to behold.

I started to nod, but he waved his hand. "It's useless to nod and make a promise that you'll change your habits. The only thing that matters is the number on the weight scale. Speaking of which, we need to buy a scale." He put the bottle of wine back.

I scratched my head, feeling like I was following my former head teacher.

"You need to let your body get used to eight consecutive hours of consumption." He paused, "Once you start executing your plans, no one can protect you. You can only keep running and hiding. You need to stay focused and have the ability to analyze problems for eight consecutive hours. That's the minimum requirement." After speaking, he smiled. "Eight hours at least."

I knew why he smiled. He walked more than a hundred and forty hours in the desert without stopping in order to bring me the message. I met him in Hangzhou and took the thing from him. I had only spoken a few words to him before I found that he had already fallen asleep on my recliner, and he still had a smile on his face.


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