Paul Newman Is Tuff

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Ponyboy and I had just left the movie house with one thing and one thing only on our minds- Paul Newman and a ride home.

When we'd first arrived to the movie house the two of us hadn't considered how long it might actually take, now we'd have to walk back in the chilly autumn weather, with a high risk of being caught by some Soc.

What's a soc? Oh, they're these rich kids on the West side- West side Soc as the greasers call them. That includes me and Ponyboy. And let's just say, these Soc are really not someone you'd want to be caught dead near, they're tough and clueless to others suffering.

Now don't go mistaking tough, for Tuff. Tough means strong, where Tuff means something cool. Remember that.

"Pony, let's go this way." I hum, before grabbing his arm and cutting through the train tracks. A long time back these rails use to carry all loads of cargo back and forth, though nowadays they're empty with only their scars as stories.

Almost like me and Johnny.

Who's Johnny? He's mine and Pony's (best)friend, only sixteen like me but much less confident than I am, and he has a good reason for it too. Remember the Soc's I mentioned about? Yeah, they beat him up one day, left him to bleed out and die.. luckily I found him while walking to the Curtis house from my own.

Poor boy is afraid of his own shadow.

"(Y/n).." Pony mumbles, pulling a bit on my oversized sweatshirt- alright it's not actually mine, it's PonyBoy's brother's Sodapop, but he's allowing me to use it 'till I get my own.

I turn my head toward a red Corvair, this and a blue mustang can only mean one thing... Socs'. With a quick pull to the left I drag Pony toward an abandoned house area, it's run down and crumbled but should be a great area to hide out 'till the coast is clear.

"Why are we-" I slap my bandaged (s/c) hand over his mouth and hiss a quick, 'Be quiet!' to him. Carefully we watch with rapid eyes as the Socs' car drive by at an incredibly slow pace. Almost begging for us to show ourselves.

I start to feel Ponyboy shake under my touch, and I know he's scared. I am too, but I can't show it.

"Got'cha!" My eyes widen as Pony is ripped from my grip and into the hands of Bob Sheldon, lead Soc along with his friend Randy.

"Let him go!" I stand quickly and hiss as a broken down piece of hardwood smacks me straight in the head, something I'd have to put ice on later, but right now I need to get Pony.

With a quick breath in I start running, trying to reach them as they speed down the road with Pony in their strong holds. Unfortunately my lungs aren't enough so I do the last sensible thing a girl my age can do.


I watch as the Socs' car comes to a stop before speeding toward me in reverse, no doubt they heard my scream, now they're here to shut me up.

As the five soc jump out I give Ponyboy the eyes, signalling for him to get some help. Besides I'd be fine, I have a blade. All I needed was for them to get close. He does as silently told and starts rushing down the dirt road and too what I assume is his house, calling for Darry and Sodapop as he does.

The Socs however don't stop him, they're too busy with me.

"What a pretty broad you are." Bob hums, dragging the sharp end of his blade down my cheek. "Sadly we can't let you scream like that again." He takes the blade from my cheek and pushes it closer to my neck, exactly where my voice box would be.

"Last words?"

I nod with a scowl on my face, "Yeah, you're nuts!" I shout as the sole of my sneaker find it's way to his hanging balls of glory- or his use to be hanging balls of glory.

"Ugh..." He grabs his.. area and falls to the ground shaking and yipping like a chihuahua as he does. The other Soc step away to hold their own, balls of glory with a terrified glint in their eyes.

"(Y/n)!" My eyes sparkle as Pony and the rest of the gang come rushing over and the Soc's have to scurry and pick up their leader before us greasers can get to them.

"(Y/n) are you alright!?" Ponyboy shouts rushing toward you side with Johnny, making my heart swell with happiness. Out of all the greasers Pony and Johnny are my little angels, always the first to check if I'm alright.

"Yeah, but Bob isn't." Johnny's eyes widen, and be starts to shake, and I already know what he's thinking. "Calm down, Johnny. I didn't kill 'em." He sighs, "Good-"

"I made it so he can't have babies no more!"

Johnny grimaces. "That's considerably worse.."

I just shrug my shoulders and stand tall.. or well short. Despite being the same age as Johnny I was short, a little taller than him but shorter than Ponyboy, sad ain't it? Shorter than the youngest greaser..

We all head back to the Curtis house and I stretch, "How about we go to the Nightly Double tomorrow?" I question, Dallas Winston just got let out once again so I figured a party was due, and what better than the nightly Double where hot broad and cheap booze are? Of course I'm going for the cheap booze, I don't swing that way... Though maybe I would if I was payed enough-or drunk enough. Either way, probably never gonna happen.

Two-bits the king of drinking, I would pass out before I get to his level of drunk.

In the end, Dallas, Johnny, and Ponyboy agreed to join and Two-bit gave a strong maybe, if he wasn't already drunk by then. Chances are he will, but let's hope for the best.

(A/n: So, I uh searched up the gangs heights so I would be accurate with how short/tall I'd make (Y/n) and uh.. Johnny is 6ft tall?? Like wasn't he the shortest in the movie? Like.. damn. Johnny.

Anyway, I made him the shortest, (Y/n) the second shortest and then Ponyboy and the rest who don't really matter-

I'm kidding we love our little drunk bois.

Besides Sodapop but we love him as himself, he doesn't need to drink to be loved.

I also made a Oneshots book, so far it only has a Ponyboy x reader chapter but it'll have more soon.

Anyway, that's it- Campbell Soup)

I'm Silver, Not Gold. (The Outsiders Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now