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Aurelia was snoring softly, her hands tucked under her head while she was curled up in a ball

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Aurelia was snoring softly, her hands tucked under her head while she was curled up in a ball.

Suddenly a loud thud shattered the siblings sleep as the two of them quickly scampered on their feet. The twins shared a look before grabbing their wands.

"Very clean these Muggles" A female voice whispered causing Aurelia to scoot closer to her brother.

"tonks for god's sake."

There was a bright jet of light as Aurelia moved behind her brother to hide herself from the bright light.

The door opened to reveal a woman with purple hair and Mad-eye Moody besides her. The hufflepuff breathed out in relief, lowering her wand as she grinned at the two adults.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Rescuing you and your sister of course." Alastor replied,"Speaking of her, where is she?"

"Here." Aurelia smiled, stepping away from her brother's shadow and noticed Kingsley shacklebolt with tonks and Alastor moody.

The two siblings quickly packed up their luggage as the two adults for there for the twin's rescue. Aurelia beamed at her owl, Silvio who hooted happily and set her in the cage.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked as Alastor opened the main door,"I've been just expelled from Hogwarts."

"No you haven't been, not yet." Alastor disagreed before turning to shacklebolt,"Kingley take point."

"But the letter clearly said-"

"Dumbledore persuaded the ministry to expel your suspension." Kingsley explained causing Aurelia to smile in delight,"pending a formal hearing."

"A hearing?" Harry repeated.

"Uh huh." Kinsley answered.

"Don't worry Harry we'll explain everything once we get to the headquarters." Tonks assured.

"Not here Nymphadora." Alastor warned.

"Don't. Call. Me. Nymphadora." Tonks glared causing her hair to change its colour.

The five of them set off on their brooms on the way to the order of the phoenix. When they reached their destination, the twin's eyes nearly popped out of the socket when they saw the order of phoenix appearing from in between the two buildings.

Tonks led the two youngsters inside as they looked around in awe.

Aurelia noticed Sirius and could hear Remus's voice as they were discussing something over Voldemort.

Everybody stopped as they felt somebody's presence and looked up to find the boy and girl who lived smiling widely at them.

"Mrs. Weasley." Harry smiled as Molly came outside before shutting the door behind her.

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