twenty two

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I'm okay, thank you for asking. without having father around, i do feel lonely but that hardly affects me. he often left me alone. though i have the house elf, twinkle with me. i don't know how am i going to survive but my grandparents arrived just yesterday and i do feel lot better. i hope you're doing good.


aurelia sighed, knowing that even though theodore didn't let it show, he was still affected by his father being locked up in azkaban.

the two youngsters had promised each other to write over the summer so that they could make sure that the other one was alright.

"whose letter is it?" harry questioned, entering the room.

"theodore." aurelia honestly answered with a blank expression on her face.

"are you mad?" harry frowned, angrily stomping up to where aurelia was seated,"there's no way you should have him contact with you."

"why?" aurelia shot back. the whole sirius incident had changed her completely.

"why?" harry repeated, chuckling darkly,"have you gone nuts? his father is a death eater!"

"exactly, his father is a death eater, not him." aurelia asserted, picking her quill.

"aurelia listen to me for once." harry shouted, snatching the quill out of her hands.

"harry!" aurelia rasped,"give the quill back!"


"i said give me the quill!"

"i said no!"

"please." aurelia pleaded, using the puppy eyes card.

"what's your problem?" harry frowned.

"what do you mean?" harry was getting on aurelia's nerves.

"stop being friends with a death eater!" harry exclaimed, throwing the quill on the floor.

"stop it!" aurelia shouted, her tone getting louder.

"IT'S 11 PM. FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP SHOUTING IN MY HOUSE." came the cold voice of vernon dursley.

aurelia sighed before starting,"harry please, don't be upset. i promise I'll take care of myself. we can't judge someone on-"

"i don't even care!" harry interrupted, glaring at aurelia.


"do whatever you want!" harry spats before walking up to his bed. laying down, he switched off the light and turned his back to aurelia who was now sadly staring at harry.

with an aching heart, aurelia plopped on her bed, laying down. a tear slipped down her cheek, running down her jawline and dropping on the pillow. she felt blue whenever she thought about her life which had turned into a disaster.

suddenly feeling cold, aurelia pulled the blanket up and flipped on her side, her back facing harry's. though it wasn't her fault, aurelia felt like a terrible person for fighting with her brother.

the twins had numerous fights but only over silly reasons. this was bothering aurelia a lot.

wiping her tears, aurelia looked over her shoulder to find harry constantly flipping and turning on his bed.

sighing to herself, aurelia turned around and closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to come over. she was almost asleep when she heard some footsteps.

startled, she quickly got up from her sleeping position and stared at the person standing in front of her.

"are you okay?" was the first thing aurelia asked, folding her knees to make herself comfortable.

"I'm sorry." harry sighed, sitting besides his sister,"i can be stupid sometimes."

harry looked at aurelia who was intently listening him. he knew that it won't be long till he would be upset with his sister. he was a mediocre when it came to confessing about what he feels.

"you mean all the time." aurelia corrected him, trying to hide a smile.

"seriously? how can you be so calm? i was waiting for you to shout at me." harry smiled, pulling his legs up.

"i don't feel like shouting because i know that you're right at your place." aurelia shrugged,"i get it harry. you're worried for me but i can take care of myself."

"i know. just be careful. otherwise-"

"I'm older than you, shut up now. I'm mature than you." aurelia smirked.

"just by three minutes, don't rub it too much." harry tried to look offended but ended up laughing.

"whatever." aurelia rolled her eyes before scooting closer to harry,"I'm glad that you decided to solve this out otherwise i would have died crying."

"why do you cry so much?" harry chuckled lightly, slinging his arms around aurelia who laid her head on his shoulder.

"i don't know." aurelia murmured.

the twins sat in silence, the only sound could be heard was that of crickets who might be rubbing their wings together.

"do you miss him?" aurelia suddenly spoke up. couldn't have ignored it too much, the question unknowingly slipped out of her tongue and she regretted it instantly as she felt harry taking a deep breath.

"i do." harry nodded, letting out an exasperated sigh.

aurelia kept quiet. she muffled a yawn before slightly pushing harry off the bed.

"I'm sleepy, go away." aurelia muttered, laying down and pulling the blanket up to her chest.

"that's rude." harry commented before retreating to his bed.

the next morning wasn't a pleasing one. it never was at the dursleys. aurelia wrote a reply letter to theodore, apologising for the difficulties he was facing at that very moment.

later that evening, harry and aurelia decided to have a walk around , being away from the shit hole. when they were in a cafe, they were surprised to find dumbledore outside the cafe.

it came to the twin's notice that slughorn was now appointed as the potions master. aurelia felt quite uncomfortable around slughorn who basically ignored her presence. it was maybe because she reminded him of james potter.

slughorn took an instant liking towards the boy who had his mother's green eyes.

the twins were dropped off at the weasleys which aurelia was very thankful for because she knew how homely it felt. moreover , her brother would feel a lot better with his friends around.

sitting on the stairs and gazing at the stars was the best activity to aurelia. the stars were clear in the sky and unwillingly, aurelia's thoughts drifted to Sirius.

but she didn't cry. instead, she had a large smile plastered on her face. harry had explained her how hurt Sirius would be if he ever found her crying.

just for his happiness, aurelia promised to smile and cherish the beautiful moments she receives. 

a/n: sorry for the short chapter. it wasn't good one will be better than this hopefully. 

also, yes I love portraying brother-sister relationship because it's the purest one lol. Idk why I'm such an emotional mess. 

DEAR GOLDEN, theodore nottWhere stories live. Discover now