twenty nine

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just few hours prior to the christmas party, aurelia sat on the clear span under the U shaped arch

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just few hours prior to the christmas party, aurelia sat on the clear span under the U shaped arch. the sun was about to go down the horizon, painting the sky in a beautiful, pleasing orangish colour.


"theodore." aurelia smiled slightly, turning to face him.

"are you okay? you don't feel quite good, do you?' theodore worriedly asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"i'm just tired, that's all." aurelia nonchalantly replied, getting on her feet. she slung her bag on her shoulder and started walking towards the hufflepuff basement with theodore on her side. aurelia just ranted on how excited she was to get ready for the second time in her life, first being the yule ball where a drumstrang student had asked her at last.

"can we meet at the astronomy tower?" theodore nervously asked, carefully picking his words.

"hmm, what for?" aurelia questioned, turning to look at him.

"oh er. . . i. . . i. . just wanted to meet you once before, I mean i just want to. . . see you, that's all." theodore chuckled nervously, hoping to ease the awkwardness.

"you really do talk some rubbish." aurelia laughed lightly causing theodore to sigh sadly but his eyes lit up soon when aurelia said,"i'll come though."

"great!" theodore cheered mentally, waving at aurelia once before she made her way to the common room.

after taking rest for a bit, aurelia took out the dress she got from ginny on Christmas the year before, she walked inside the bathroom.

with nervousness on the brink, aurelia got out of the bathroom interrupting the conversation going between hannah and susan as both of them turned to look at her. aurelia gave them a nervous smile before grabbing her wand to dry her hair.

"aurelia. . ." susan trailed off, feeling loss of words to describe the girl's beautiful dress. the emerald, thin straps of the magnificent dress fell on her two bare shoulders with the long dress flowing down to her ankle. the v-neck, royal emerald dress, flecked with some golden dots undulated its own volition.

"something wrong?" aurelia asked, turning around to face the girls who were still in shock. "no, you. . ." hannah started, a small smile appearing on her lips,"you look so beautiful."susan nodded in approval giving a warm smile to aurelia whose cheeks were burning with the sudden praise she received. "thank you." aurelia blushed furiously, moving her gaze back to her wand which was still resting on the side table. "do you need some help?" hannah excitedly asked, walking up to where aurelia was standing with flushed cheeks. aurelia felt relived and happy that finally hannah was trying to engage herself in something. "yeah we can help you in getting ready!" susan smiled warmly, standing on the either side of aurelia who was quite surprised.

"that would be great!" aurelia exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

"yay!" susan did a little victory dance before dragging aurelia to the mirror which stood besides her bed.

DEAR GOLDEN, theodore nottWhere stories live. Discover now