twenty six

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aurelia exited dumbledore's office after he had exhibited the memories of bob ogden who visited the gaunt's house to arrest morfin gaunt, brother to merope

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aurelia exited dumbledore's office after he had exhibited the memories of bob ogden who visited the gaunt's house to arrest morfin gaunt, brother to merope. harry walked on her either side, his eyebrows creased together like he was in a deep thought. 

"harry?" aurelia asked, keeping her hand on his shoulder.

"huh?" the gryffindor snapped back to earth, glancing at aurelia who had a confused look on her face. 

"is everything okay?" aurelia inquired, drawing her hand back and letting it fall on her side.  

"yes, I'll see you tomorrow." said harry, stopping at the divergent of tha corridors, leading to the respective gryffindor common room. 

"good night." aurelia called, waving slightly as she watched harry disappearing in the darkness engulfing the corridors.

 the hufflepuff retreated to the common room, her eyes drooping close because of the lack of sleep. the nightmares she always had weren't letting her sleep, keeping her awake in the darkest hours. 

mufflin a yawn, aurelia stepped in the common room after taping the barrels in the rhythm of helega hufflepuff. few students were lounging around in the common room, some dozing off over the piles of books while others were chatting happily. sighing, aurelia was about to reach the stairs for her dorm when she was stopped by a certain hufflepuff who was being extremely nice to her since a week. 

"zach." aurelia gave a smile, trying not to look uninterested when in reality she was. 

"are you okay? you look stressed." zacharias frowned, leaning by the wall. 

"just lack of sleep, that's all." aurelia answered, rubbing her drowsy eyes. 

"oh, go get some sleep. good night." smiled zacharias, straightening his posture. 

with a slight nod and smile, aurelia rushed upstairs and opened the door of her dorm to find hannah and susan laughing about something. greeting them with a smile, aurelia got inside the bathroom and changed into some comfortable clothes. once she was back, aurelia's eyes fell on a large box kept on her side table which she hadn't noticed earlier due to the lack of sleep in her body. 

taking the cardboard box in her hand, aurelia flipped it, searching for a name of the owner but when she got nothing, she decided to open it. she felt some movement around her and glanced up from the box to find hannah and susan in front of her with a sheepish smile on their faces. 

"is it yours?" questioned aurelia, holding the box up. 

"no." the girls spoke in unison. 

"it's for you." susan added with a glint of elation floating in her eyes. 

"me?" aurelia frowned, looking down at the box which was now resting in her lap. she had never received anything from anybody except her brother or her brother's friends. 

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