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The bright green eyes  to the boy who lived ran all over the hufflepuff table searching his sister

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The bright green eyes  to the boy who lived ran all over the hufflepuff table searching his sister. Harry mentally cursed himself for leaving Aurelia behind.

"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione frowned upon seeing Harry's distressed face.

"Yeah calm down." Ron snorted,"It's just the start of another year."

"Ron don't be silly." The worried brother glared at his best friend,"My sister is missing!"

Impatiently, Harry looked around the great hall and was about to go looking for his sister when he spotted the hufflepuff striding inside the hall with a cute micky mouse headband holding her hair back from falling on her face. A smile broken on Harry's lips as he sighed in relief before locking his gaze with Aurelia who has now taken a seat at the hufflepuff table.

"All okay?" Harry mouthed to which Aurelia nodded before greeting some of her 'so called' friends.

Some of the girls snorted, pointing at Aurelia's headband but the potter girl just shrugged it off and greeted them with a smile.

 "Good evening students." Started Dumbledore but Aurelia was too busy admiring her nails which were sparkling with the glitter over them, to hear her headmaster.

Once the sorting started, Aurelia dozed off in her own little world, too busy to watch the nervous first years getting sorted. 

A stream of whispers broke in the hall on the mention of a new DADA teacher. Aurelia glanced over at the staff table and spotted an odd looking witch seated on the chair as she was covered in pink from head to toe. 

Aurelia grimaced at the sight and the first time she didn't smile at someone ; the new teacher had a glimpse of malice in her eyes which was clearly visible to Aurelia.

"Thankyou headmaster....." Umbridge started with a sickly smile, "For those kind words of welcome and how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

Aurelia looked around to examine the bright and happy faces of the students as said by the new teacher when her eyes met with the blue ones which belonged to the slytherin bad boy, Theodore Nott. 

Aurelia smiled at him before turning her gaze back towards the teacher while Theodore gagged, frowning at her actions. How could someone smile at you when you basically insulted and treated them like shit? Theodore wondered. 

"Thank you Professor Umbridge." Dumbledore thanked as Umbridge made her way back to her chair,"That really was most illuminating."

Done with the meal, the students got up to leave when Aurelia felt a tap on her shoulder. 

"Hey." Aurelia smiled at her brother. 

"I wanted to talk about that new teacher." Harry said, looking at his sister while students pushed past them. 

"What about her?" Aurelia asked, titling her head on one side. 

"She was at my hearing." Harry explained,"She's a member of the ministry and her being appointed as a teacher means-"

"The ministry is interfering in the educational system or should I say Hogwarts." Aurelia guessed to which Harry nodded. 

"Anyways what took you so long?" The raven haired boy asked, fixing his glasses as the twins made their way out of the great hall. 

Aurelia was about to recite the whole story but Ron interrupted her,"Harry? You coming?" 

"Yeah." Harry shouted over the chattering of the students,"Good night Aura." 

"Good night Harry." Aurelia waved, making her way to the hufflepuff common room. 

Aurelia tapped the barrel two from the bottom in the middle of the second row, in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff as the door opened for her entry. Happily, she stepped inside, a cozy feeling holding her tightly. 

"Sister of the liar." Zacharias Smith who was in the same year as Aurelia smirked when he saw the potter girl entering the common room. The whole common room went silent while everybody was staring at the girl who now stood in the middle of the room. 

"How was your summer freak?" Another hufflepuff disgustingly said,"Made up all the lies with your brother?" 

"No, we didn't." Aurelia smiled,"But if you really wanna see what we do then you are cordially invited to visit us next summer." 

Shaking her head, Aurelia scampered up to her dorm, tiredly plopping down on her bed.

Susan Bones, one of Aurelia's dorm mates entered the dorm, a nervous look on her face. She had always felt bad for Aurelia but she couldn't pick up the courage to stop others from saying mean things to her. She was scared that if she did protest, she'll be their next target.

"Sorry about what happened downstairs." Susan awkwardly apologised.

"It's not your fault Susan." Aurelia said, with her usual smile adorning her face,"Don't be sorry."

"I don't understand how you are able to tolerate them. I don't understand what's wrong with them. I don't understand why they call you a freak when you're such an amarous person."

"Maybe because I'm not like my brother?" Aurelia suggested, taking out her head band. Susan gave her a confused look.

"I mean." Aurelia cleared her throat before starting,"They must be expecting Harry's sister to be brave, fierce, outspoken just like he is. But I'm nothing like him. I think they are a little bit disappointed?"

"No, that's not true." Susan disagreed,"They are jealous of you ; jealous of seeing you happy all the time. Even when you have gone through so much, you're always happy and I guess that's what bothers them."

"Maybe." Aurelia shrugged when Susan's eyes fell on the potter girl's nails.

"Wow, that looks pretty." Susan smiled, taking a seat besides Aurelia and gazing at her nails.

"Thank you." Aurelia smiled, holding up her hand for better view.

"Can you do mine too?" Susan hopefully asked causing Aurelia to smile from ear to ear.

"Of course!" 

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