12:33 pm

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12:33 pm

"Shouto are you insane?!" Momo grabbed the curtains from the room and whisked them open, making the sunlight almost unbearable.

"I have no idea what you're talking about..." I mumbled as I buried my face into my pillow. Dealing with her wasn't one of my plans even though my only plans were to sleep in.

"Oh really?" She sighed as she grabbed my blanket and whisked it off my bed, leaving me cold and the sunlight in my eyes. "You can't be so reckless! I'm scolding you now, but you know you'll be in a hell of a lot more trouble with your father." At the mention of him, I woke up easily.

"You know that I don't give a shit about what my father thinks." I reminded her. I sat up in my bed and finally stretched. My body ached. It was probably bruised up from the fight I had last night.

Momo sighed again. She may seem mad, but I know that she's just trying to help me, too bad it's a horrible attempt.

"Shouto," she sat down next to me on the bed. "I'm your friend so I'm trying to help you! That's the point of being friends."

"I know you feel like it's your job to help me, but I can take care of myself and my fathers wrath." I told her.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, the only reason I haven't quit yet is because of you." Momo Yaoyorozu, my best friend for the past 2 years and the secretary of Enji Todoroki.

Enji Todoroki is one of the most ruthless businessmen out there. Owning almost half of the buildings in Musutafu, Japan. He's rich and powerful. He even has almost 47 job titles, all being president or chairman of various businesses of course. And he's a complete asshole.

"Thanks Momo, but please quit. I'm not worth dealing with that guy." I reasoned with her.

"He doesn't even know my name, the worst he'll do is yell when I forget to remind him about an appointment or something. Seriously I can deal with it." She argued. I sighed, there is no way I can convince her to quit. Trust me, I've been trying for the past 2 years.

"Anyways what the hell were thinking?!" She shouted, man I almost thought she forgot about everything.

"Still don't know what you're talking about," I tried to get away from the topic.

"Shouto I swear-" she started, but was interrupted by the sound of my bedroom opening.

"Miss Yaoyorozu, Mr. Todoroki wants to see his son." The person was one of the maids of the household. The only people in the mansion were the servants, my father, and Momo. I gave Momo one of the spare keys so she can come and go as she pleases. She's basically like a family member and she needs to be able to get here early anyways for her job.

"Of course." Momo said with her usual smile. The maid nodded and left the room. "Ok well you should get dressed and don't say I didn't warn you about what your father is gonna do." Then she left the room leaving me by myself.

I stood up and stretched. If I was going to see my father I should at least 'look' the part of the sophisticated heir to the business like he wants me to. I grabbed one of the suits from my closet. It was a simple black one and with a white undershirt and red tie the outfit was done.

I looked in the mirror for a second to see if I looked alright. My hair was straight and I looked fine, almost normal. If you call the scar on my face, normal.

The walk down the hall seemed longer than normal. I shouldn't be scared to speak to him. We've had this lecture so many times before yet, I still felt chills come up and down my spine. It's like watching a horror movie over and over again, even though you know what the jump scares are you still jump at every single one.

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